
  1. 加入WTO后,随着金融体制改革的不断深化,商业银行不良贷款问题仍将成为众所瞩目的焦点。

    After entering WTO , with the intensification of the financial system reform , the defective loans of the commercial banks will still become the focus of the public .

  2. 在此背景下,研究HB商业银行不良贷款问题具有重要的理论和实践意义。

    On the basic of those above , researches on Non-Performing Loans have important theory meaning and practical meaning .

  3. 从实证结果来看,GDP增长率、一年期存贷款利率差、房屋销售价格指数、企业景气指数、货币供应量增长率是影响我国商业银行不良贷款率的显著因素。

    From the empirical results , GDP growth rate , one-year deposit and lending interest rate differentials , housing sales price index , the business climate index , money supply growth is the significant factor impact of non-performing loan ratio of commercial banks .

  4. 本文首次将面板模型引入征信对银行不良贷款影响的跨国研究,利用横截面加权(Cross-sectionweights)的广义最小二乘法(GLS)对2004-2008年92个国家的面板数据进行回归分析。

    This is the first econometric model the introduction of credit information sharing on cross-country studies of the impact of banks ' bad loans ( Cross-section Weights ) cross-section weighted generalized least squares ( GLS ) 2004-2008 92-country panel data regression analysis .

  5. 我国银行不良贷款问题之法律分析

    The legal Analysis of the Bank 's Bad Credit in China

  6. 关于商业银行不良贷款的防范化解研究

    Study on Prevention and Disposal of Bad Loans in Commercial Banks

  7. 美国政府选择不收买银行不良贷款。

    America chose not to buy bad loans off its banks .

  8. 转型期国有商业银行不良贷款控制策略探析

    Strategy of State-Owned Commercial Banks for NPL Control during the Transitional Period

  9. 银行不良贷款违约损失率结构特征研究

    Study on Structural Characteristics of Lgd on Bank Nonperforming Loans

  10. 商业银行不良贷款减值拨备的应用与思考

    Application and Reflections of Provision Against the Non-performing Loan in Commercial Banks

  11. 论对国有银行不良贷款的防范与法律救济

    On State-owned Bank 's Bad Loan 's Prevention and Relief

  12. 日本银行不良贷款问题的治理原因分析

    Analysis of the Management Factor in Japanese Banks ' Non-performing Loan Problem

  13. 银行不良贷款对宏观经济运行的负面效应

    Negative Effects of Banking Bad Loans to Macroeconomic Operation

  14. 强制执行公证在商业银行不良贷款处置中的运用

    Applications of Enforcement Notarization in the Disposition of Commercial Banks ' Non-forming loans

  15. 国有商业银行不良贷款比率下降机理及政策建议

    Theory to Lower the NPLs Ratio of State-owned Banks and Relative Policy Suggestions

  16. 东亚模式下银行不良贷款的博弈分析

    A Game Theoretical Analysis on Unhealthy Loans by Banks under East Asian System

  17. 浅谈降低国有商业银行不良贷款的方略

    Elementary introduction to the ways of reducing abnormal loan in the national Business Bank

  18. 我国商业银行不良贷款防控对策研究

    The Research on Some Management Counter-measures of the Non-performing Loans of the Commercial Banks

  19. 商业银行不良贷款问题研究

    Research on Bad Loan of Commercial Bank

  20. 信用风险是造成国有银行不良贷款的根本原因。

    The root cause of non-performing loans in the state-owned banks resides in credit risk .

  21. 不良贷款证券化已经成为化解商业银行不良贷款的有效途径之一。

    It also has become one of the efficient ways to solve the non-performing loans .

  22. 目前,国有银行不良贷款率为25.37%。

    At present , the State-owned banks ' rate of non-performing loans stands at 25.37 percent .

  23. 戴相龙:4家国有银行不良贷款率这一数字是基本真实的。

    A : The rate of non-performing loans of the four State-owned banks is basically true .

  24. 第二章国有商业银行不良贷款问题的现状分析。

    The second Chapter : Analysis about the problem of bad loan emerged in state-owned commercial banks .

  25. 十年前,在疯狂放贷之后银行不良贷款占总资产的40-50%。

    Ten years ago , after the credit binge , banks'non-performing loans hit40-50 % of their assets .

  26. 延边国有商业银行不良贷款成因和化解不良贷款的途径

    Contributing Factors of Non Performing Loan of Yanbian National Commercial Banks and the Ways of Eliminating Non-Performing Loan

  27. 如果人们的担心是合理的,银行不良贷款确实出现激增,中国还是能够轻而易举地避免银行业崩盘。

    If the worriers are right and non-performing loans surge , China can nonetheless easily avoid a banking collapse .

  28. 随着银行不良贷款率和银行盈利能力的增加,商业银行的流动性风险随之增加。

    Along with the bad loans rate and the profitability increasing , the commercial banks ' liquidity risk grows .

  29. 外资银行不良贷款余额为67.7亿元,不良贷款占全部贷款比率为1.03%。

    Foreign capital bank non-performing loan was 6.77 billion RMB , and the rate of it was 1.03 % .

  30. 本文共分四个部分:一、现状篇:主要通过对商业银行不良贷款现状的分析以阐述强化信贷风险管理的重要性和必要性。

    This paper consists four parts . The first part is the overview of the state-owned banks credit business situation .