
  • 网络Nanakusa-no-sekku
  1. 同时跟每次服务员拼命让多点菜又推荐价格高的菜不同,这次在她们点了七菜一汤之后,服务员说量差不多了,建议她们如果不够可以再点。

    Instead of persuading customers to order a wide range of expensive dishes , the waitress suggested a small order that could be supplemented later if people were still hungry .

  2. 桌上铺着带装饰图案的网织的桌布,上面是七道菜的晚餐

    Champagne corks popped , and on lace tablecloths seven-course dinners were laid .

  3. 这一传统节日餐桌包含七道菜,也就是熟知的“haft-seen”,或“sevenS's”七喜桌。

    A festive table traditionally includes seven dishes , known as " haft-seen , " or " seven S 's , "

  4. 你不能消化的东西对于你的微生物群却是七道菜。

    What 's indigestible to you is a seven-course meal to your gut microbiota .

  5. 除吃了一顿有七道菜的饭之外,他们还喝了三瓶酒。

    As well as eating a seven-course meal , they drank three bottles of wine .

  6. “晚饭吃了七道菜,包括一只大龙虾,夜里睡觉还要梦见挨饿,一定是非常可怕的。”

    " It must be awful to dream of starvation after a seven-course dinner including that enormous crawfish . "

  7. 对过惯了在家里一餐吃七道菜、睡亚麻细布床单的的人来说,到阿尔卑斯山所带来的变化想来一定太难熬了。

    For men accustomed to eating seven-course dinners and sleeping between fine linen sheets at home , the change to the Alps must have very hard indeed .

  8. 除夕夜要吃“七道菜”,每道菜的名称都要以字母“S”开头的,以示吉祥。

    New Year 's Eve to eat ," seven dishes ," the name of each dish must be with the letter " S " at the beginning to show auspicious .

  9. 新中国建立后,当地农民重又栽培七须黄花菜。

    New China , local farmers have to again seven day lily cultivation .