
  • 网络Bank mortgage loan;mortgage payment
  1. 而且大多数的人都通过从银行抵押贷款来购房。

    And the majority buy their homes with a mortgage loan from a bank .

  2. 第二,分析了典当融资与银行抵押贷款的联系与区别,并力图从实际案例中探讨典当融资对于缓解中小企业融资约束的可行性。

    Third , the connection and distinction between mortgage financing and bank loan were also discussed .

  3. 因此,爱尔兰政府计划聘请外部专家,对银行抵押贷款账簿进行严格审计并建立叮当邮件风险模型。

    Thus the plan is to get outside experts to properly audit the mortgage books and model the jingle mail risk .

  4. 与此同时,诸多由联邦政府控制的银行抵押贷款亏损激增,可能会阻止一部分信贷流入家庭。

    Meanwhile , mushrooming mortgage losses at various federally controlled lenders could choke off some of the credit flowing to households .

  5. 本文进一步讨论了基于持续期的贷款终止风险研究在银行抵押贷款证券化和信贷风险管理中的意义。

    Furthermore , the application of this empirical study in the mortgage-backed securities and credit risk management is discussed in this paper .

  6. 对于非银行抵押贷款发放机构与发起机构,肯定可以进行直接监管,或通过管理抵押贷款市场本身进行监管。

    Surely , the non-bank mortgage lenders and originators can be regulated either directly or through management of the mortgage market itself .

  7. 本文从商业银行抵押贷款中的个人住房抵押贷款进行分析,主要强调来自借款人本身的违约风险。

    This article from the commercial Banks to analyze the personal housing mortgage loan mortgage , focuses on itself from the borrower default risk .

  8. 许多经济学家认为经济下滑是美国房主丧失房屋赎回权和拖欠银行抵押贷款引发的信贷紧缩所致。

    Many economists trace the economic slowdown to a credit crunch sparked by a wave of home foreclosures and mortgage defaults in the United States .

  9. 本文首先讨论了住房抵押贷款证券化的理论基础,及其对资本结构理论的挑战,然后对银行抵押贷款证券化的收益与风险进行了分析。

    The theoretical principles underlying the securitization of housing mortgage and their challenges to the capital structure theories are discussed , and SHM 's benefits and risks analyzed .

  10. 银行抵押贷款已成为中外房地产信贷业务的主流,既为房地产开发和建设注入大量资金,又为住房购买和投资提供资金支持。

    The mortgage loan pours great amount of money into the development and the construction of the real estate industry , and it provides financial support to purchasing and investment on housing .

  11. 向银行抵押贷款买房在中国还是个新鲜事儿。尤其是老一辈的人不管干什么一般还是喜欢付现金。

    And the mortgage system , or buying with bank loans , is also something new in China and people of the elder generation especially still prefer to do everything by paying cash .

  12. 英国央行表示,将接受2007年底前发放的银行抵押贷款作为担保,作为周一启动的特殊流动性计划的一部分。

    The bank said it would accept as collateral from the banks mortgages that were issued before the end of 2007 , as part of the special liquidity scheme that begins on Monday .

  13. 允许更多的机构,尤其是银行推出抵押贷款;此外,银行发放的贷款可以超过其实际持有资金。

    Many more institutions , especially banks , were allowed to lend money for mortgages , and what was more , banks could lend out more money than they actually held

  14. 房利美成立于大萧条(greatdepression)时期,职责是从银行购入抵押贷款,重新打包后出售给投资者。

    Fannie Mae was founded during the Great Depression to buy up mortgages from banks , package them and sell them on to investors .

  15. 接下来的三个季度里,当雷曼和花旗集团(citigroup)等银行在抵押贷款资产上的押注成倍增加时,高盛已经在抵押贷款市场上积累了小额空头头寸。

    Over the next three quarters , as banks such as Lehman and Citigroup doubled up on their mortgage bets , Goldman accumulated a small short position on the mortgage market .

  16. 就在两周前,英国对来自美国的三种金融现象敞开怀抱,但这些概念如今在美国受到质疑:坏账银行、抵押贷款担保和加强与摩根大通(JPMorgan)的关系。

    Just last week , the UK embraced three US financial phenomena that are now regarded with scepticism on this side of the Atlantic : bad banks ; mortgage guarantees ; and closer ties to JPMorgan .

  17. 我国商业银行住房抵押贷款证券化定价分析

    Analysis of the Pricing of MBS for Commercial Bank in China

  18. 不知道能不能向银行作抵押贷款?

    I wonder if I can raise a mortgage from the bank ?

  19. 商业银行抵押担保贷款:风险及防范对策

    Risks of Mortgage Secured Loan of Commercial Bank and Countermeasures

  20. 商业银行住房抵押贷款风险管理研究

    The Risk Analysis and Management on Commercial Bank 's Individual Housing Mortgage Loan

  21. 商业银行住房抵押贷款证券化可行性研究

    Research on Feasibility of Home Mortgage Loan Backed Securitisation for Commercial Banks of China

  22. 商业银行住房抵押贷款征收初始费模式探讨

    A Probe into the Charge of Initial Fees against Mortgage Loans by Commercial Banks

  23. 房价波动中商业银行住房抵押贷款风险控制研究

    Risk Control of Commercial Bank 's Housing Mortgage In The Fluctuation of Housing Price

  24. 非能源领域的增长动力一直来自西方银行的抵押贷款。

    Growth in the non-energy sectors has been fuelled by collateralised loans from Western banks .

  25. 昨日这种痛苦蔓延到了华尔街以外的美国地方银行和抵押贷款机构。

    The pain yesterday spread well beyond Wall Street to regional US banks and mortgage lenders .

  26. 中国央行已经要求商业银行为抵押贷款投放提供资金。

    The central bank already has told commercial banks to make funds available for mortgage lending .

  27. 申铉认为,银行持有抵押贷款证券,这样就能以证券借贷。

    Mr Shin argues that banks held mortgage-backed securities so that they could borrow against them .

  28. 似乎缩小的这一点是由于银行为了抵押贷款业务竞争更加激烈。

    This narrowing owes little , it seems , to banks competing more vigorously for mortgage business .

  29. 在低利率政策的刺激下,市场再融资活动频繁,许多银行的抵押贷款业务都实现了强劲增长。

    A number of banks have reported strong mortgage sales as lower rates induced borrowers to refinance .

  30. 美国次贷危机与中国商业银行住房抵押贷款问题研究

    A Research on the American Sub-prime Loan Crisis and the Housing Mortgage Loan of China 's Commercial Banks