
  • 网络afforestation season;planting season
  1. 根据多年试验研究和生产实践,研究组从加强水分管理、调整造林季节、把握母竹质量、严格栽植规范等4个方面探讨了金佛山方竹的造林和管护技术。

    According to years of research and practice , research group studied afforestation and management technology on how to strengthen the water management , adapt seasons , keep the high quality of mother bamboo and plant bamboo elaborately .

  2. 轻型基质育苗苗木质量好,运输成本低,造林季节长且成活率高,无缓苗期,应用于油茶育苗具有重要意义。

    Light medium seedlings had advantages of high seedlings quality , low transport costs , long plantation season , high survival rate , and non-time of seedling recovering , which was meaningful to be applied in Camellia Oleifera seedling .