
  • 网络Ice and snow melting;melting of ice and snow
  1. 春季冰雪消融为到访者打破了坚冰

    The spring melt breaks the ice for visitors . Narwhals .

  2. 等到千里冰雪消融。

    When the great distant snow and ice melt .

  3. 水管的结冰融解了。冰雪消融,河水上涨泛滥。

    As the ice melted away , the river rose in dangerous floods .

  4. 有些人表示,火山爆发后,周围的冰雪消融,会引发洪水。

    Some said the ice around the volcano would melt , causing flooding .

  5. 但春季的冰雪消融已悄然而至

    But the spring melt is already under way .

  6. 冰雪消融使河水满溢。

    Rivers filled to overflowing by melted snow .

  7. 冰雪消融的时刻,春天般阳光灿烂的心情也悄悄萌芽。

    When the snow melts away , happy sunlight of spring is at the gate .

  8. 冰雪消融的人工调节

    Artificial regulation of snow and ice melting

  9. 现在,随着冰雪消融,许多来自你过去的痛苦也在消褪。

    Now , as that ice melts , so does a lot of the pain from your past .

  10. 全世界大多数研究人员都认为,温室气体是冰雪消融的元凶。

    Most researchers around the world agree that green house gases are to blame for the disappearance of ice .

  11. 冰堰后面,冰雪消融形成了深深的湖泊,灌满了爱达荷州与蒙大拿州西部的若于个山谷。

    A deep lake of melt water formed behind the frigid dam , fifing several valleys in Idaho and western Montana .

  12. 在冰川与积雪消融研究中,度日模型应用较为广泛,该模型是基于冰雪消融与气温,尤其是正积温之间的线性关系建立的。

    Degree-day factor is an important parameter of degree-day model which is a widely used method for ice and snow melt computation .

  13. 气温回升,降水增多,冰雪消融。注意调养脾胃,增加运动以缓解春困。

    Rain more and temperature higher , nurse and harmonize Liver and Spleen , more outdoor activities to prevent being spring sleepy .

  14. 任何一个在投行工作的人都知道,如果形势恶化,这些钱在年底前就会像冰雪消融一样消失无踪。

    Anyone at an investment bank will know that that money can melt like snow before the end of the year if things go wrong .

  15. 湖泊沉积剖面10Be浓度的波动,很可能表征流域内冰雪消融与累积的变化。

    The fluctuations of 10 Be concentrations in deposit profiles of glacial lakes may reflect the changes of ice accumulation and melting during the quaternary period .

  16. 每年夏天,冰雪消融时,这里就变成了企鹅、海鸟和一些植物(特别是藓类植物)恢复活力的庇护所。

    Each summer when the ice retreats , it becomes a refuge for penguins and sea birds , and plants - especially mosses - return to life .

  17. 通过让所有的男孩子们解决同一个影响到整个园区的“事故”,两个小组之间的冲突冰雪消融了。

    By involving all the boys in the resolution of an " incident " that affected the entire camp , the conflict between the two groups evaporated .

  18. 气候变化和冰雪消融对脆弱的生态,当地居民和原著社区的生活,以及潜在的自然资源开发,都具有潜在的影响。

    Climate change and the melting of ice have a potential impact on vulnerable ecosystems , the livelihoods of local inhabitants and indigenous communities , and the potential exploitation of natural resources .

  19. 夏季,海上冰雪消融,没有冰面作为平台,它们就无法捕食它们最主要的食物来源-海豹,所以,它们几乎不吃什么东西,禁食直到秋季冰块再次成型。

    Sea ice melts in summer . Without ice for a platform they cannot hunt seals , their main prey - and so they fast , eating almost nothing until ice forms in autumn .

  20. 另一方面,因大气中温室气体浓度的不断升高而导致的冰雪消融、海平面上升、气候异常、干旱加剧、洪水泛滥等气候变化现象日趋严重,威胁到人类的生存。

    On the other hand , as the phenomenon of ice melting , sea level 's up , climate abnormity , more droughts and flooding are getting serious , so that it threatened human 's survive .

  21. 各次冰期的冰川性质分别为大型山岳冰川、冰帽、山麓冰川和中小型山谷冰川。北冰洋的冰雪消融将会使最大的油轮驶抵那里。

    The glacial epochs are characterized by great mountain glaciers , ice caps , piedmont glaciers and medium - to small-scale valley glaciers . Disappearance of the Arctic pack would enable the largest tanker to reach there .

  22. 任何人都以为我会在几天内脱离径赛队,但一月的最后一个星期,我跑过冰雪消融后的水坑,水花飞溅;二月的风里,我几乎被吹离跑道。

    Anyone would have thought that I 'd be off the team in a few days , but the last week of January caught me splashing through puddles of melted ice , and February winds nearly blew me off the track .

  23. 冰雪正在消融,你们还在想着春假该怎样度过,

    Just as winter was thawing and you were thinking about spring break ,

  24. 2007年夏天自有记录以来冰雪首次消融

    cleared of ice in the summer of 2007 for the first time since records began .

  25. 度日模型尽管是对冰雪表面消融能量平衡这一复杂过程的简化描述,但在流域尺度上,通常可以获取类似于能量平衡模型的输出结果。

    Despite its simplicity , it is demonstrated that the degree-day model is a powerful tool for ablation modeling on a catchment scale , rather than the energy balance models .

  26. 又或许在一些更远的山峰上,那里,冰雪正在消融,只有稍许尚在山顶上,最终把那些巨大的山谷留给了已经活过严冬的牛儿们在那里吃草。

    Or perhaps in some of the more distant mountain peaks , where the snows receded , crowning the peaks while leaving vast valleys free at last for the cattle that had survived the winter to graze upon .

  27. 这些参数是计算冰盖体积和物质平衡、重建过去冰雪积累和消融率以及冰盖动力和沉积过程的基础。

    These parameters are fundamental to calculate ice volume and mass balance and reconstruct past snow accumulation and melting rates , ice dynamics and deposition process .

  28. 因此科学家们非常了解一旦居住着丹麦人的北极极地的冰雪越来越多地消融掉,那么通过新的降雪所获得的雪量相比之下是非常少的。

    Thus scientists are keen to understand if the Danish-owned Arctic island ( Greenland map ) is losing more ice mass through melting and discharge of glaciers than it is gaining from fresh snowfall .