
qī qiǎo bǎn
  • tangram;seven-piece puzzle
七巧板 [qī qiǎo bǎn]
  • [tangram] 中国的一种智力玩具,把一块正方形的薄板切成五个三角形、一个正方形和一个长斜方形,可以拼成各种不同的形状

七巧板[qī qiǎo bǎn]
  1. 七巧板训练与小学低年级学生操作能力提高的实验研究

    The Experiment on Improvement the Operative Ability of Low-grade Pupils with Seven-piece Puzzle Training

  2. 七巧板Tangram七巧板是一个小块拼图游戏,由七个扁平的多边形组成,这些多边形放在一起可以形成其他形状。

    The tangram is a dissection3 puzzle consisting of seven flat polygons which are put together to form shapes .

  3. 据说七巧板是在公元18世纪末的某个时候在中国发明的,不久后通过贸易船只传到了美国和欧洲。翻花绳Stringfigure

    It is reputed to have been invented in China sometime around the late 18th century CE and then carried over to America and Europe by trading ships shortly after .

  4. 历史上没有记载七巧板是什么年代发明的。

    The invention of the Tangram puzzle is unrecorded in history .

  5. 七巧板吸引了各个阶层的人们。

    This puzzle attracts people on a number of levels .

  6. 一种基于七巧板游戏的数字图像信息伪装方法

    A Steganography Method of Digital Image Information Based on Tangram

  7. 尝试写作的过程就像拼凑中国的七巧板和九连环一样复杂。

    Trying to write is very much like trying to put a Chinese puzzle together .

  8. 就像七巧板一样,每一枚奖牌就是一项大师们的杰出设计。

    Like a jigsaw puzzle , each medal is a piece of the master design .

  9. 七巧板问题的搜索解法

    Search Algorithm of Tangram Problem

  10. 儿童玩具七巧板,价格便宜,经久耐玩,开发儿童智力,有真正奇效。

    Children 's tangram is low-priced and duraBle , and can develop children 's intelligence very effectively .

  11. 木质七巧板、盆栽及蛋糕都可以打上企业标识。

    Wooden jigsaw puzzles can be cut , trees planted and cakes iced with the corporate logo .

  12. 有些游戏,像是七巧板,就只是几片木块构成的一系列几何图形。

    Some , like tangrams , might be nothing more than a series of geometric shapes made out of wood .

  13. 在发源地中国,七巧板是妇女和儿童喜闻乐见的一种游戏。

    In China , its country of origin , the tangram puzzle was considered a game for women and children .

  14. 为视觉障碍设计的七巧板游戏怎么样?

    The patterns in these niches are elegant and enigmatic . JOHN BROWN : What about jigsaw puzzle design for visually handicapped ?

  15. 压花玻璃主要品种有布纹、香梨、海棠、七巧板、四季红等30余个花色品种。

    Patterns : The obscure glass has30 different kinds of verification which mainly includes Mistlite , Pear , Flora , Karatachi and Four-season-rainbow .

  16. 在最后一天当我让他们上床睡觉时,我发现他们坐成一个圈,正在玩七巧板。

    As I go to put them to bed on the last day , I find them sitting in a circle , doing a jigsaw together .

  17. 条块的硬直与笔触的阴柔、形象的显隐与色泽的冷暖,画家在平面布局中把玩着七巧板式的组合而自得其乐。

    There are contrasts between hard bars and blocks and soft brushwork , reveal images and concealed ones , and cold colors and warm colors in his paintings .

  18. 它们是由大陆岩石而非海洋岩石构成的,似乎更像是大陆漂移七巧板的一小部分,而不真正的海洋岛屿。

    They are made of continental rather than oceanic rock , and seem to be a small part of the jigsaw puzzle of continental drift rather than genuine oceanic islands .

  19. 在本文第三章当中作为案例的七巧板以及鲁班锁在创造学的技法中可以找到其应用的方法。

    In the third chapter of the puzzle as well as a case in which Luban lock in creating learning techniques can be found in the method of its application .

  20. 同时也对设计基础教学活动提出建议,希望通过七巧板系列课题研究的教学方法强化手脑的训练,实现设计基础教学的目标。

    Meanwhile , some proposals about how to design the teaching activities have been made in this paper . I hope that the objective of teaching design basis can be achieved by introducing tangram-related teaching method to intensifying the training of hand and brain .