
  • 网络cost engineer;Cost Estimator
  1. 加入WTO后造价工程师的机遇及挑战

    Cost engineer how to face the challenge after joining the WTO

  2. 造价工程师继续教育管理改革和实践

    Management Reformation and Practice of Continuing Education of Construction Cost Engineer

  3. 造价工程师如何应对中国加入WTO后的挑战

    How to Treat the Challenge for Cost-engineers after China Entering WTO

  4. 浅谈造价工程师在项目管理中的投资控制

    Effects of project cost engineers on investment control in project management

  5. 造价工程师与建设项目决策阶段投资管理

    Cost Engineer and Investment Management in Decision making Stage of Engineering Project

  6. 造价工程师在工程建设项目投资控制上的职能和作用

    Cost Engineer 's Duty and Role to Contorl Investment of Construction Project

  7. 工程审计对造价工程师的素质要求

    Requirements on a Construction Cost Engineer Imposed by Project Auditing

  8. 发挥造价工程师在施工过程中的签证作用

    Exertion of vise action of cost engineer in construction course

  9. 浅谈现阶段造价工程师的地位和作用

    Simple talking about the status and action of cost engineer

  10. 造价工程师在工程建设投资控制中的作用

    The roles of cost engineer in investment control of engineering

  11. 造价工程师在建设项目价值管理中的重要作用

    Important roles of cost engineer acted in value management of construction project

  12. 造价工程师的知识结构与继续教育

    The knowledge structure and post certificated education of cost engineer

  13. 工程量清单计价模式下造价工程师责任风险分析与对策研究

    Analysis of and Ways in Handling the Cost Engineer Responsibility Risks under BOQ

  14. 造价工程师对工程设计的影响论造价工程师应具备的素质

    Discussion on effect of cost engineer on project design

  15. 注册造价工程师执业要求与工程造价管理

    The Request of Registered Cost Engineers and the Work of Engineering Cost Management

  16. 造价工程师如何把握未来

    Cost engineer how to hold the future in hands

  17. 谈造价工程师执业资格制度的建立

    Discussions on establishment of project cost engineer qualification systems

  18. 【中英文摘要】造价工程师是我国造价工程管理工作的生力军。

    The cost engineer is the fresh combatant of Chinese project cost management .

  19. 对造价工程师职责能力的认识

    The Realization of Cost Engineers ' Duty Capacity

  20. 关于我国造价工程师队伍的建设

    The Building of the Force of Cost Engineers

  21. 最后介绍了造价工程师专业能力标准体系运行机制。

    Finally , this thesis studys the operating mechanism of professional competence standard system .

  22. 注册造价工程师考试是工程造价领域执业人员非常关心的话题。

    Practitioner in engineering cost area cares about the examination of licensed cost engineer .

  23. 造价工程师责任风险研究

    Research on Cost Engineer 's Responsibility Risks

  24. 该文简述了造价工程师在现有工程项目施工过程中的重要性。

    This paper simply described the importance of cost engineers in current project construction process .

  25. 试论建设单位造价工程师在基建项目管理中的投资及造价控制

    Investment and Cost Control for Construction Owner 's Cost Engineer in Capital Construction Project Management

  26. 造价工程师应如何进行投资控制

    Investment control measures by cost engineers

  27. 浅谈造价工程师的职责及作用

    Function and effect of cost engineer

  28. 监理工程师和造价工程师在工程项目监理过程中的效用比较探讨

    A Comparison of the Function of the Supervision Engineers and That of the Cost Assessment Engineers

  29. 有造价工程师证书为佳。

    Better with estimation engineering certificate .

  30. 浅析造价工程师在房地产开发中的地位和作用

    A Brief Talk on the Position and Function of the cost Engineer in Real Estate Development