
  1. 从视觉传达的角度解析南昌户外新媒体

    Nanchang Outdoor New Media Analysis from View of Visual Communication

  2. 户外新媒体行业是一个资本驱动下的新兴行业,每一个户外新媒体企业因其经营理念的不同而选择不同的经营战略。

    Outdoor new media industry is a rising capital driven industry , each company selects different business strategies based on its own outlook on the industry .

  3. 并购后的整合才是企业更需要关心的价值所在。最后,就资本进入背景下的中国户外新媒体的战略实施提出了几点建议。

    Post-merger integration is more valuable in delivering business value . Finally , a few suggestions have been made to the strategy implementation of the outdoor new media .

  4. 中国户外新媒体行业因为资本的进入在过去几年间大放异彩,成为媒体行业中最耀眼的明星。

    China outdoor new media industry increased rapidly in the past of few years with the boost of capitals , which became the most shining star in media industry .

  5. 同时,从资本的视角来研究户外新媒体发展的战略选择。

    Moreover , the power of capital has upgraded outdoor new media industry to a higher level . Meanwhile , this paper is trying to study strategic options for new media development from the perspective of capital .

  6. 户外新媒体广告要想保持良性的发展,不应仅满足于对新技术的应用以及对户外资源的占用,而是应该更加注重对户外广告整体创意策略进行研究。

    Outdoor media advertising in order to maintain the healthy development should not be satisfied with only the application of new technologies as well as outdoor resources occupied , but should pay more attention to the study of outdoor advertising overall creative strategy .

  7. 随着城市化进程的加快,节能减排、低碳环保意识的加深,中国公共交通日趋发达,使得以公共交通设施为载体的户外新媒体产业得到蓬勃发展。

    It was because China urbanization process had been accelerated and public transportation was gradually developed with the consciousness of energy conservation and emission reduction , low carbon environmental protection . Outdoor new media industry which is based on public transportation facilities was been boomed and developed .