
  1. 结果表明:黄河源区近15a来高覆盖度草地、湿地和冰川面积急剧减少,未利用土地面积增加,土地荒漠化程度加剧,土地利用综合程度指数下降。

    The results show that the area with a high coverage of grassland , wetland and glacier decreased in the time period , while the area of barren land increased . The comprehensive land use index decreased remarkably , indicating that desertification worsened .

  2. 相较于年均温度,冰川面积变化与年均最低温度的关系更为密切,并且同样存在0-3年的缓变效应。

    But compare with annual mean temperature , annual minimum temperature has greater correlation with glacial area change .

  3. 小冰期最盛期以来,冰川面积减少49.3%。

    The area of glaciers has been reduced by 49.3 % since the Maximum of the Little Ice Age .

  4. 冰岛最大的冰盖非常广袤,其面积甚至超过了欧洲大陆冰川面积的总和。

    Iceland 's biggest icecap is enormous . It 's larger than all the glaciers in mainland Europe combined .

  5. 当地的冰川面积正在减少,环保人士称之为气候变暖的明显标志。

    The expanse of ice is retreating , in what environmentalists say is a dramatic sign of warming temperatures .

  6. 有4个指标有所下降:北极海冰面积、冰川面积、北半球春季积雪以及平流层气温。

    Four indicators were declining : Arctic sea ice , glaciers , spring snow cover in the northern hemisphere and stratospheric temperatures .

  7. 该地区各冰川面积和储量的绝对变化量随着冰川规模的增大而增大,而其相对变化百分数却是随着冰川规模的增大而减小。

    The absolute variation in area and volume of each glacier since the LIA increased and the relative variation decreased with size .

  8. 近150年来,冰川面积和长度继续减少,末端及雪线高度升高。

    For recent 150 years , the area and lengths have decreased , and the altitudes of terminal and snow line have increased .

  9. 文中还引述了中国科学院研究员陈曦的话,指出天山区域的冰川面积近30年来退缩了15%到30%。

    It quoted Chen Xi of the Chinese Academy of Sciences as saying that glaciers in the Tianshan range have receded 15 to 30 percent in the last three decades .

  10. 模型显示,如果温室气体排放量继续增加,到本世纪末,珠峰冰川面积可能减少99%;而如果排放量减少,这一数字甚至可能降到70%。

    Models show that a decrease of 99 % by the end of the century is likely if emissions continue to rise , and even 70 % is possible if emissions are reduced .

  11. 另外结合我们提取的其它山系的冰川面积信息和已发表的研究成果,通过数据整合,我们计算得到了我国冰川约半个世纪以来的变化信息,并对其时空变化特征进行了分析。

    Spatial distribution and variation characteristics of the glaciers were analyzed . Combined with our own results and previously published results , we calculated glacier area change information in China during the past half century .

  12. 通过对长江流域冰川的面积结构的分析发现,长江流域冰川系统主要由小规模的冰川构成,不同面积等级的冰川成正态分布。

    By the analysis , the most glaciers of the Yangtze valley system are the small scale , which the different area rank glacier assumes the normal distribution .

  13. 黄河流域上游分布着175条冰川,总面积172.16km~2,冰川储量12.2871km~3,冰川末端高度在4120&5250m之间。

    In upstream of the Yellow River basin there exist 175 glaciers with total area 172.16 km ~ 2 , ice storage capacity 12.2871 km ~ 3 , the end elevation of the glaciers between 4120-5250 m.

  14. 冰川规模等级和冰川面积减少百分比呈反相关关系,即冰川规模越小,退缩速率越快,退缩程度越剧烈。

    Rating of glaciers is inversely related to glacier area decreased percentage , That is , the smaller the glacier scales , the faster the retreat is , and the retreat is severer .

  15. 塔里木河源区是我国冰川分布最集中的地区之一,总面积达17745.51km2,占全国冰川总面积的30%;

    The source Region of Tarim River , is one of the areas in China where the glaciers are concentrated , and the glacier area totaled as 17 745.51km ~ ( 2 ), accounting for 30 % of the total glacier area in China .

  16. 冰川空间结构分布的影响及预测:应用分形理论研究冰川面积?周长之间的关系,并对其空间特征结构的稳定性进行了分析,与实际消融进行了对比。

    The influence and prediction of spatial structure distribution of glacier : with the application of fractal theory for the relationship of glacier area – circumference , in addition , the stability of the spatial characteristics of the structure is also analyzed and compared with the actual ablation .

  17. 冰川变化的影响因素:研究区以小规模冰川占绝大多数,小冰川数量众多是导致该区冰川对气候变化敏感而冰川面积退缩率较大的重要因素。

    The influencing factors of the glacier changes : Small glaciers in the study area account for the vast majority , a large number of small glaciers is an important factor of the cause for the glacier sensitive to climate change and retreat of glacier area .