
  1. 维持和平和其他外地活动媒体战略工作组

    Working Group on Media Strategies for Peacekeeping and other Field Activities

  2. 请记住,只能操作作为第二级节点出现的活动媒体内容。

    Recall that you are working with media contents of activity only for second-level nodes .

  3. 移动网站外观如何以及是否有集成的音频、Web会议和活动演示媒体会给访客留下深刻的印象。

    The impression of how a mobile Web site looks or whether it comes with integrated audio and Web conferencing and active presentation media has a lasting impression on the invitees .

  4. 臭氧有较强的抗HIV-1在细胞培养的筹备活动的媒体和第八因子。

    Ozone has potent anti-HIV-1 activity in cell culture media and factor VIII preparations .

  5. 一般证采访通行范围为活动现场媒体指定区域;

    Normal IDs provide access to the media areas of the event .

  6. 从概念发展的观点来看,课程是由教和学两个方面的活动、媒体和信息所组成的一个互动系统。

    From the concept development perspective course is an interactive system consisting of teaching and learning activities , media and information .

  7. 活动:媒体可在世卫组织执行委员会会议室媒体楼座区参加这次会议的全部或部分会议。

    WHAT : Media can attend all or part of this meeting from the media gallery of the WHO Executive Boardroom .

  8. 司法审判活动向媒体公开并且接受媒体的监督是司法公正的标志之一。

    One of the symbols of justness is the fact that the jurisdiction is open to media and accepts the supervision of media .

  9. 总统竞选活动通过媒体宣传的方式进行角逐,宣传内容瞄准两位候选人的负面内容。

    The election campaign is been largely fought out on the airwave with the brargy of negative TV ads aimed at both candidates .

  10. 广告节主体活动包括媒体展览会、广告高峰论坛、广告作品展等。

    A series of activities will be involved in the advertising festival , such as media exhibition , advertising summit forum , and advertisement exhibition .

  11. 这一章主要从理论教育,实践活动,媒体引导,人格教育四个方面拓展社会主义核心价值观教育的路径。

    This chapter provides the path to socialist core values education , including theory study , integration of theory with practice , media guide , and education for personality .

  12. 现在她是英国负责体育和文化活动、媒体政策和创意产业领域的英国文化、媒体和体育部的大臣。

    She is head of the Department for culture , media , and sport which is responsible for Britains sporting and cultural activities , media policy and creative industries .

  13. 进行新闻策划、参与媒体联动、适当组织社会活动是媒体提高产品质量、履行社会职能的良方;

    Undertaking news planning , taking part in the joint activities of different media and organizing proper social activities are good ways to improve product quality and perform their social functions .

  14. 在当今社会生活中,新闻媒体关注的领域越来越广泛,当审判活动进入媒体视野中时,就产生了媒体报道审判新闻的现象。

    In today 's society , the media pays attention to more and more domain . It brings a phenomenon that media reports judicial news when the judgment comes into the eyeshot of media .

  15. 企业的选择是复杂的,而活动人士和媒体的反应往往是粗线条的。

    Corporate choices are complex . Campaigners and the media often deal in simplicities .

  16. 基于活动分类的媒体观

    An Activity-Based Classification for Different Learning Media

  17. 然后写上你将为几个活动负责和媒体联络。

    Then put that you will be in charge of coordinating the media for certain events .

  18. 物证技术学教学活动中教学媒体的选择运用

    The Selection and Application of Instructional Media in the Teaching Activity of the Science of Material Evidence Technique

  19. 始于本周的这项活动在社交媒体上引发了激烈讨论,备受指责和质疑。

    The company effort , which began this week , lit up social media , drawing criticism and skepticism .

  20. 商务英语写作是商务活动的重要媒体之一,形式和语体多种多样。

    Abstract : In business activity , correspondence is one of the important media , which has many forms and styles .

  21. 教材作为教育资料基本的、重要的组成部分,它不仅是教师与学生活动的主要媒体,更是重要的课程资源,是课程内容的集中体现。

    As basic and important parts of education datum , textbooks are the main medium between teachers and students , and they also are important curriculum resources . Textbooks materialize curriculum content .

  22. 参议员约翰·麦凯恩提出的议案要求美国国土安全部检查所有意图进入美国的境外人士的互联网活动及其社交媒体账户。

    Senator John McCain sponsored a bill that would require the Department of Homeland Security to look at internet activity and social media profiles of anyone seeking entry to the United States .

  23. 后来我们把频道卖了,然后开始做多媒体整合,综合了电视、网站、活动策划等媒体。

    So we sold the channel . We started to build multi-media integration into different aspects of the media . Television , website , and then big events , so on so forth .

  24. 阿富汗指责巴基斯坦情报部门策划了攻击活动。印度媒体指责伊斯兰堡是上周在班加罗尔和艾哈迈达巴德发生的系列炸弹爆炸事件背后的黑手。

    Afghanistan blamed the attack on the Pakistani intelligence service , and Indian media have pointed a finger at Islamabad for being behind last week 's serial bomb blasts in Bangalore and Ahmedabad .

  25. 医学和媒体专家称,这种人因为观看活动的数码媒体内容而感到头昏眼花,有如乘船在大海上颠簸的现象正越来越普遍。

    Increasingly common , according to medical and media experts , it causes a person to feel woozy , as if on a boat in a churning sea , from viewing moving digital content .

  26. 语言是教师进行教学活动的主要媒体,尤其是语文教师,更要具备一定的语言艺术,即规范、准确,具有逻辑性;

    Language is the main medium in teaching activities , especially as a Chinese teacher , he must possess certain language art , that is to say the language should be standard , precise and logical ;

  27. 乔丹的这次普通的私人旅游活动引起了媒体的极大关注,并且抢先刊登在报纸的头版头条,其风头压过了归国的本土职业篮球明星姚明。

    A slick promotional tour by Jordan grabbed Chinese headlines with a no show at a public event scoring more media attention than the return to China of the nation 's homegrown NBA hero Yao Ming .

  28. 这位演员参加任何一项活动,都引起媒体的广泛关注。

    Any event attended by the actor received widespread media coverage .

  29. 桑德伯格周二晚间在北京的一个新书推广活动中拒绝与媒体交流。新闻办网站上说,当天早些时候她与蔡名照会面,就Facebook平台对中国企业拓展海外市场的重要作用进行了探讨。

    Ms. Sandberg , who declined to speak to media during a book promotion event Tuesday night in Beijing , met with Mr. Cai earlier in the day to discuss Facebook 's role helping Chinese enterprises expand abroad , according to the government site .

  30. PCMLP主机常用年度活动包括梦露国际媒体大肠杆菌价格法模拟法庭竞赛和安纳博格,牛津大学的暑期学校在全球媒体的政策。

    PCMLP hosts several popular annual events including the Monroe E.Price International Media Law Moot Court Competition and the Annenberg-Oxford summer school on global media policy .