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  1. 基于Markov过程的银行不良资产风险分析

    The Risk Analysis of Non - performing Loans of Banks by Markov Process

  2. 1999年4月,接受中国建设银行不良资产的中国信达资产管理公司的成立,表明我国最终选择了以组建资产管理公司(AssetManagementCorporation-AMC)的方式来解决国有四大银行的不良资产问题。

    In March 1999 , the Xinda asset management corporation ( AMC ) is established to take over the bad assets of China Construction Bank , which indicates a new solution to the bad assets of the big four .

  3. 在第一场关于批准美国政府购买银行不良资产计划的国会听证会上,美联储(Fed)主席本•伯南克(BenBernanke)警告,全球市场仍承受巨大压力。

    At the first Congressional hearing on the plan to authorise the administration to buy banks ' toxic assets , Ben Bernanke , Federal Reserve chairman , warned that global markets remained under extraordinary stress .

  4. AMC的任务是处置银行不良资产,其深层次意义在于推动国企改革、建立现代企业制度。

    The tasks of AMC are not only to solve the problems of state banks ' bad assets , but more to push on the reform in the state enterprises and set up more modern enterprise institutions .

  5. 国有商业银行不良资产管理和处置问题研究

    Bad Assets Management of the State-owned Commercial Banks and Its Handlings

  6. 中国建设银行不良资产问题研究

    Research on the Non - performing Asset in China Construction Bank

  7. 基于化解银行不良资产的利率手段实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of Interest Rate Tool Based on Cover Non-performing Loans

  8. 对银行不良资产问题的思考

    The thinking of the problem of the bad-assets in commercial banks

  9. 总结了国外化解银行不良资产所采取的措施以及对我国的经验借鉴。

    Concentrating the way of foreign bank 's non-performing assets disposal ;

  10. 银行不良资产清收工作新探索

    The New Exploration on the Collection of Bank 's Bad Assets

  11. 化解我国银行不良资产:一种新途径的探索

    How to Handle the Bank Bad Loans : A New Way

  12. 浅议银行不良资产证券化

    A Brief Discussion about the Securitization of Banks ' Bad Assets

  13. 国有银行不良资产的评估与控制的初步探讨&统一尺度与增量尺度的结合

    Appraisal of Bad Assets of State-owned Banks and Their Control

  14. 当前我国银行不良资产问题也相当严重。

    In present , it is severe in our country .

  15. 对我国银行不良资产问题的法律思考

    Legal Consideration in the Problem of China 's Non-Performing Assets

  16. 论我国银行不良资产的根源&信用、金融层面的分析

    Discussion on the Origin of Bad-Assets in China ′ s Banking Industry

  17. 论银行不良资产的化解与防范

    On the Solution and Precaution of Bad Assets of Banks

  18. 信托分层&我国银行不良资产证券化的现实分析

    Trust Delamination-Practical Analysis on Bond Tendency of Bank Ill Assets in China

  19. 银行不良资产的国际比较与借鉴研究

    Non - performing Assets of Commercial Banks : International Comparison and Reference

  20. 博弈论在我国商业银行不良资产处理中的应用研究

    The Application of Game Theory in China Bad Loan Management

  21. 论中资银行不良资产的证券化

    On Asset Securitization of the Bad Property of the Chinese Capital Bank

  22. 论商业银行不良资产管理模式的选择

    On Selection of Bad Assets Management Patterns of Commercial Banks

  23. 我国商业银行不良资产的现状与治理对策

    Non - Performing Loans in Our Commercial Banks and Countermeasures

  24. 对化解银行不良资产的几点思考

    Thinking on the Non - performing Loans of the Banks

  25. 银行不良资产处理的国际比较和经验

    International Comparison and Experiences of the Treatment of Banks ' Bad Assets

  26. 有效降低建设银行不良资产的对策研究

    Research on How to Effectively Mitigate the Badness Asset in Construction Bank

  27. 信息不对称是形成银行不良资产的必要条件。

    The dissymmetrical information is a necessary condition to become non-performing loans .

  28. 国有独资商业银行不良资产比例过高

    High ratio of non-performing loans of the state commercial Banks

  29. 银行不良资产与金融资产的管理

    The Management on the Non - performing Assets in Banks and Financial Assets

  30. 中国商业银行不良资产处置模式研究

    A Study on Treating Mode of Non-performing Assets of Commercial Bank in China