
  1. 通过STP分析,就兰州市电影消费的观众构成、竞争格局、目标市场选择等进行分析研究,确定东方红影城科学而合理的市场定位。

    Through the STP analysis , the consumption of Lanzhou City , the film audience composition , competition , target market selection analysis study to determine the Dong Fang Hong cinema scientific and reasonable market position .

  2. 美国电影学院主席谢莉尔布恩伊萨克斯(CherylBooneIsaacs),呼吁她的同事应该“采取行动”,因为“我们产业的每个方面,都应该像我们的观众构成一样具有全球性和多样性。”

    And the academy president , Cheryl Boone Isaacs , called on her colleagues to " take action " because " our audiences are global and rich in diversity , and every facet of our industry should be as well . "

  3. 在小说文本中,周围的观众构成了看的主体世界,艺术家构成了被看的主体世界;

    In this novel the crowd are the main body of the watching world , while the artist is the main body of the being watched world .

  4. 类型是一个在成熟的电影工业语境中生发出来的概念,是一种折射社会、历史观念变迁的文化形式,可将类型电影视为一个由影片制作者、影片和观众构成的三角形关系。

    Genre is a concept derived from the context of a mature cinema industry , a cultural form reflecting changes of society and historical point of view .

  5. 在中国市场,观众的构成是很难获得的。

    China is a difficult market for audience composition .

  6. 体育观众赛事忠诚度的构成因素及其测量

    The meanings and measurement of fans ' loyalty degree for sport events

  7. 张曼玉不费吹灰之力地游走于商业片和艺术电影。她的炫目光彩让亚洲和欧洲的观众着迷,而构成她光彩的体态和优雅,又让人回想起旧时的电影明星。

    Moving effortlessly between commercial and art-house , Cheung has dazzled Asian and European audiences with a poise and elegance reminiscent of a movie star from a bygone age .