
  • 网络shipbuilding enterprises;shipyard
  1. 造船企业供应链管理系统应含主要模块研究

    Study on the Main Module of Supply-chain Management System of Shipyard

  2. 之后,分析了项目计划的多层次结构,结合项目WBS的分解,提出了造船企业多层次项目模型,在此模型基础上分析区域舾装计划的在整个计划层次中的地位,确立了区域舾装计划模型。

    With the structure of WBS decomposition , defined the multi-level project plans model of shipbuilding enterprises . Analyze the position of zone outfitting schedule in the entire project level based on this model , and establish the zone outfitting Schedule Model .

  3. 近年来,以柔性制造技术(FlexibleManufacturingTechnology)为代表的先进制造技术越来越受到造船企业的重视。

    Recent years , Flexible Manufacturing Technology and other advanced manufacturing technologies are of great interest to shipyards .

  4. 全球十大造船企业中,有七家位于韩国,其中现代重工、三星重工(SamsungHeavyIndustries)和大宇造船和船舶工程公司(DaewooShipbuildingMarineEngineering)为世界三强。

    South Korea is home to seven of the world 's top 10 shipbuilders including the biggest three Hyundai , Samsung Heavy Industries and Daewoo Shipbuilding Marine Engineering .

  5. 本文围绕供应链环境下造船企业应用VMI作了如下研究:(1)造船企业应用VMI的优势。

    This paper focuses on supply chain shipbuilding enterprise application of VMI as follows : ( 1 ) The advantage of shipbuilding enterprise applies VMI .

  6. 尽管增长惊人,但电视剧制作公司与该国三星(Samsung)等电子产品集团或造船企业在销售额上仍不可同日而语。

    Despite the impressive growth , the soap-opera makers are in no danger of overtaking the multibillion-dollar sales of the country 's electronics groups such as Samsung , or shipbuilders .

  7. 公司是率先通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证的玻璃钢造船企业之一,出口欧洲的产品都通过CE认证。

    We are the first company to pass the certificate of ISO9001 from International Quality System , all the boats have been exported to Europe under CE supervision .

  8. 本文提出适合中国特色的造船企业现代集成制造系统(CIMS)模式,由现代造船模式和造船CIMS软件组成。

    A creative shipbuilding CIMS mode adapting to the shipbuilding conditions in China is put froward in the paper , i.e. , Chinese Shipbuilding CIMS Mode is to be composed of Contemporary Shipbuilding Mode and shipbuilding CIMS software .

  9. 据报道,截至2014年3月,这个项目还处于停滞状态,中国造船企业CSC金陵已经失去兴趣。

    As of March 2014 , it was reported that the project had stalled and that Chinese shipbuilders CSC Jinling had lost interest . So far , no contract had been signed .

  10. 另一家主要的国有造船企业&中国船舶工业集团公司(CSSC)正考虑在香港上市。

    The other major state-owned shipbuilder , China State Shipbuilding Corporation ( CSSC ), is considering a share sale in Hong Kong .

  11. 然后,仔细的调研和研究造船企业的业务流程,用OCL语言描述抽取出造船行业的核心业务规则。

    By doing careful research and study of business process in the shipbuilding enterprise , design the structure of OCL , and describe the core business rules of its business process .

  12. 不过,据知情人士称,高盛还计划牵头一个国际基金集团,在首次公开发行(IPO)前投资近3亿美元入股熔盛重工集团(RongshengHeavyIndustrial),这是中国东部江苏省的一家大型造船企业。

    However , Goldman was also planning to lead a group of international funds investing nearly $ 300m in a pre - initial public offering stake in Rongsheng Heavy Industrial , a large shipbuilder in eastern China 's Jiangsu province , according to people close to the deal .

  13. 本文通过对EPD方法的分析,提出了造船企业实施EPD的意义和方法。并介绍了实施EPD的核心-面向对象的产品建模的方法及其工具。

    Via analysis of EPD , this part of paper put forward the significance and process of EPD in shipbuilding , introduce the object oriented method and its tool in EPD , and discuss the shipbuilding product model in EPD .

  14. 随着中国造船企业信息化建设的迅速发展,各造船企业通过自身的开发或外部引进拥有了各种各样的CAX系统,通过这些信息化系统的使用,使得我国在数字化造船领域取得了长足的进步。

    With the rapid development of informationization construction in Chinese shipbuilding enterprises , many of them have various CAX systems through their own development or external introduction . Digital shipbuilding in China has been made considerable progress through the usage of the informationization system .

  15. 因此,造船企业的安全评价对提高造船企业的安全状况有着重要的意义。

    Therefore , safety evaluation in shipbuilding enterprise is very significant .

  16. 大型造船企业成本核算系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of Cost Accounting System in Large-sized Shipbuilding Enterprise

  17. 造船企业生产管理最优化模式设计

    On the optimum pattern of production management in shipbuilding enterprises

  18. 现代中小型造船企业生产管理的方法创新

    Innovation of production management in modern medium and small sized shipbuilding enterprises

  19. 集群背景下我国造船企业战略成本管理模式

    Strategic cost management model of Chinese shipyards in the context of clustering

  20. 造船企业业务流程识别与控制研究

    Research on business process identification and control for shipbuilding enterprises

  21. 造船企业是从事船舶制造和修理业务的企业。

    Shipbuilding enterprise engages in the business of shipbuilding and repairing business .

  22. 全球金融危机下中国造船企业的应对策略

    Counter-measures of Chinese Shipyards Dealing with the Global Financial Crisis

  23. 计算机集成制造技术在造船企业的应用研究

    A Research for Application of CIM Technology in Shipbuilding Enterprise

  24. 从舜天等造船企业的情况可以看出这些问题的严重程度。

    Shipbuilders like Sainty Marine illustrate the litany of problems .

  25. 造船企业物资管理模式的实践与探讨

    Practice and Probe of Material Management Mode for Shipyards

  26. 本文对造船企业托盘集配管理进行了较为深入的研究。

    In this thesis , pallet concentration management in shipbuilding enterprise is studied .

  27. 面向造船企业的信息化一体化方案研究

    Study on Unification of Informationization Catering to Shipbuilding Enterprises

  28. 产品数据管理在造船企业中的作用及实施方法探讨

    About the function of the PDM to the shipbuilding enterprise and its actualization

  29. 日韩造船企业信息化建设实践给我们带来的启示

    Insights on the informationization construction practice in the South Korean and Japanese shipbuilding enterprise

  30. 论文针对船舶工业属大型复杂制造系统的特点,从船舶建造的工厂规模经济和造船企业生产经营的企业规模经济两个层面,深入剖析了船舶工业的规模经济性。

    On the other hand , the economic scale of shipbuilding enterprises is analyzed .