
xuàn yùn
  • vertigo;dizziness;giddy;giddiness;faintness;swim;circumgyration
眩晕 [xuàn yūn]
  • [dizziness] 头晕目眩

眩晕[xuàn yùn]
  1. 青海高原颈性眩晕116例分析

    The Analysis of 116 Cases of Cervical Giddiness in Qinghai High Altitude

  2. 眩晕遗址之一的心灵,而攻击。

    Giddiness ruins up one 's mind while attack .

  3. 孩子们推动着旋转平台快得令人眩晕。

    The kids were pushing the roundabout at a giddy speed .

  4. 他突然感到眩晕,心脏开始悸动。

    He felt suddenly faint , and his heart began to palpitate .

  5. 一名警卫用眩晕枪击中了他。

    A guard zapped him with the stun gun .

  6. 他感到一阵眩晕,眼前发黑。

    A dizziness overcame him , blurring his vision .

  7. 他感到恶心、眩晕,然后就昏了过去。

    He felt sick and dizzy and then passed out

  8. 我一阵眩晕,看到的都是重影。

    I was dizzy , seeing double .

  9. 他突然感到一阵眩晕。

    A sudden dizziness overpowered him

  10. 从铺位一跃而下的时候,我感到一阵眩晕,没掌握好高度。

    As I swung down from out of my bunk , I got dizzy and misjudged the distance .

  11. 鲁思开始感到一阵阵的眩晕。

    Ruth started to suffer from dizzy spells .

  12. 强烈的柴油味使他眩晕。

    The diesel fumes made him dizzy .

  13. 她愈来愈糊涂,她那眩晕的头脑简直弄不明白。

    She grew more and more bewildered , and her dizzy head refused to reason .

  14. 这是迄今为止反驳“运动眩晕”假说的最有力证据。

    It 's the strongest evidence yet against the ' motion dazzle ' hypothesis .

  15. 家用超声波驱鼠(猫)器等电子设备也会使人出现恶心、眩晕、疲倦、胃痛以及头痛等症状。

    Even electronic devices designed to scare away mice and cats could be triggering symptoms such as nausea4 , dizziness , and tiredness , stomach pain , and headaches .

  16. 科学家尚不确定超声波会如何损害健康,但它有可能会影响耳朵中精密的平衡感应器,令大脑感到“困惑”,从而引发各种眩晕恶心症状。

    Scientists are not sure how ultrasound may harm health but one possibility is that it disturbs the delicate balance sensors5 in the ear , confusing the brain and calling seasickness-like symptoms .

  17. 本着这一认识,在第一次世界大战中,令人眩晕的图案被应用于船只上,使其不易被发现,但这样做真的有效吗?

    And somewhat in the spirit of that , dazzle patterning was used on ships in the First World War to help them evade4 being spotted5 . But can this really be the case ?

  18. 作者对7例反复发作眩晕伴听力下降和耳鸣的患儿进行详细检查发现,其颞骨CT均显示出前庭导水管扩大,说明该征候群也可因先天性耳畸形所致。

    Cases with fluctuating hearing loss and vertigo received temporal bone CT scan .

  19. 眩晕减轻时间(3.1±0.6)h。

    The vertigo subsidence time was ( 3.1 ± 0.6 ) hours .

  20. 颈性眩晕CT检查7例分析

    X-ray CT in 7 cases of Cervical Vertigo

  21. 内淋巴囊切开引流术后眩晕评定(A,B,C级)80.5%,听力评定(A,B级)60%。

    The postoperative vertigo evaluations ( A , B , C degree ) were 80.5 % .

  22. 颅脑MRI在老年急性眩晕患者诊断中的应用价值飞行员中枢性眩晕患者全脑血管造影初步分析

    Diagnostic value of a routine brain MRI examination in elderly patients with acute vertigo

  23. 在改善眩晕、心烦易怒、失眠多梦等临床症状方面,治疗组亦优于对照组(P<0.05)。

    And the effect of YQG for dizziness , irritability and insomnia was better than the control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  24. 目的探讨分析中老年人的头晕或眩晕与其常规头颅CT平扫所示基底动脉表现的关系。

    Objective To analyze the relation between dizziness or vertigo in aged patients and the basilar artery ( BA ) images on conventional CT .

  25. 老年人椎-基底动脉缺血性眩晕的TCD改变

    TCD changes in the 48 old patients with ischemic vertigo

  26. TCD在血管性眩晕中的诊断作用

    Role of TCD in the diagnosis of vascular vertigo

  27. 眩晕定方对血管性眩晕模型家兔体重及肝组织DNA含量的实验研究

    Effect of Xuan Yun Ding on the Weight and the DNA Content of the Hepatic Tissue of Rabbits with Vascular Dizziness of Qi Deficiency and Blood Stasis Pattern

  28. 高刺激率ABR测试对椎基底动脉短暂缺血发作性眩晕的研究

    Diagnose the vertebrobasilar transient ischemic vertigo with increasing stimulus rate auditory brainstem response

  29. 重心动摇仪与TCD对VBI眩晕患者的评价

    Evaluation of VBI Vertigo Patients Made by Posturography and TCD

  30. TCD对头晕或眩晕患者脑血管病变的分析头部外伤后头痛头晕的经颅多普勒诊断

    Risks of Cerebral Arteries in Dizziness and Vertigo Patients Application of TCD for Post-traumatic Headache and Dizziness
