
  • 网络debt servicing ratio;debt service ratio;DSR
  1. 偿债率的界定与考核

    A Definition and Assessment on Liquidity Rate

  2. 但是,我国的国债政策并没有有效启动国内最终消费需求,而且国债规模的急速膨胀导致了我国赤字率、政府偿债率和国债负担率的快速增长。

    But the increase of bonds scale lead to deficit problem and government payment burden .

  3. 然而,家庭财务也大有改善,偿债率正在恢复到危机之前的水平。

    However , household finances have improved sharply , with debt service ratios returning to pre-crisis levels .

  4. 债务率为90%,偿债率为10%,均在国际警戒线之内;

    Debt rate is 90 % and repaying rate is 10 % , are all under the international alerting line ;

  5. 从贷款期限和偿债率来看,地方政府债务的贷款期限较长,偿债率较高。

    The loan period of the local government debt is long , and the debt service ratio local government debt is high .

  6. 衡量的指标有:负债率、债务率、偿债率及第三方机构认证衡量的标准信用违约互换和信用评级。

    Measure indicators are : debt ratio , debt ratio , debt ratio and the three party certification institutions to provide credit rating .

  7. 国债风险的大小主要通过国债依存度、国债负担率和国债偿债率三个指标来衡量。

    The scale of national debt risk mainly depends us the three indexes such rate of dependency , bearing rate and debt paying sate of national debt .

  8. 今年7月20号,冰岛政府表示,会往这些“新成立”的本土银行里注入20亿美元的资本,使这些银行的偿债率保持在强劲的层面上。

    On July20th the government said it would inject $ 2 billion of capital into these " new " domestic banks , leaving their solvency ratios at robust levels .

  9. 对于偿债率的界定和考核,必须了解其汇率风险,物价风险,资金风险和信用风险,强化对企业的财务评估,使债权人在其界定和考核下,能够按照市场的规律运作。

    To define and assess liquidity rate , requires a total comprehension on the risk of exchanging rate , price , fund and credit , enforcing financial assessment on enterprises that enables liquidity operative in accordance with market law .

  10. 第二节分析国债的数量风险,分别研究了衡量国债风险的三个指标:国债负担率、国债依存度和偿债率,并对隐性债务问题进行了较详细的分析。

    Section two analyzes the quantitative risk of national debts risk . It analyzes three indexes which are public debt-to-GDP ratio , public debt dependency and government debt-service ratio . It also analyzes the problem of hidden debts in detail .

  11. 由于我国国债发行规模增长较快从而引发了国债依存度以及国债偿债率过高等问题,而对国债发行规模进行增长中的微调将是一种较为有效地解决上述问题的政策选择。

    Due to the rapid increase of the scale of the issuing of Chinese national debt , the market of Chinese national debt produces some questions such as the high degree of dependence of national debt as well as the high rate of compensation of national debt , etc.