
hù jí
  • domicile;household register;census register;registered permanent residence;domiciliary register
户籍 [hù jí]
  • [domicile;domiciliary register;household register] 政府登记居民户口事项的册子

户籍[hù jí]
  1. 我国现行户籍管理制度的弊端及其对策

    On malpractice of census register management system and it 's countermeasures

  2. 户籍制度的历史回溯与改革前瞻

    Looking Back and Forward on the History and Reform of Census Register

  3. 他们拆掉户籍登记处后,那里留下了一片空地。

    They 'd pulled the registry office down which then left an open space

  4. 建议政府在全国范围内对户籍人口、流动人口的“产前筛查”实施免费,并建立病残儿童国家登记制度。

    I suggested providing free physical checks for pregnant women and building a national registration5 system for children with disabilities or disease .

  5. 意见指出,以户籍制度和公共服务牵引区域流动。

    According to the guideline , more efforts will be made to influence regional mobility via the household registration5 system and public services .

  6. 第十五条公民以他的户籍所在地的居住地为住所,经常居住地与住所不一致的,经常居住地视为住所。

    Article 15 The domicile of a citizen shall be the place where his residence is registered ; if his habitual residence is not the same as his domicile , his habitual residence shall be regarded as his domicile .

  7. 结论:该研究阐明了地贫是引起珠海市户籍儿童和孕妇发生小细胞低色素性贫血特别是单纯性小细胞低色素症最主要的原因,其次为ID,地贫合并ID位居第3。

    Conclusion : The thalassemia is the most important cause of microcytosis and hypochromia , particularly in simplex microcytosis and hypochromia in the individuals of Zhuhai household registration , followed by simplex ID and then thalassemia combined with ID.

  8. 海上出生的1900,在陆地上却是个从未存在的人,没有亲人、没有户籍,也没有国籍,大海便是他的摇篮,而他也随着Virginian号往返靠泊各个码头,逐渐长大。

    Sea born 1900 , is in a land which never existed , no relatives , no domicile , nor nationality , he is the cradle of the sea , and he also as Virginian of the pier and berthing gradually grow up .

  9. 我国户籍制度下的劳动力转移

    China 's Labor Force Transfer under the System of Households Registration

  10. 论我国现行户籍制度改革的公共政策分析

    Analyze on the Reform of China 's Existing Household Registration System

  11. 天线极化方式户籍改革逆转

    The Research of Antenna Polarization The Household Registering System Reform Reverse

  12. 必须是中国东部沿海户籍;

    He has to be a native of eastern coastal China .

  13. 户籍制度是一项基本的国家行政制度。

    The household registration system is a basic national administration system .

  14. 中国古代的人口流动与户籍管理

    The Administration of Census Register and Population Movement in Ancient China

  15. 市场经济的发展与我国户籍制度的改革

    Market Economic Development and Reform of household Registration System in China

  16. 在户籍管理方面,户口迁移制度首当其冲。

    In Census management , census migration system has been impacted badly .

  17. 国家政策上的倾向以及户籍管理、土地管理等制度的不完善;

    Policies factors , like household register system and land administrative system .

  18. 农民迁徙自由权与户籍管理制度

    Farmers ' right of moving freely and census register system

  19. 户籍制度与农村剩余劳动力转移

    Household Registration System and the Migration of Rural Surplus Labor

  20. 中外户籍登记与管理制度的比较&兼谈我国户籍制度改革的方向

    Comparison of Household Registration and Management System between China and Foreign Countries

  21. 我国户籍管理制度的历史渊源及国际比较

    Historical Origin of Household Registration System in China and Its International Comparison

  22. 台湾地区户籍人口变动分析

    The Analysis of Changing for the Registered Permanent Residence in Taiwan Area

  23. 户籍制度改革的价值取向也不应该是城镇化,人口迁徙自由才是其价值取向的本质概括;

    The value orientation of the reform should be free migration urbanization ;

  24. 浅谈姓名权的户籍立法问题

    A Tentative Study on the Domiciliary Legislation of the Right of Name

  25. 非户籍妇女以医院为基础的避孕节育及意外妊娠的现状研究

    A Hospital-based Study on Birth Control and Unintended Pregnancy in Female Non-residents

  26. 当代中国户籍制度研究:一个基于研究视角的文献综述

    Review on the Research of Contemporary Chinese Household Registration System

  27. 社会需求与户籍制度改革的均衡点分析

    An Analysis of Balance between Society Demands and Innovation of Household Registration

  28. 户籍制度背景下流动儿童的社会认同图景

    The Social Identity Prospect of Floating Children under Household Registration System Background

  29. 工业化力度、人口流动行为与户籍改革

    Industrialization , Population Floating and Reform of Household Registration System

  30. 试论城乡二元结构破解与我国当前户籍制度改革

    Chinese Dualistic Economic Structure Transference and Household Register System