- be expected to fall;weakness;be bearish

[be bearish] 价值或指标下降的趋势
Japanese banks remain bearish .
Dealers said investors remain bearish
Stock market quotations in Hong Kong are expected to fall in the next few days .
The bear : Mike Mayo , analyst , Credit Agricole securities
If the market is thought to be poor and prices on the Stock Exchange are thought to be likely to fall , the market is called a bear market .
While some bears were beginning to temper their pessimism , the consensus view was that Facebook was expensive and speculative .
Ruin Analysis for Erlang ( 2 ) Risk Process and American Put Option
The IMF has become markedly more bearish on emerging economies since October , revising its forecasts downward by an average of a percentage point .
Investors in Facebook warrants are buying twice as many puts as calls , with many betting the stock will be below $ 22 a share by December .
Black-Scholes pricing model has no analytical formula of American put options , thus it cannot get accurate solution .
From real options perspective , through the BOT highway bilateral guarantee the government access to two real options value : a put option value and a call option value .
Exchange data published yesterday showed one fund , Shanghai Chaos an investment fund that had previously held the biggest short position in copper on the Shanghai Futures Exchange had halved its holdings of bearish copper bets from 33,800 contracts .
The number of financial bets providing insurance against a fall in prices below $ 100 a barrel before the end of the year has more than doubled in the past six weeks , according to the New York Mercantile Exchange .
Whitney Day was when a bearish note about Citigroup by analyst Meredith Whitney sparked a sell-off of US banks , ending the bull market for good in October 2007 .
Analysts had thought that IPOs by Chinese companies in Shanghai and Hong Kong would not be hurt by bearish sentiments in western markets and would repeat last year 's astounding success to raise a combined $ 60bn this year .
In addition , we further dissertate how to apply the B-S option-pricing model to the measurement of premium from two sides of the theory and the demonstration .
The bears also argue that CDOs and other innovative structures have , in fact , made the financial system less resilient because of their complexity and lack of transparency .
This paper presented two difference schemes for pricing the American put stock options : one is implicit scheme , the other is modified Crank-Nicolson scheme .
Go short when the MACD-Histogram traces a bearish divergence , that is , when prices rise to a new high but the indicator ticks down from a lower peak .
We 've got the tweet from Doug Kass , whose main Apple-related claim to fame was to publish his " Bear Case for Apple " the day before the stock began a nosedive that lopped $ 300 billion off the market cap of the world 's most valuable company .
And in the real world , Berns said , investors sometimes do the same thing & by prematurely selling a stock that 's lost value , and set waiting for the stock price to rise again .
For several years , Phillippe de Brem and Guillaume dumans would spend two hours every morning before their day jobs as traders began , scanning the web for bullish or bearish signs on French stocks .
Meanwhile , by the analysis of the characteristics of this investment problem with HARA utility function , it is concluded that this investment strategy can be simplified as an unconstrained optimal investment strategy and a hedge strategy based on the European put-option and the two-asset exchange option .
The overall oil price outlook is expected to remain bearish .
To be sure , the bearish outlook could be overblown .
We are especially bearish on the U.S. refining industry right now .
The bearish argument has grown increasingly loud over the past week .
But JP Morgan seems to be standing by its bearish forecast .
The market rose today , despite the fears of bearish investors .
It would be just as easy to build a bear case .