
chánɡ huán qī xiàn
  • Repayment period;term of redemption
  1. Oz年会将于本周召开;而银行为约8亿美元债务设定的最新偿还期限是本月底。现在不是要求五矿终止禁止接触协议的时候。

    Oz 's annual meeting is this week ; the latest deadline from the banks for repayment of about $ 800m of debt is the end of the month . This is no time to ask Minmetals to break a no talk , no shop agreement .

  2. 再付两笔款把债还清重新安排贷款偿还期限

    Make two more repayments to clear the debt rescheduling of payment

  3. 因为贷款有一个偿还期限,这个期限会增加你的信用风险。

    Since the loan has a payoff deadline , it makes you a better credit risk .

  4. 除非这些债务能重新安排偿还期限或予以免除,世界将很快面临一场金融危机。

    Unless the debts can be re-scheduled or written off , the world will soon face a financial crisis .

  5. 公司债发行额几乎翻了一番,创下新纪录,债券收益率则降至历史最低水平,债券的偿还期限较以往也有所延长。

    Issuance has almost doubled to a record high , yields have fallen to all-time lows and companies have completed deals with longer durations .

  6. 通过发行分期还本债券,公司把本金的偿还期限分开,避免了一次支付全部本金。

    By issuing serial bonds , the company spreads its principal pay - ments over time and avoids paying the entire principal at one time .

  7. 宋代立法对官营高利贷规定必须明确贷款资金来源、偿还期限、利息计算方法等。

    The rules of Song legislation on the official ruling usury must be clear in capital source , time limit for repayment of loan , interest calculation method .

  8. 从技术角度讲,欧洲央行可以进入二级债券市场购买债券,但不得以帮助政府导致赤字或是延长债券偿还期限为目的。

    The bank is technically allowed to engage in secondary bond market purchases , but not with the aim of helping governments incur deficits or roll over debt .

  9. 认真负责的放贷机构也可以提议,如果对债务进行再融资,就缩短债务偿还期限,从而推动人们离开再融资的旋转木马。

    Conscientious lenders could also nudge people to get off the refinancing merry-go-round , by suggesting that the term of the loan be shortened when a loan is refinanced .

  10. 每月多支付20美元将会把偿还期限缩短到9年,在整个还贷期限里你节省900美元。

    Paying just $ 20 a month extra will shorten the repayment period to nine years and save you $ 900 in interest over the life of the loans .

  11. 计划的设计显然存在缺陷,有必要做出重大调整:设定的利率太高,而偿还期限太短。

    It is clear that the programme design was flawed and had to be subsequently corrected : the interest rate was set too high and the repayment period too short .

  12. 该信用评级机构表示,德国等国家要求希腊延长纾困贷款的债务偿还期限,很可能会导致对私人债权人的类似要求。

    The rating agency said demands from countries such as Germany that Athens should extend the debt payment maturities on bail-out loans would probably lead to similar demands on private creditors .

  13. 既然眼下私人部门贡献的份额已经固定,未来若要继续削减希腊债务价值,将不得不依靠延长希腊官方贷款的偿还期限。

    With the private sector contribution now fixed , any future reduction in the value of Greek debt would have to come from an increase in the maturity of the official Greek loan .

  14. 参与谈判的人士表示,一揽子计划中还将包括针对希腊债务私人持有者的激励措施,以促使他们自愿延长偿还期限,以及新一轮的紧缩措施。

    People involved in the talks said the package would also include incentives for private holders of Greek debt to voluntarily extend Athens ' repayment schedule , as well as another round of austerity measures .

  15. 欧盟的财政部长们希望延迟债务结算,可能同时给予希腊新的贷款,延长偿还期限,降低利息,或者,干脆考虑对现有的债务进行小规模的自愿重组。

    EU finance ministers want to postpone the reckoning again , perhaps with new loans for Greece , stretching out repayments , reducing the interest rate or even considering a modest voluntary reprofiling of current debt .

  16. 测算学院建设资金投入的最低额度,通过建立数学模型和相关分析,对信贷资金使用、偿债能力、偿还期限进行科学测算。

    To forecast minimum of investment of fund in the construction of the college , through establishment of mathematical model , and relative analysis , use of loan , ability to pay back loan and payment term are scientifically forecast .

  17. 通过分析,建议从数量的确定、偿还期限的安排、运行的规范化、国债资金使用的监督等方面来防范我国的国债风险。

    By analysing the quantity , the date of repayment , the operational scale of national debts and the supervision for the fund usage of the national debts should be enhanced in order to prevent the risk of our national debts .

  18. 但是,美国消费者金融保护局声称这些贷款是“债务陷阱”。通常它们的利率超过100%,并且偿还期限很短,贷款人们必须去借新的钱来还旧债。

    However , the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has said the loans are " debt traps . " They usually have interest rates of over 100 % , and borrowers must often take out additional loans to pay off the original because of the short repayment window .

  19. 发行无记名公司债券的,应当在公司债券存根簿上载明债券总额、利率、偿还期限和方式、发行日期及债券的编号。

    If bearer company bonds are issued , the company 's record of bondholders shall record the total value of such bonds , the interest rate thereon , the term thereof and the method for repayment , and the date of issue and the serial numbers of the bond certificates .

  20. 银行同意在我在校就读期间推迟我的偿还贷款期限。

    My bank has agreed to defer the repayments on my loan while I 'm still a student .

  21. 偿还贷款的期限为两个月。

    The time limit for repaying the loan is 2 months .

  22. 为什么选C啊,难道卖空股票的人就没有偿还的时间期限吗?

    C.Short sales involve time limits for returning the shares borrowed to the lender .

  23. 贷款按月偿还,贷款期限可达20年或更长。

    The loan is repaid monthly over a period of twenty years or more .

  24. 无论是放宽偿还债务的期限,还是新提供的国际援助,都没有阻挡住阿连德迫不及待地与美国对抗。

    Neither the debt relief nor the new international assistance stemmed Allende 's rush toward confrontation with the United States .

  25. 明天就是希腊的债权人同意免除一定到期债务,将债务延后数年偿还的最后期限。

    Tomorrow is the deadline for owners of Greek debt to agree to a haircut on their debt by extending the repayment schedule out a few years .