
  • 网络the seven sisters;seven sister
  1. 向左驶入A107号公路,然后左转进七姐妹路。

    Go left onto the A107 and bear left into Seven Sisters Road .

  2. 南盟七姐妹:区域发展协调和改进扶贫项目设计

    SAARC Seven Sisters : District Development Coordination and Improved Poverty Project Design

  3. “他主持七姐妹的仪式为这一刻带来力量”

    " He will lead a ceremony of seven sisters to bring strength to the moment . "

  4. 摩天大楼林立,正在挑战大教堂的洋葱型屋顶以及斯大林式“七姐妹”雕像的高空优势。

    Skyscrapers have sprouted all over the city 's skyline , challenging the onion-domed cathedrals and Stalin 's imposing " Seven Sisters " towers for aerial dominance .

  5. 《七姐妹》发表于2002年,描述一个与丈夫离婚又被女儿背弃的老年女性的生活经历。

    The Seven Sisters published in 2002 describes the life experience of an aged woman , who was divorced from her husband and was estranged from her three daughters .

  6. 这个由印度内河航运局来监督的项目将大大改善通向米佐拉姆邦和其他六个地处内陆一起被称为“七姐妹”的东北部邦的通道。

    The project , to be supervised by India 's Inland Waterways Authority , will provide greatly improved access to Mizoram and six other land-locked northeastern states , collectively known as the " Seven Sisters . "

  7. 后来,七个姐妹中的一个成为他的妻子。

    Later , one of those 7 sisters became the wife of Moses !

  8. 但快乐不是孤独的,她有七个姐妹,她们当中最年少的也比她美丽。

    Seven are her sisters , and the least of them is more beautiful than pleasure .

  9. 摩西一定很强壮,他赶走了所有的牧羊人,又饮了七个姐妹的羊群。

    We know Moses must have been a strong young man , for he ran those rude shepherds away and watered all the sheep for the 7 sisters .

  10. 摩西来到米甸这个地方,他在井旁坐下休息,这时,有七个姐妹,她们来打水,要喂她们父亲的羊。

    Moses came to the land of Midian and sat down to rest by a well , just as a group of 7 sisters came to water their father 's sheep .

  11. 泰勒和七个兄弟姐妹住在一起。

    He shared the house with seven brothers and sisters .

  12. 1890年,艾森豪威尔出生于德克萨斯州,在七个兄弟姐妹中他排名老三。

    He was born in Texas in 1890 , the third of seven sons .

  13. 我有七个天主教姐妹我照顾过上百个小孩。

    I have seven Catholic sisters . I 've taken care of hundreds of kids .

  14. 身为七个兄弟姐妹中最小的一个,爱迪生只用了很短的时间就功成名就。

    The youngest of seven siblings , Edison wasted little time making his presence in the world known .

  15. 他信??西那瓦选择他最小的妹妹英拉??西那瓦,而不是其他七个兄弟姐妹——其中一人是政党领导人——同样是由于英拉出色的游说演讲能力。

    Thaksin Shinawatra 's choice of his youngest sister , Yingluck , rather than any of his seven other siblings - one of whom is a party leader - was similarly vindicated by her performance on the stump .