
  • 网络banking crisis;bank crisis;banking crises;Bank Crises
  1. 但是Strauss表示,最困难的是从银行危机中复苏,因为用于支持经济发展的可借贷资金更少。

    But Professor Strauss says a banking crisis is especially hard to recover from , because there is less money to lend to support growth .

  2. 他表示,各成员国应该根据自身实际情况,制定切实可行的政策,确保经济可持续增长。G20成员国还希望出台新的调控政策,避免导致美国银行危机的金融机构冒险行为。

    He says member countries need to put in place credible policies that encourage growth and are sustainable , in a way that is G20 members also want new regulations , to help avoid the kind of risky behavior by financial institutions that brought on the U.S. banking crisis .

  3. G20成员国还希望出台新的调控政策,避免导致美国银行危机的金融机构冒险行为。

    G20 members also want new regulations , to help avoid the kind of risky behavior by financial institutions that brought on the U.

  4. 然后利用现有数据,选取了1970s年至今的41次系统性银行危机为样本,研究金融危机给经济社会带来的成本以及为救助所产生的成本。

    Then the author uses existing data , selecting 41 systemic banking crises , from 1970 until now as a sample . It studies the effects to the economy and society of the crises , and costs of bailout during the systemic banking crises .

  5. 莱坊驻伦敦住宅研究部全球负责人利亚姆&12539;贝利(LiamBailey)说,2008年银行危机爆发时,一大股资金浪潮涌入伦敦、纽约、悉尼和温哥华等城市进行投资。

    When the banking crisis kicked off in 2008 , a ' big wave of money ' flocked to investing in cities like London , New York , Sydney , and Vancouver , said Liam Bailey , global head of residential research at Knight Frank in London .

  6. 如果没有起到应有作用,银行危机之类的事情料将发生。

    If not , something like a banking crisis could ensue .

  7. 发展中国家银行危机的共性特征与原因分析

    General Characteristics and Major Causes for Banking Crisis in Developing Countries

  8. 我国外资银行危机处理与救助机制

    Establishing the Crisis Management and Salvation Mechanism of Foreign Banks in China

  9. 脆弱与冲击:1995-1996年墨西哥银行危机

    The Mexican Banking Crisis of 1995-96 : A " Vulnerability-Shocks " Explanation

  10. 银行危机与货币危机真是共生的吗?

    Banking and Currency Crises : Are They Really Twin ;

  11. 报纸在报道俄罗斯银行危机的时候用到了这个短语。

    Newspaper reports about a banking crisis in Russia used that expression .

  12. 之前的银行危机为今天美国的阵痛带来何种启示?

    What do earlier banking crises reveal about America 's travails today ?

  13. 银行危机的蝴蝶效应、负外部性及其防治

    Butterfly Effect , Negative Externalities of Banking Crisis and Remedies

  14. 我国银行危机处理措施的法律思考

    Reflection of the Banking Crisis Management in China from a Legal Perspective

  15. 我国非系统性银行危机预警指标体系研究

    Research on Non - systematic Banking Risk Alarming Index System of Our Country

  16. 西班牙需要在银行危机失控前改变方向。

    Spain needs to change tack before its banking crisis spins out of control .

  17. 利率增加在银行危机传染中的作用及其机理

    The Role and Mechanism of the Interest Rate Rise on the Banking Crises Contagion

  18. 我们选择了银行危机作为例子。

    The third example is about bank crisis .

  19. 中国会爆发银行危机吗?

    Will Banking Crisis Burst Out in China ?

  20. 基于业务视角的美国投资银行危机形成机制研究

    A Study on Crisis Forming Mechanism of US Investment Banks Based on the Business

  21. 金融风暴中美国投资银行危机救助机制研究

    Study on the Risk Management System of American Investment Banks in the Financial Storm

  22. 论存款保险制度在银行危机救助中的作用

    A Study on the Function of the Deposit Insurance System in Banking Crisis Salvation

  23. 次贷危机传导机制及银行危机防范探析

    The Contagion Mechanism of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis and the Prevention of the Bank Crisis

  24. “黑天鹅”可以是负面的事件,像现在的银行危机。

    Now , a black swan can be a negative event like a banking crisis .

  25. 银行危机所造成的损失规模。

    Scales of losses by bank crisis .

  26. 这通常会引发信贷危机,有些情况下,还可能引发全面的银行危机。

    This often leads to a credit crunch and sometimes to a full-blown banking crisis .

  27. 集中化的监管和处置机构对于解决欧洲银行危机来说是必要的。

    A centralised supervision and resolution authority is necessary to address the European banking crisis .

  28. 如今,西班牙成了试验田,将为欧元区解决银行危机提供范例。

    Spain is now the test case for how the eurozone resolves its banking crisis .

  29. 我国商业银行危机处理法律制度研究《孙子兵法》在企业危机处理中的应用

    Research on the Legal System on the Settlement of Crisis of the Chinese Business Bank

  30. 从东亚金融危机看货币危机与银行危机的共生性

    The Twin Crises of Banking and Currency : An Example of the East Asian Financial Crises