
zào zuo
  • affected;artificial;fake


zào zuò
  • make;manufacture
造作 [zào zuò]
  • (1) [affected]∶做作

  • 矫揉造作

  • (2) [fake]∶制造;捏造

  • 造作谣言

造作[zào zuò]
造作[zào zuo]
  1. 他的声音虚伪造作,我就是不信任他。

    He has a rather false , affected voice and I just don 't trust him .

  2. 牛津大学的英语方言被很多人认为是造作的。

    The dialect of English spoken at Oxford University and regarded by many as affected and pretentious .

  3. “我们没那么造作,也没那么夸张。”——“见仁见智喽。”

    ' We 're not that contrived . We 're not that theatrical . ' — ' That 's a matter of opinion . '

  4. 但是,对更多人来说,“男人味脚踝”常常成为笑柄,是过于造作的标志,表明穿衣人过于努力想表现,而不是简单地把衣服穿好。

    To the wider world , the mankle has often been a source of derision , a signal of affectation - a sign the wearer is making too much of effort , rather than simply getting dressed .

  5. 最后,结合天津汽车厂ERP制造成本管理的实施案例,论述了天津汽车制造厂实施ERP制造成本管理的方案和具体造作流程。

    Finally , combining with the case of implementation of the ERP manufacturing cost management of Tianjin Motor manufactory , this thesis presents the application plan and the operation details of the ERP manufacturing cost management of Tianjin Motor manufactory .

  6. 第四蕴即为行蕴(sankhara-khandha),也就是有动机的造作的聚集体。

    The fourth aggregate is the sankhara-khandha , the aggregate of volitional formations .

  7. 我们现在正在造作的(共)业,亦会于将来成熟。

    Even now we are collecting karma together for the future .

  8. 北方人对酸菜的情感毫无造作。

    The northern people have an unaffected love for pickled cabbage .

  9. 试论当涂高之谶的作者与造作时代&兼与钟肇鹏先生商榷

    The Author and Its Fabricated Time of the Augury " Dang-tu-gao "

  10. 给某些造作果报,某些结果将跟进。

    Given certain volitional actions , certain results will follow .

  11. 但选民觉得她的衣着相当协调,并没有造作感。

    But she came across as on-key rather than contrived .

  12. 自然和诗歌相结合的功能,而不造作。

    Functionality and poetry combined naturally , without being pretentious .

  13. 充斥着尔虞我诈与虚伪造作

    is a place of intrigue and masks and pretence ,

  14. 与她的造作形成鲜明的对比,约翰是发自内心的欢乐。

    Her affected manners were in striking contrast with John 's spontaneous gaiety .

  15. 所以地中海的颜色特点就是:不用造作,本色呈现。

    Therefore , its color characteristics is not artificial , true color show .

  16. 他带着造作的微笑望着我们。

    He looked at us with a set smile .

  17. 造作伤23例法医学分析

    Forensic Analysis of 23 Cases with False Injury

  18. 祸哉,那些在床上图谋罪孽,造作奸恶的。

    Woe to them that devise iniquity , and work evil upon their beds !

  19. 含蓄的真情实感避免了过分的造作。

    And the modesty of real emotions avoids the excesses of those falsely created .

  20. 她生活在娇揉造作的世界里。

    She lives in a world of make-believe .

  21. 思嘉:媚兰·汉密尔顿,那个造作的女孩,没人想知道她的秘密。

    SCARLETT : Melanie Hamilton , that . Who wants no secret about her .

  22. 造作伤法医学鉴定3例分析

    Forensic Identification on False Injury in Three Cases

  23. 意识是一种不造作的状态,它只是如是存在。

    Awareness is a state of not manufacturing anything ; it is just being .

  24. 作为广义的造作,诸行不仅是第四蕴,而且包括了所有五蕴。

    As bare formations , sankharas include all five aggregates , not just the fourth .

  25. 一部人物平淡无味的造作的小说。

    A novel with flat celluloid characters .

  26. 使我们自此造作的迷惑里缓解。

    Relieve us of this contrived confusion .

  27. 无数的时刻,无预兆的,不造作的自然时刻都记录在这里

    Countless moments of unsolicited natural moments , not posed moments , are captured there ,

  28. 这样才会为铺路石创造作一个结实的基础,并且使庭院可以禁得住腐蚀。

    It creates a strong foundation for your pavers and makes the patio resistant to erosion .

  29. 轮回本身不是问题,而是执取和无明造作轮回的苦因。

    Samsara is not the problem , the attachment to them and lack of wisdom is .

  30. 理查德?谢里丹著名的18世纪喜剧,讽刺了造谣生事、虚伪和矫情造作。

    A famous 18th-century play by Richard Sheridan about gossip , hypocrisy , and false sentimentality .