
  • 网络Survival rate of afforestation;survival rate of annual plantation
  1. TCP植物蒸腾抑制剂对荒山造林成活率的影响

    The Effect of TCP-Transpiration Controlling Preparation on Barren Hill Afforestation

  2. 用3号ABT生根粉处理可提高造林成活率。

    ABT rooting powder for treatment .

  3. 在甜柿建园中,通过ABT生根粉,SAP高效抗旱保水剂和地膜覆盖技术的应用,可显著提高造林成活率和苗木生长量;

    By applied with ABT rootage powder , high efficiently anti-drought protectors and covered with plastic film in setting up Sweet Persimmon orchard , surviving rate and growth yield of forestation increase remarkably .

  4. PGPR接种剂和腐殖酸型肥料对于黄土高原的造林成活率和经济林木的产量都有一定的提高作用。

    PGPR inoculum and humic acid-contained fertilizer can increase the survival rate of afforestations on loess plateau as well as the output of economic trees .

  5. 春季和雨季半截造林成活率分别比对照提高25.1%和17.7%;深栽10cm可提高成活率28.5%;

    The silviculture survival rate can be increased by 25.1 % and 17.7 % respectively than the contrast by cutting in spring and rainy season , increased by 28.5 % by deep cultivating ( 10m );

  6. 结果表明,不同时间以60min和90min最佳,造林成活率、新梢生长量、新根数平均提高了11.5%、29%、14.5%。

    Are both suitable periods . Survival rate , top growth increment of seedlings and regenerated root number are increased by 11 . 5 % , 29 % and 14 . 5 % respectively .

  7. 干旱浅山区提高造林成活率试验

    Tests of Improvement on Survival Rate of Afforestation in Arid Mountains

  8. 提高荒山植苗造林成活率的措施

    Measures to Improve the Survival Rate of Barren Mountain Plantations

  9. 系统抽样法在更新造林成活率调查中的应用

    Investigating survial rate in afforestation and regeneration by systematic sampling

  10. 沙区气候环境条件恶劣,特别是近年气候变化异常,致使沙区造林成活率较低。

    Unusual climate results in lower afforestation survival rate in sandy area .

  11. 干旱地区土壤含水率对秋季造林成活率的影响

    Effect of Soil Moisture in Arid Area on Afforestation Survival Ratio in Autumn

  12. 提高造林成活率几项技术措施的探讨

    Discussion on Technical Measures for Raising Tree Survival Rate

  13. 影响笋用小竹造林成活率因子分析

    A probe to the factors of effecting survival rate of small-diameter shoot bamboo planting

  14. 影响广东省石灰岩地区造林成活率的因素分析

    Analysing the Reasons for Afforestation Survival Rate of Calcareous Rock District in Guangdong Province

  15. 造林成活率随径根比的减小而增大;

    The survival rate in afforestation was in negative relation with shoot root ratio .

  16. 数字近景图像在造林成活率监测中的应用研究

    Application of Digital Close Range Photograph in the Monitoring of Seedling Survival Rate of Afforestation

  17. 干旱阳坡侧柏造林成活率及幼林生长规律的研究

    Afforestation Survival Rate and Juvenile Growth Characteristics of Platycladus Orientalis on Arid Southern Mountain Slopes

  18. 香榧生长习性及提高造林成活率的关键技术

    Growth Habit of Torreya grandis and the Key Techniques of Promoting Its Forestation Survival Rate

  19. 试验得出:整地比未整地地块造林成活率提高17.09个百分点;

    Afforestation survival rate under soil preparation is 17.09 % higher than that under non-preparation soil .

  20. 不同整地方式对刺槐造林成活率及生长量的影响

    Influence of different modes of soil preparation on the survival rate and growth of black locust

  21. 洪泽湖大堤防浪柳林造林成活率低的原因分析

    Reason of the Low Survival Rate of Wave Break Willow Forest in Levee of Hongze Lake

  22. 宁夏干旱风沙区降雨量与土壤水分对造林成活率的影响研究

    Effects of Precipitation and Soil Moisture on Survival Rate of Forestation of Desert Region in Ningxia

  23. 风蚀沙埋是制约沙区人工造林成活率的主要因子之一。

    Wind erosion is one of main factors to restrict the survival rate of artificial forestation .

  24. 试验结果表明:野移灌木适应性强,造林成活率高;

    The result indicated : the transplanting wild shrub had stronger adaptability and higher survival rate ;

  25. 提高山地造林成活率的技术措施研究

    Studies on the Technical Measures of Improving the Survival Ratio of Forestation in the Mountain Areas

  26. 造林成活率、虫害与生长性状呈中度、显著的负相关,选择速生马尾松优树子代造林需解决造林成活率、虫害防治等问题。

    And the planting survival rate , insect injury and growth characters assume the intermediately negative correlation .

  27. 苗木规格质量与造林成活率、保存率及幼林生长的关系

    Study on the relationships among seedling quality and survival rate , stocking percentage and young stand growth

  28. 不同抗旱措施对侧柏造林成活率影响的研究

    Effect of Different Drought & resistant Measures on the Survival Rate of the Platycladus Orientalis for Plantation

  29. 结果表明:在基盘配方中增加海藻复混肥,种基盘造林成活率会随之降低;

    Results showed that , the survival rate decreased with the seed-base and the use of seaweed fertilizer .

  30. 结果表明:1.容器苗可大大提高干石山区造林成活率;

    The results showed : 1 . Container seedling greatly improved survival percentage stocks in arid-stony mountain areas ;