
zhí wù yuán
  • botanical garden;arboretum
植物园 [zhí wù yuán]
  • [botanical garden] 荟萃种植各类植物,以供科学研究、科普教育和游览观赏的园地

  1. 我曾在野生动物志愿者协会工作,这是蝗虫谷贝利植物园的一个救援和教育组织。

    I work with Volunteers for Wildlife , a rescue and education organization at Bailey Arboretum in Locust Valley .

  2. 我们可以去南郊的植物园。

    We can go to the arboretum in the southern suburb .

  3. 在上学期间,她曾临时到基尤植物园工作了6个月。

    During her course she worked on attachment for six months at Kew Gardens

  4. 你真该看看他种的玫瑰!就跟植物园里的一样绚丽迷人。

    You should have seen his roses ! As good a show as in the Botanic Garden

  5. 植物园里长满了各种奇花异草。

    The arboretum is full of exotic flowers and rare herbs .

  6. 植物园里有几棵金钱松

    How many golden larches are there in the arboretum ?

  7. 今天植物园开门吗

    Is the botanic garden open today ?

  8. 除了这些博物馆之外,壶园、大学图书馆和植物园这些不叫博物馆的“博物馆”也是非常值得一去的地方。

    In addition , Kettles Yard , The University Library , Botanic Garden , though not entitled “ nuise - um ,,, are worth a visit .

  9. 基于GIS的西安野生动植物园防洪规划系统研究

    Study on planning system for flood control of Xi'an Wildlife Park based on GIS

  10. 公园:上海植物园乔木类型(E),草地类型(F);

    Woods ( E ) and grassland ( F ) in the Shanghai Arboretum ;

  11. 我们在植物园采集了你的DNA在资料库里搜查后,有匹配结果

    We collected your DNA from the botanical gardens . We ran it through our database , and we got a hit .

  12. 对中国药用植物园旅游资源的SWOT分析与发展对策

    SWOT Analysis and Development Strategies on Tourism Resources in China Medicinal Botanical Garden

  13. 分析了植物园的发展及其当前热点工作、植物园信息管理系统在植物园工作中的重要性和紧迫性、以及GIS技术在植物园应用中的独特优势;

    Analyze the importance of information management in botanical garden and unique superiority of using GIS technique in management of botanical garden ;

  14. 应用GIS的空间分析功能,利用层次分析法对植物园整个空间格局进行了综合评价、对空间要素进行了质量评价。

    Applying spatial analysis techniques and AHP methods to assess the comprehensive effect of spatial patterns of Botanic Garden and qualitative effect of spatial elements .

  15. 庐山植物园杜鹃花属(Rhododendron)研究历程与现状

    The Past and Present of the Research on Rhododendron in Lushan Botanical Garden

  16. 最近,Mila和Oa再次拜访考艾岛上他们最喜欢的植物园之一。

    As of late Mila and Oa returned to visit one of their favorite botanical gardens upon Kauai .

  17. 我从那里换了几趟火车,在后乐园站(Korakuen)下车,走到东京大学(UniversityofTokyo)的小石川植物园(KoishikawaBotanicalGardens)。

    From there , I hopped a couple of trains over to the Korakuen station and walked up to the University of Tokyo 's Koishikawa Botanical Gardens .

  18. 本文总结了厦门园林植物园25个百合新品种的引种栽培表现,探讨栽培管理中光照、温度、土壤pH、施肥、病虫害等若干因素的影响。

    The growth performance of 25 varieties of Lily introduced and cultivated in Xiamen Botanical Garden is described and the conditions of light , temperature , water , fertilizers , pests and diseases are also discussed .

  19. 用RAPD法对厦门植物园引种栽培的4属10种棕榈科植物样本进行了基因组DNA多态性分析。

    Random amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) technique was used in analyzing the genetic distance of 10 species in 4 genera of Palmae , of which DNAs were extracted by the CTAB method .

  20. 以中科院华南植物园引种的12种杜鹃花属(Rhododendron)植物为研究对象,初步探讨了杜鹃花在华南的引种栽培的技术与理论。

    This paper deals with the experiment on introduction and cultivation of 12 species of Rhododendron in South China Botanical Garden ( SCBG ) .

  21. Bernstein办了一家名为“生态水之源”的公司,还在YouTube开了一个频道,在丹佛植物园教授生态水培技术,最近还出了一本书。

    Ms. Bernstein started her own business called the Aquaponics Source . She has a YouTube channel , teaches aquaponics at the Denver Botanic Gardens and recently published a book .

  22. 针对西安野生动植物园防洪规划工程,在洪水分析的基础上,进行水力计算、效益分析等确定最优排洪方案,为此建立西安野生动植物园防洪规划GIS系统。

    To the flood control plan in Xi'an Wildlife Park , hydraulic calculation and benefit analysis have been done on the basis of flood analysis to confirm the optimum scheme . A GIS system is set up for flood control plan in Xi'an Wildlife Park .

  23. 利用常规分析方法对保定植物园土壤进行了主要特性指标的分析研究,结果表明:植物园土壤pH值偏高,呈微碱性-碱性反应,其中75%达到80以上;

    According to convention analysis and study on the soil of the botanical garden of Baoding , It can be known that : pH values there are a little higher , so the soil is alkaline soil . 75 % of them are above 8.0 ;

  24. 植物园基础数据应用软件BG-BASE简介

    A Brief Introduction about Database Application BG-BASE for Botanical Gardens

  25. 植物园植物的gs比科技馆大,gs和Tr的相关系数r分别为0.994、0.973,均达到极显著正相关。

    Gs of plant at Shanghai Botanic Garden was higher than that of Shanghai Science and Technology museum , correlation coefficients of gs and Tr were shown 0.994 and 0.973 respectively , reaching the most notable positive correlation .

  26. 于1999年4月从北京市植物园引进金山绣线菊,经过6a的引种栽培试验,对金山绣线菊的植物学特性、生物学特性、生长节律及繁殖技术等进行了系统地研究。

    Spiraea × bumalda ' Goldmound ' was introduced from Beijing Botanical Garden in April , 1999 . The botanical characteristic , biological characteristic , growth rhythm and propagation were studied in a cultivation experiment conducted in 3 years .

  27. 在生态相似性营养保育策略的指导下,研究了武汉植物园迁地保护的樟科Lauraceae和木兰科Magnoliaceae21种珍稀植物的营养状况,以及它们所生长土壤的营养条件。

    Based upon the plant nutrient conservation strategy " ecogical similarity " of ex-situ conservation , the nutrient status and the soil condition of 21 kinds of ex-situ conservation rare plants of Magnoliaceae and Lauraceae in Wuhan Botanical Garden were studied .

  28. 厦门园林植物园珍稀濒危植物迁地保护

    Ex-site Conservation of Rare and Endangered Plants in Xiamen Botanic Garden

  29. 生物入侵与上海植物园引种的思考

    Biological Invasion and the Thought of Introduction in Shanghai Botanical Garden

  30. 南京中山植物园活植物信息管理子系统

    Computerized management subsystem of living collections information of Nanjing Botanical Garden