
The results show that the area with a high coverage of grassland , wetland and glacier decreased in the time period , while the area of barren land increased . The comprehensive land use index decreased remarkably , indicating that desertification worsened .
But compare with annual mean temperature , annual minimum temperature has greater correlation with glacial area change .
The area of glaciers has been reduced by 49.3 % since the Maximum of the Little Ice Age .
Iceland 's biggest icecap is enormous . It 's larger than all the glaciers in mainland Europe combined .
The expanse of ice is retreating , in what environmentalists say is a dramatic sign of warming temperatures .
Four indicators were declining : Arctic sea ice , glaciers , spring snow cover in the northern hemisphere and stratospheric temperatures .
The absolute variation in area and volume of each glacier since the LIA increased and the relative variation decreased with size .
For recent 150 years , the area and lengths have decreased , and the altitudes of terminal and snow line have increased .
It quoted Chen Xi of the Chinese Academy of Sciences as saying that glaciers in the Tianshan range have receded 15 to 30 percent in the last three decades .
Models show that a decrease of 99 % by the end of the century is likely if emissions continue to rise , and even 70 % is possible if emissions are reduced .
Spatial distribution and variation characteristics of the glaciers were analyzed . Combined with our own results and previously published results , we calculated glacier area change information in China during the past half century .
By the analysis , the most glaciers of the Yangtze valley system are the small scale , which the different area rank glacier assumes the normal distribution .
In upstream of the Yellow River basin there exist 175 glaciers with total area 172.16 km ~ 2 , ice storage capacity 12.2871 km ~ 3 , the end elevation of the glaciers between 4120-5250 m.
Rating of glaciers is inversely related to glacier area decreased percentage , That is , the smaller the glacier scales , the faster the retreat is , and the retreat is severer .
The source Region of Tarim River , is one of the areas in China where the glaciers are concentrated , and the glacier area totaled as 17 745.51km ~ ( 2 ), accounting for 30 % of the total glacier area in China .
The influence and prediction of spatial structure distribution of glacier : with the application of fractal theory for the relationship of glacier area – circumference , in addition , the stability of the spatial characteristics of the structure is also analyzed and compared with the actual ablation .
The influencing factors of the glacier changes : Small glaciers in the study area account for the vast majority , a large number of small glaciers is an important factor of the cause for the glacier sensitive to climate change and retreat of glacier area .