
kān mén rén
  • gatekeeper;janitor;caretaker;doorkeeper;gate keeper
  1. 给炉子添加燃料是看门人的工作。

    It was the caretaker 's job to stoke the furnace .

  2. 这个老看门人总是责骂,呵叱个没完。

    The old caretaker was always scolding and chiding .

  3. 看门人巡视一圈,把灯熄灭。

    The janitor comes round to turn the lights out

  4. 据信他在伦敦东区的夜总会当过看门人而没被认出来。

    He is believed to have worked unrecognised as a doorman at East End clubs

  5. 肯尼迪调皮地建议教授和看门人互换一段时间工作。

    Kennedy mischievously suggested that professors ought to trade jobs for a time with janitors

  6. 看门人用褴褛的衣服擦着窗户。

    The janitor wiped on the windows with his rags .

  7. 这时候看门人惊奇到了困惑不解的地步。

    This time the concierge was surprised to the point of bewilderment .

  8. 看门人是个六十岁的矮胖子。

    The gateman was a stodgy fellow of 60 .

  9. 那个看门人每天晚上负责打扫大楼的地板和锁门。

    The janitor swept the floors and locked up the building every night .

  10. 我走进餐厅的时候,看门人拿来一张警察局发的表格要我填。

    As I went into the dining-room the concierge brought me a police bulletin to fill out .

  11. Field(范围):范围是一组作为领域“看门人”的人。

    Field : The field is the set of people who act as " gatekeepers " to the domain .

  12. 通过一个名叫帕里斯(Paris)的变性人俱乐部看门人,凯恩开始从黑市上购买荷尔蒙。

    Through a transgender club doorwoman named Paris , Ms. Cayne began getting black-market hormones .

  13. 在it业工作多年的伊恩盖姆(iangame)表示,招聘机构和人事部门员工是“看门人”,应聘者必须努力通过这一关。

    Ian game , who has worked in it for years , says recruitment agencies and HR staff are " gatekeepers " that applicants have to struggle past .

  14. 曾为已故的纳尔逊•曼德拉(NelsonMandela)当了19年私人助理的赛尔达•拉格兰赫(ZeldaLaGrange)称,人们瞧不起看门人。

    Zelda La Grange , personal assistant to the late Nelson Mandela for 19 years , says people underestimate the gatekeeper .

  15. 现在你到那里去,distract:转移,分心humorless:没有幽默感的concierge:看门人,门房你去引开Dexter那个毫无幽默感的管理员,好吧。

    Dan : Now you go in there , You distract Dexter , the humorless concierge ... Okay .

  16. 故事围绕酒店的看门人古斯塔沃先生(拉尔夫•费因斯饰)和他的得意门生零•穆斯塔法(TonyRevolori饰)展开。

    The story centers on Monsieur Gustave H. ( Ralph Fiennes ) , the hotel 's concierge , and his promising young prot é g é , Zero ( Tony Revolori ) .

  17. 行政助理组织(ExecutiveAssistantsOrganisation)的创始人维多利亚•雷宾(VictoriaRabin)称,科技使得助理的“看门人”角色更重要了,无数请求通过电子邮件向高管涌来,他们需要助理对这些邮件进行初步过滤。

    Victoria Rabin , founder of Executive Assistants Organisation , says technology has made the assistant 's gatekeeping role more important in guarding against the deluge of requests by email .

  18. 由于多数富于情绪化的事件常常伴随着肾上腺素的分泌,因此α2b型肾上腺素受体如同我们记忆库的看门人,由它决定应当记住什么或遗忘什么。

    Since emotionally charged events are often accompanied by adrenaline secretion , the α 2b-adrenoceptor acts as a gatekeeper that decides what will be remembered and what discarded .

  19. ssh-agent程序如同一个看门人,它根据需要安全地提供对安全密钥的访问。

    The ssh-agent program acts like a gatekeeper , securely providing access to security keys as needed .

  20. 考虑到付不起一次体面的约会必要的晚餐钱,看门人独自去看了《家是猎人》(Homeisthehunter)。这部戏讲了一名黑人军人战后回美国的故事,小伙子看得入了迷。

    The janitor , having no money for the dinner that a proper date would have included , went on his own to see " Home is the Hunter , " a play about black servicemen returning to America after the war .

  21. 这部戏在美国黑人剧院(theAmericanNegroTheatre,ANT)上演,这对房客夫妻,ClariceTaylor和MaxwellGlanville,也参与了演出。这个看门人,当然就是故事的主人公亨瑞.贝拉方特(HarryBelafonte)。

    He was enraptured . The tenants , Clarice Taylor and Maxwell Glanville , performed in the play , which was put on by the American Negro Theatre ( ANT ) . The janitor was , of course , Harry Belafonte .

  22. 科恩表示,coutts为他免费提供日常银行服务,他需要为一张包含“看门人”服务的信用卡支付年费,而这项服务“已经取得回报”。

    He says Coutts gives him free day-to-day banking and he pays an annual fee for a credit card which includes a concierge service that , he says , " has already paid for itself " .

  23. 既然他自己的妈妈无法抚育他,小Wumundi的抚养任务就落在看门人曼迪?赫利沃斯身上。

    With his own mom unable to care for him , the task of rearing little Wumundi has fallen on keepers like Mandy Hollingsworth .

  24. Poitier先一步时来运转了:他在一部戏里替代Belafonte的角色,此时还在做看门人的Belafonte正在清理房客的垃圾,无奈错失良机。

    Mr Poitier got his break first : he took Mr Belafonte 's place in a play that the latter , still employed as a janitor , missed because he had to collect his tenants ' rubbish .

  25. 看门人掌管通过一大门的人。

    One that is in charge of passage through a gate .

  26. (3)关掉那个看门人会过来把灯关掉。

    eg. The janitor comes around to turn the lights out .

  27. 他随即走下楼去,叫醒那看门人。

    Then he went down stairs and woke up the porter .

  28. 但是他的下半辈子都在做看门人。

    But spent the rest of his life as a janitor .

  29. 可能时看门人在凶案发生前清理过。

    Probably because the janitor cleaned up right before the murder .

  30. 这位老板听从了看门人的劝告,取消了旅行。

    The man takes his word and cancels his trip .