
  1. 例如,冰岛的地热能开发量与日本相当,不过人口只有日本的四百分之一。

    Iceland , for instance , generates the same amount of geothermal energy as Japan , though Japan has 400 times more people .

  2. 冰岛北部Hamar地热田开采模型

    Exploitation model of the Hamar geothermal field , Northern Iceland

  3. 冰岛北部Hamar地热田是一个低温地热田。

    The Hamar geothermal field is one of many low-temperature geothermal fields in Northern Iceland .

  4. 冰岛正在投资发展地热技术,通过钻探开采地下热能。

    Iceland is investing in geothermal technology , drilling for heat energy underground .