- planting by stock

The effect of the reproduction by sprout of the stump division and the planting trees of poplar I 69
Measures to Improve the Survival Rate of Barren Mountain Plantations
Analysis on Forestation Effect between Nursery Stock and Stock Cutting for Cathay Poplar
The measures to solve these problems are to change the sowing afforestation to the planting .
Probe into Survival Rate and Increment of Saliz Matsudana of Stock Planting with Mulch and Mud in Arid Areas
Experimental results indicated that for the introduced fast-growing poplar and willow the cutting cultivating and the seedling planting of all clones had no significant difference in survival rate .
The key techniqure to improve the survival and growth of Pinus tabulaeformis on dry south sides in lower rocky mountain in North China is to keep water for raising soil moisture .
Except flatting stubble in time and suitably adjusting the density of afforestation , the main way to solve these problems is to change traditional afforestation by direct seeding into afforestation by nursery-grown plant .
Taking the method of afforestation by transplanting seedlings , on the middle and upper part of the mountain with the slope being about 10 ° and canopy density 0.2 are the optimum selection .
The growth performance of sapling stage showed that Pinus contorta could adjusted to the site conditions of the two experimental sites . The survival ratio and preserving ratio reached 91.3 % ~ 100 % .
This paper presents the techniques including its improved variety collection , seedling propagation planting , fruit harvest processing , etc , meanwhile the techniques for controlling 5 kinds of disease and 2 kinds of pest are introduced .
The results showed that the survival rate was increased 29.3 % by using pocket-transplanting method .
Application Effect of Stock-planting Shovel with V-type in Transformation Afforestation
The cuttage forestation was compared with stock planting forestation in the test , in which 2 plots and 3 groups were set . Effect of Thickness of Replanting Bag on Penetrability of Newborn Roots for Young Trees