
  • 网络rink;hockey rink;Ice rink
  1. 护板冰球场的木质围板在溜冰板上溜冰的运动。

    The wooden structure enclosing an ice hockey rink . the sport of skating on a skateboard .

  2. 下周,踏上冰球场的斯科特·贝尔德将成为冬奥会历史上年纪最大的参赛选手。

    When Scott Baird steps on the curling rink next week he will become the oldest Winter Olympian in the history of the Games .

  3. 不可能在冰球场学会的。

    Can 't learn that on a hockey rlnk .

  4. 用作围着冰球场的墙壁的木板。

    The boarding that surrounds an ice hockey rink .

  5. 足球场看上去更像是充满滑来滑去冰球员们的冰球场。

    The football field looked more like ice rings with players slipping and sliding .

  6. 图灵为什么喜欢冰球场

    Turing 's fond of the football field

  7. 格伦:克里斯托弗,请你抓紧时间,不然我们就不能准时到达冰球场了。

    Glen : Christopher , please hurry up or we won 't get to the arena on time .