
  • 网络The seventh century
  1. 另外在七世纪时出现了贵重金属货币。

    And then in the seventh century we had money in the form of precious metal .

  2. 基督教也在公元七世纪时,由商人从伊朗北部传到长安,首次在中土出现。

    Christianity also made an appearance in the seventh century , when merchants carried the faith from northern Iran to Changan .

  3. 亚洲旅行社后院旅行(BackyardTravel)提供为期十天的旅游团,在野沢与周边景点游玩,包括七世纪的寺庙与该地区著名的雪猴栖息地。—

    The Asian operator Backyard Travel offers 10-day itineraries to explore Nozawa and nearby sights like a seventh-century temple and a refuge for the area 's famed snow monkeys . -

  4. 硝皮技术于公元七世纪首先传到意大利。

    Leather tawing was first introduced in Italy in the7th century .

  5. 七世纪时,中国僧人曾在印度学习佛法。

    In the7th century , Chinese monk Xuanzang studied Buddhism in India .

  6. 建立于七世纪作为反对印度教的流派。

    Sect founded in the 6th century as a revolt against Hinduism .

  7. 七世纪的文化繁荣地区是基督教统治的西班牙。

    One bright cultural spot in the 7th century was Christian Spain .

  8. 碰撞与迁徙:公元前九至七世纪欧亚草原上的历史场景

    The Clash and Migration on the 9 - 7 Century BC European-Asian Grassland

  9. 公元七世纪初,唐朝代隋而兴。

    In the early seventh century , the Tang Dynasty replaced the Sui .

  10. 公元前七世纪,凯尔特人来到英国。

    7th century BC Celts arrived in Britain .

  11. 洛阳是公元七世纪初中国发展统一文化的中心;

    Luoyang was the center for China 's unified culture in the beginning of the seventh century .

  12. 中国饮茶的风尚,到了第七世纪的唐代,已经相当盛行了。

    By the Tang dynasty in the seventh century , tea-drinking had become very popular in China .

  13. 公元前七世纪时罗马人继承希腊传统,就修建了赛马场和露天竞技场。

    In7th century bc , Romans inherited the traditions of Greece and built racetracks and unroofed amphitheaters .

  14. 这地方从黑落得时代开始有人居住,而在第五到七世纪开始发展。

    The site resulted inhabited since the Herodian period had its main development in the V-VII century .

  15. 在六世纪和七世纪,定居在塞尔维亚及其邻近地区的斯拉夫语民族的人。

    A member of a Slavic people who settled in Serbia and neighboring areas in the6th and7th centuries .

  16. 公元前七世纪已经出现了科学这个概念。

    The concept of " science " has already been used since 7th B.C. As an ancient civilized country .

  17. 风时钟倒转到七世纪,但是,场面将非常不同。

    Wind back the clock to the seventh century , however , and the scene would be very different .

  18. 公元前八至七世纪,古希腊人荷马编纂两部荷马史诗《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》。

    Seven to eight century BC , the ancient greeks Homer creation two Homer epic the Iliad and the Odyssey .

  19. 在七世纪的唐初,彩灯的展示会一直延续3天。

    By the beginning of the Tang Dynasty in the seventh century , the lantern displays would last three days .

  20. 迪拜是阿联酋最大的城市,历史可追溯到公元七世纪。

    Dubai is the largest city in the United Arab Emirates and has origins that date to the seventh century .

  21. 利比亚的首都之一和最大城市;是七世纪腓尼基人所建。

    The largest city one of the capital cities of Libya ; founded by the Phoenicians in the 7th century BC .

  22. 一直到第七世纪与第十世纪之间的唐朝黄金时代,汉朝的强盛是举世无双的。

    The greatness of the Han period remained unequaled until the golden age of the T'ang dynasty , between the7th and10th centuries .

  23. 展开的翅膀,尽管外形稍微有些不同,也装饰在公元六世纪或七世纪的萨珊国王的皇冠上。

    And the spread wings , though in a somewhat different configuration , adorn the crown of a6th or7th century AD Sassanian king .

  24. 在隋代大运河开始通航以后,杭州在七世纪便是一个繁荣的商业中心。

    It was already a thriving business center in the7th century , after the Grand Canal was open to navigation in the Sui Dynasty .

  25. 这一外交手段可追溯至公元七世纪,当时中国唐朝的女皇帝武则天将一对大熊猫赠予了日本天皇。

    The practice dates back to the 7 century , when Empress Wu Zetian delivered a pair of pandas to the emperor of Japan .

  26. 侯赛因圣祠供奉着侯赛因阿訇,是先知穆罕默德的孙子,在七世纪卡尔巴拉战斗中被杀死的。

    The Imam Hussein shrine honors Hussein , the Prophet Mohammed 's grandson , who was killed in a battle in Karbala in the seventh century .

  27. 公元七世纪,为了寻求知识,他从西安出发前往印度,并作为印度的友人和年代史编者返回到西安。

    He travelled to India from Xian in the seventh century in search of knowledge and returned to Xian as a friend and chronicler of India .

  28. 古代日本对大陆文化的引进,最初依靠渡来人来完成,七世纪初逐渐过渡到通过作为遣外使节的留学生以及书籍收集来实现。

    Chinese culture was originally introduced to Japan by Dulai people , and in the7th century , by diplomatic envoys to China and collection of Chinese books .

  29. 从公元七世纪到八世纪,这段历史将以或有趣或重要的简约叙述形式展现在读者面前。

    From the seventh to the eleventh century , the obscure interval will be supplied by a concise narrative of such facts as may still appear either interesting or important .

  30. 20多年前,当徐克导演第一次萌发拍摄神探狄仁杰故事的念头时,他还没有能力把他对于这部发生在中国七世纪充满智慧的侦探故事的想象都变成现实。

    Director Tsui Hark 's clever whodunit set in7th-century China is a movie he couldn 't have made when he first began exploring the idea more than two decades ago .