
Differential interferometry on Synthetic Aperture Radar ( D-InSAR ) technique , as a new ground monitoring technology , can be used for the monitorings of earthquake , volcanic activity , glacial drift , land subsidence , landslide and other small surface deformation .
But cultural change often runs at a glacial pace .
So , the more water there is , the faster the glacier flows .
Indian officialdom realizes this must change and , at the pace of a Himalayan glacier , has been opening up .
But sometimes , they experience surges , and during these surges , in some places , they can move its speeds as high as 7000 meters per year .
Ah sediment as you know i s material like sand , gravel , fossil fragments that is transported by natural processes like wind , water flow or the movement of glaciers .
You textbook includes this as type as a particular type of glacier movement , but you will see that these are ... cause many textbooks that omitted as type of movement as included .
Now , a speed like that are pretty unusual , 100 of times faster than the regular movement of glaciers , but you can actually see glacier move during these surges , though it is rare .
So , the ice would expand or constrict , and that can cause be crack to form in the surface of the layer of ice , and that brittle the surface ice moving , is sometimes considered a type of glacier movement depending on which source you can thaw to .
Continental glaciers can move as fast as33 meters each day .
Now , as you probably know , glaciers generally move really slowly .
A large majority of glaciers are in retreat , defined as the shifting of the snout .
Now , even though it may be difficult to understand how a huge mass less can move or flow , in another word for it , it 's really known that the secret that the glaciers flow , because of gravity .
They discovered that during the same 14-month period that 1.7 cubic kilometers ( 0.4 cubic miles ) of water cascaded through subglacial waterways , the 75-kilometer ( 45-mile ) long glacier downstream picked up speed , moving about 10 percent faster .
This , Jakobshavn Isbrae , is the fastest flowing glacier on our planet , moving as much as 14 meters a day . As it advances , it destroys everything in its pass , even cutting its way through Greenland 's great mountain ranges on its drive downwards towards the sea .
And so the glacier oozes downhill without any ice actually melting .
And temperature also plays part here , in that does not moves easily .
Now , there are a couple of the factors that affects the amounts of deformation that takes place or the speed of the glaciers movement for example .
So , if you had a glacier in the slightly warmer region , it will flow faster than the glacier in the cooler region .