
xuàn mù
  • glare
眩目 [xuàn mù]
  • [glare] 耀眼

眩目[xuàn mù]
  1. LX-A系列-LED道路交通灯独有的自动调光功能,保证交通灯在白天阳光照射下仍然显示鲜艳明亮,在夜间不至于因亮度过高而引起眩目现象。

    Function of automatically light-adjusting LED road traffic signals ensures the ( signals ) still show brilliantly and clearly in the sun light at daytime , and not to be too highly bright so that cause glare at night .

  2. 这些益处只是次要的,因为眩目本身并不是意外事件发生的常见因素。

    Also , any benefits would only be marginal because glare itself is not a frequent cause of accidents .

  3. 一道眩目的闪光过后,整栋大楼颤抖起来。

    There was a blinding flash and the whole building shuddered .

  4. 建造眩目的回旋木马,难以置信的云霄飞车,摩天轮,恐怖木屋和其他令人毛骨悚然的设备

    Build dizzy carousels , unbelievable roller-coasters , Ferris wheels , fear halls and other thrilling andand thirsty .

  5. 本文设计并研究了基于大功率LED的强光眩目武器。

    Dazzling weapon based on high-power LED is designed and investigated in this paper .

  6. 各年龄组的眩目恢复时间均随年龄的老化而显著延长(P<0.01或P<0.05);

    The recovery course from dazzling prolonged correspondingly with the increase in age . ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.05 );

  7. 如果你回头去看那些传统的web应用,会发现它们几乎静态到令人反感,所以说用户仅仅出于这些眩目变换而选择Ajax不无道理。

    It makes sense because if you look at traditional web apps they appear static and boring .

  8. 被称为中国纳斯达克的创业板指数开年以来已经实现了眩目的52%的涨幅,而一再受挫的上海证券综合指数(ShanghaiCompositeindex)则下跌了12%。

    The index , known as China 's ' Nasdaq , ' has soared a dizzying 52 % higher so far this year , while the battered Shanghai Composite Index has fallen 12 % .

  9. 但不是所有的创新都如此眩目和高科技。会议还听取了电子产品零售商百思买(BestBuy)首席执行官布赖恩邓恩(BrianDunn)的发言。

    Not all innovations are so glamorous or high-tech. The conference also heard from Brian Dunn , chief executive of Best Buy , the electrical goods retailer .

  10. 但阿里巴巴预计明年将完成首次公开募股(IPO),届时投资者肯定会问,在雅虎失去了阿里巴巴股份这一眩目的行头之后,它是否仍然值得拥有。

    But when Alibaba completes its initial public offering , expected next year , investors must ask whether Yahoo still is worth owning without its glitzy wardrobe .

  11. 就苹果(Apple)而言,iPhone5有许多令人眩目的新特性,例如天衣无缝的纤细造型,抑或是闪亮登场的“闪电”充电接口。

    For its part , apple ( AAPL ) has done a good job marketing features like its meticulously machined thinner body and an even trimmer " lightning " charging cord .

  12. Neal同时还注意到为眩目、简单的SOA示例而兴奋的危险性,供应商通常将其当作对所有SOA问题的解决方案来出售

    Neal also notes the danger of getting excited over the flashy simple SOA demos , often being sold by vendors as a solution for all SOA problems

  13. 然而,如果说眩目的变换真得大大改善了用户体验的话,那么动态的gif图片应该受到更广泛的应用才是。

    However , if it were true that glitzy effects dramatically improved the user experience then we would see a wider use of the animated gifs .

  14. 在北京,100名DJ好手和眩目的大型迪斯科掌控着整个电子音乐界,本土制作人已越来越少,DEADJ无疑是其中最引人注目的一位。

    In a country where the electronic scene is dominated by top100 djs and bling bling mega discos , local producers are rare and Dead J is without a doubt one of the best amongst them .

  15. 在严丝合缝的遮光板外,阳光令人眩目。

    The daylight is dazzling outside the emphatically closed window shutter .

  16. 对投资者而言,投资选择以令人眩目的速度增多。

    The options for investors have expanded at a dizzying pace .

  17. 金属复合氧化物纳米薄膜的防眩目原理及应用

    Anti - dazzle Principle and Application of Nanometer-sized Compound Metal Oxide Films

  18. 六月眩目的阳光笼罩着这怪物。

    The dazzling sun of June inundated this terrible thing with light .

  19. 还是那盏眩目的灯光,还是一样的恐惧。

    There was the same terrible light and the fear .

  20. 而这就是钻石闪耀着令人眩目的光辉的原因。

    This action is what gives diamonds their dazzling sparkle .

  21. 自由曲面前照灯近光配光的防眩目研究

    Research on the Low Beam ′ s Anti-Dazzling Technology of Free-Form Headlights

  22. 科学家还要解释厄里斯星如此眩目明亮的原因。

    Scientists also have to explain why Eris is so blindingly bright .

  23. 映照出一道刺目的强光,在就是晌午时分之所以令人眩目而一无所见。

    A glare that is blindness in the early afternoon .

  24. 眩目的阳光和白雪刺得他睁不开眼睛。

    The glare from the sun and snow blinded him .

  25. 他们的牙齿白得令人眩目。

    The sight of all these bleached teeth is blinding .

  26. 火热的阳光是眩目的召唤与灯光。

    The hot sunshine is dazzle beckons and lights .

  27. 防眩目车内后视镜反射比的确定

    Determination of Reflecting Ratio of Glareproof Interior Rear-View Mirror

  28. 攥握在青青陌上,眩目成金灿灿的春花。

    Clenched grip in the green Mo , glaring into the golden Chunhua .

  29. 服装和舞台背景让人眩目。

    The costumes and the stage sets are dazzling .

  30. 个性是新的语文课程标准最眩目的理念之一。

    Individuality is one of shiny concepts of new standard of Chinese curriculum .
