
  1. 我看你该歇歇了,别没完没了地唠叨吃的东西。

    I think you should try to stop obsessing about food .

  2. 看你能不能把我从这张照片上认出来。

    See if you can pick me out in this photo .

  3. 如果不出意外,我明天去看你。

    Unless something unexpected happens , I 'll see you tomorrow .

  4. 我看你准是认错人了。

    I think you must be mistaking me for someone else .

  5. 看你能不能向他再探问出些细节来。

    See if you can pump him for more details .

  6. 你这个笨蛋——看你都干了些什么!

    You moron ─ now look what you 've done !

  7. 尽早去看你的全科医生。

    Go and see your GP as soon as possible .

  8. 看你的孩子出生是一次非常难忘的经历。

    Watching your baby being born is a mind-blowing experience .

  9. 听听曲调,看你能否记起歌词。

    Listen to the tune and see if you can remember the words .

  10. 深吸一口气,看你能在水里待多久。

    Take a deep breath and see how long you can stay underwater .

  11. 我看你是有点过于乐观了。

    I think you 're being a little over-optimistic .

  12. 能否有机会要看你的工作经历和学历。

    The opportunities available will depend on your previous work experience and qualifications .

  13. 我期待着看你演出。

    I 'm looking forward to seeing you perform .

  14. 他或是辞职了,或是被辞退了,这要看你跟谁讲了。

    He either resigned or was sacked , depending on who you talk to .

  15. 出了什么事?看你愁眉苦脸的样子。

    Is anything wrong ? You look worried .

  16. 看你那是怎么用剪刀啊——你会伤着自己的!

    Watch how you use those scissors ─ you could do yourself a mischief !

  17. 下次我去你那一带时会顺道去看你的。

    I 'll stop by and see you next time I 'm down your way .

  18. 看你把这里弄得又脏又乱的,你自己来收拾吧!

    Clear up your own mess !

  19. 我能看你的授权书吗?

    Can I see your authorization ?

  20. 资历多好也没用,如果人家看你不对眼,你就不会有机会。

    It doesn 't matter how well qualified you are , if your face doesn 't fit , you don 't stand a chance .

  21. 他马上就会来这儿看你。

    He 'll be here to see you any moment now .

  22. 这要看你下多重的辣椒粉了。

    It all depends on how heavy-handed you are with the paprika

  23. 别指望我会去那儿看你。

    Don 't expect me to come and visit you there .

  24. 我看你没想过要去通知警察。

    I don 't suppose it occurred to you to notify the police .

  25. 这要看你怎么看待它。

    It depends how you look at it .

  26. 指给我看你喜欢哪个,我给你买。

    Show me which one you like and I 'll buy it for you .

  27. 如果你能像我看你那样看待自己,你会快乐得多。

    You 'd be so much happier if you could see yourself the way I see you

  28. 每次我们问母亲,她总是说:“噢,看你爸爸怎么说。”

    Every time we asked our mother , she said , ' Well , see what your father says . '

  29. 我到城里之后会去看你。

    I will call on you when I am in town .

  30. 我看你一点也不用着急。

    I don 't think you need to worry in the least .