
chánɡ huán nénɡ lì
  • Repayment ability;repaying ability;repaying capability
  1. 第三章研究消费者偿还能力的不确定性以及相应的风险控制措施。

    The third one studies the uncertainty of consumer 's repaying ability and the relative anti-risk measures ;

  2. 关于水运建设项目财务评价中贷款偿还能力分析的初步探讨

    Preliminary Investigation on the Analysi , of Credit Repaying Ability for a Wate : Transport Construction Project

  3. 他们必须要证明公司目前具备偿还能力。

    They 're going to have to show that the company is now solvent .

  4. 费用不应超出你们偿还能力的限度。

    The expenses should be limited to what you can really afford .

  5. 要是我们在他证明自已有偿还能力以前就借给他钱,我们的钱就可能落空。我看还是应该等等看。

    If we give him the money now , before he 's proved that he 'll be able to pay it back , we may lose it completely . I think we should wait and see .

  6. 此外,有偿还能力的国家需要有合适的空间来完成改革。

    Moreover , solvent countries need a breathing-space to push through reforms .

  7. 他买下这个公司时,该公司几乎没有偿还能力。

    When he buy the company it be barely solvent .

  8. 公司被推定有偿还能力。

    11.The company is presumed to be still solvent .

  9. 高校贷款偿还能力的测算方法初探

    Calculation to the repayable ability of colleges ' loan

  10. 财务状况反映了一个公司的流动性和相关的债务偿还能力。

    The financial position reflects a corporation 's liquidity and related debt-paying ability .

  11. 在本周早些时候,投资者出于对该集团偿还能力的担忧,发起了抗议。

    Fears over its ability to repay investors triggered protests earlier this week .

  12. 他们真正关心的是一个恼人但却至关重要的问题:我们还有偿还能力吗?

    What matters is the irksome but vital question : are we still solvent ?

  13. 论缺乏偿还能力构成交通肇事罪

    Road traffic crime for lack of restitution ability

  14. 贷款偿还能力是项目可行性评估的最主要内容之一,应以增量效益来测算新增投资的偿还年限。

    An additional investment repayment term should be estimated based on the increment benefit .

  15. 关于高校举债办学偿还能力影响因素的探讨

    Discussion about Affecting Factor of Solvency of Float a Loan for Running Colleges and Universities

  16. 保险公司必须通过一些方法,来证明其偿还能力。

    The insurance company has to have some way of demonstrating its soundness to the public .

  17. 来宾县桉树造林成本分析及债务偿还能力评价

    Evaluating on Repayment Ability of Debt and Analysing on Afforest Cost of Eucalyptus in Laibin County

  18. 对公司筹集建路资金和偿还能力进行了估算;

    The funds to be raised for the railway construction and the rate of return are estimated .

  19. 本文认为确保贷款的安全,保证金融企业的资产安全,要从根源上即信贷客户信用评估入手,确保信贷客户的质量,正确评估信贷客户的偿还能力。

    To keep the safety of credit assets , it is necessary to evaluate the credit of customers .

  20. 研究生是否存在,大学是否存在资金偿还能力,这些都取决于项目预算。

    The project budget sustains both the existence of graduate students and the fiscal solvency of the university .

  21. 中国国有银行常常向没有偿还能力的国有企业提供贷款。

    China 's state-run banks routinely extend loans to state-owned enterprises that are not expected to be repaid .

  22. 女:哦,也就是说你们想要知道我的偿还能力如何。

    W : Oh , so you want to know if I am good about paying my debts .

  23. 这三个欧元区外围国家中,只有爱尔兰有望让投资者相信它的偿还能力。

    Of the three peripheral economies , only Ireland stands a good chance of convincing investors of its solvency .

  24. 外债偿还能力的综合评价方法及应用

    The Comprehensive Evaluation Method of the Capability of a Debtor Country to Clear off Its External Debts and the Application

  25. 比如该公司没有较多的长期贷款,短期贷款多,且偿还能力较好。

    For example , the company no more long-term loans , short-term loans , and the repayment ability is better .

  26. 接踵而至的,便会是资产价格触顶、恐慌性抛售、信贷冻结、大批人失去偿还能力,最后是步入衰退。

    Then comes a top to asset prices , panic selling , a credit freeze , mass insolvency and recession .

  27. 手头和库存的货物应由甲方通过有偿还能力的保险公司予以火灾保险。

    All merchandise on hand and in warehouse shall be insured by Party A with ~ companies against loss by fire .

  28. 对于有偿还能力但不愿偿还的债务人,及时提起诉讼。

    To those debtors who are solvent but unwilling to repay debts , a lawsuit shall be brought against them in time .

  29. 可批评家们担心,一个人在没有足够的偿还能力前就养成举债的习惯,会造成不良的社会影响。

    But critics worry that corrosive social effects result from the habit of taking on debt before one has sufficient income to repay .

  30. 近几年来,他们因常常鼓动一些没有偿还能力的人贷款买房而名声不好。

    Many have given the profession a bad name in recent years by convincing people to take on loans they couldn 't afford .