
  1. 研究表明婴儿通过辨别光亮和黑暗的区域来学会看东西。

    Research suggests that babies learn to see by distinguishing between areas of light and dark

  2. 这位女士真的能用她的眼睛看东西了。

    The lady could really see with her eyes .

  3. 你学会用眼睛看东西,用手回应。

    You learn to see something with your eyes and respond to it with your hands .

  4. 我用望远镜看东西。

    I looked through a telescope .

  5. 通过科学研究和马丁?罗宾的博客已经论证多次的是,人们在网上看东西的方式遵循着一种F型模式。

    It has been demonstrated many times , in scientific studies and Martin Robbins ' blog , that the way people read things on the internet follows anF-shaped pattern .

  6. 你一直挡住我的光线,我看东西更费力了。

    It 's harder when you keep standing in my light .

  7. 酒喝过量时看东西有时会产生重影。

    When you drink too much , you sometimes see double .

  8. 却要剥夺人类看东西的权力?

    Want to deprive human beings of their right to see ?

  9. 眼睛是用来看东西的,鼻子是用来闻气味的。

    An eye is for seeing , a nose is for smelling .

  10. 我们看东西的方式与照相机的工作方式相似。

    We see in a way comparable to the way cameras work .

  11. 透过“门”看东西方建筑文化的差异

    Difference comparison between eastern and Western architectural culture through " gate "

  12. 我的眼睛有点奇怪,看东西会产生重影。

    Something 's wrong with my eyes . I 'm seeing double .

  13. 我们能够忍受每天都像这样看东西吗?

    Could we bear every day to look through this wavy plastic ?

  14. 也许我看东西太天真有时。

    Maybe I see things too naively at times .

  15. 东方食品进入西方市场难在何处&请看东西方学者的分析

    The difficulty of oriental food entering the western market

  16. 我们是用两个分隔开的眼睛看东西的。

    Our eyes use two separate regions to see .

  17. 我喜欢你看东西时的那种表现。

    I love the way you look at things .

  18. 他们被用来在黑夜里看东西。

    They are used for seeing in the dark .

  19. 我一次只能用一只眼看东西。

    My eyes can only see the light one side at a time .

  20. 它们是用来在黑暗处看东西的。

    They 're used for seeing in the dark .

  21. 我们的眼睛用来看东西。

    Our eyes are for looking at things .

  22. 但我看东西还是不清楚。

    But I cannot see very far yet .

  23. 剪枝夹给你种美妙力量感,你对所看东西都构成威胁。

    Secateurs give you wonderful feeling power ; you become menace all you survey .

  24. 用眼你能看东西。

    With your eyes you can see .

  25. 吃胡萝卜是不是真的有助于在黑暗中看东西?

    If you eat carrots does it really help you to see in the dark ?

  26. 他在外面看东西呢。

    He is outside with our stuff .

  27. 近视眼的人看东西通常眯着眼。

    Shortsighted people usually squint at things .

  28. 我眼底里觉得痛,看东西的时候觉得疲累,而且流泪。

    I have pain inside my eyes , and feel strain in seeing and tear easily .

  29. 多恩,你(眼睛)眯着看东西,真有帮助吗?

    F : Donne , you 're squinting to see the sign . Does that really help ?

  30. 事实上,他们只是享受与在慢镜头中看东西爆炸的样子。

    Instead they seem to enjoy nothing more than watching everyday objects explode in super slow motion .