
  • 网络qi lue;qilue;Seven Summaries
七略 [qī lüè]
  • [qilue,the Chinese earlier bibliography] 书名。我国最早的图书目录分类著作。西汉刘歆编辑宫廷藏书,分成辑略、六艺略、诸子略、诗赋略、兵书略、术数略和方技略七类。故称《七略》。

  • 七略四库。--清. 袁枚《黄生借书说》

  1. 是杜参还是富参&《七略》、《别录》研究一得

    Du Can or Fu Can : a Study on Qi Lue and Bie Lu

  2. 《七略》创立的六分法分类体系是我国最早的图书分类法;

    The earliest classification system written in the book Qi Lue is one divides into six .

  3. 高师语言文字工作七略

    The Seven Tactics of Language and Writing in the Higher Normal Colleges

  4. 在引入核心文献这一崭新概念的基础上,讨论了《七略》中核心文献所具有的层次性及其所反映的文化价值。

    After introducing the brand new concept of the core document , this paper discusses the stratification of the core documents and corresponding cultural value in QILUE .

  5. 辨章学术、考镜源流之源&解读《七略》的目录学思想

    Origin of " Distinguishing the Academy of the Chapter ; Examining the Mirror Source and Course " & Analyzing the Classification System of " Qi Lue "

  6. 探讨《七略》前一书目录的产生、形式、编排方式、作用以及对群书目录的影响等。

    Deals primarily with the origin , form , categorization and effect of the bibliography of a book prior to Seven lue as well as the impact on the bibliography of book group .

  7. 他将所有的书按其内容分为七类,附以简介,著成《七略》。这是中国历史上第一部图书目录。

    Heclassh fied all the books under seven headings and briefly described the contents of each , and the summaries were later incorporated into the Seven Categories of Writing , which was the first bibliography in Chinese history .

  8. 《七略》目录学思想中所渗透的编者之史学哲学观及其所运用的文献类别原则、揭示文献方法无不展示着辨章学术、考镜源流的目录学思想。

    The view of history and philosophy , some other literature categorizing principles and ways to announce literature penetrating in bibliographical thoughts of " Qi Lue " shows bibliographical thoughts of " Distinguishing the Academy of the Chapter ; Examining the Mirror Source and Course " .