
  • 网络Watch the ball;Fore;imax
  1. 看球去。

    Let 's go to watch the game .

  2. 你就穿这件去Penny那儿看球?

    Is that what you 're wearing to watch football at Penny 's ?

  3. 看来我要和DickButkus一起看球了

    Oh , looks like i got to watch the game with dick butkus .

  4. 那是30年前,我在布鲁塞尔的海瑟尔体育场(HeyselStadium),与《卫报》的帕特里克·温图尔(PatrickWintour)和《观察家》(TheObserver)的埃德·福里米(EdVulliamy)一起看球。

    It was of standing 30 years ago at the Heysel Stadium in Brussels with my friends Patrick Wintour of The Guardian and Ed Vulliamy of The Observer .

  5. Egan放倒范瓦尔岑是比赛的转折点,劳伦斯在底线看球的弗格森爵士的注视下冷静的罚中了点球。

    The breakthrough arrived when van Velzen was fouled by Egan and Lawrence calmly steered home the spot-kick in front of Sir Alex Ferguson , who watched on from the touchline .

  6. 今年27岁的黑人安娜(AnaBeatrizFerreira)是里约的一名看车员,她说:门票那么贵,当然只有白人才买得起,进去看球怎么可能轮到我?

    Sure , there are only whites in the stadium . It comes down to money , said Ana Beatriz Ferreira , a 27-year-old parking attendant in Rio de Janeiro , who is black . Nobody I know could find affordable tickets .

  7. 我们知道,足球流氓行为使得球迷不愿去看球。

    We know that hooliganism deters fans from going to football .

  8. 他们就在看台上看球。

    They just sat in the stand , watching the game .

  9. 我是小小篮球员,看球!

    I 'm a little basketballer , look this basket pls !

  10. 很多时候他们根本都不看球。

    For large periods they weren 't even looking at the pitch .

  11. 我原本会坐在名人之间看球。

    I was gonna sit right between spike and woody .

  12. 不过我对看球也感兴趣。

    But I 'm interested in watching ball games too .

  13. 你们不是要带罗斯去看球?

    I thought you were taking Ross to the game .

  14. 易建联,祝你在板凳上看球愉快。

    Hope you enjoyed watching that from the bench , yi jianlian !

  15. 看球么?除了日本你支持哪个队啊?

    Watch football ? Which team do you support except for Japan ?

  16. 但操纵比赛行为更让他们不想去看球。

    But one thing deters them even more : match-fixing .

  17. 看球的同时,他们喝着啤酒和国民级鸡尾酒caipirinhas。

    They drink beer and caipirinhas , the national cocktail .

  18. 我宁愿看球而不愿意打球。

    I 'd rather watch it than play it .

  19. 虽然周六欧锦赛中爱尔兰0-3不敌比利时,但这并没有让赴波尔多看球的爱尔兰球迷一蹶不振。

    They appeared in high spirits despite losing three-nil to Belgium on Saturday .

  20. 好吧,那么我也不会去看球。

    Weii , then I 'm not gonna go to the game either .

  21. 家人和朋友一起看球的形式较多。

    Family and friends to watch more form .

  22. 我们把车留在这,走路回家看球怎么样。

    Let 's leave the car here , walk home and watch the game .

  23. 从技术上讲,要想拥有出色的球场视野,看球并不是必须的。

    Seeing where the ball goes isn 't technically a requirement for superb court vision .

  24. 今天是最好的看球天气,有点云,但舒适暖和。

    It 's a perfect day for it a little cloudy but nice and warm .

  25. 或许他们能找到,而不需要拥有我那种周日早上从床上弹起来看球的回忆。

    Perhaps they can do so without the Sunday morning bouncing ball memories I have .

  26. 他们球踢得不好,但他们喜欢在电视上看球。

    They can 't play football well , but they like to watch it on TV .

  27. 他说镇上每个人都去西尔玛餐厅看球。

    He said everybody in town 's going to thelma 's Steakhouse to watch the game .

  28. 我也觉得能和你一起看球很幸运。

    And I do feel lucky too , getting to watch the game with you tonight .

  29. 又为什么不再看球?

    And what makes them stop ?

  30. 我才不要和不懂球赛的人一起看球呢

    I don 't like watching the game with people who don 't know the game .