
  • 网络HSBC Insurance
  1. 汇丰集团保险业务常务董事白乐达(clivebannister)表示,现在60多岁和70多岁的人往往比以前的人更健康,这就意味着,如果他们愿意,就能够工作更长时间。

    Clive Bannister , group managing director of insurance for HSBC , said that people in their 60s and 70s were often fitter and healthier than had been the case in the past , meaning they could work longer if they desired .

  2. 以往,汇丰向这家保险公司提供过大量帮助,协助其打好业务基础,如建立一体化的后援中心和风控机制等。

    HSBC had provided the insurer with significant help in establishing business foundations such as an integrated back office and risk-control mechanism .