
  • 网络Exchange rate adjustment;exchange-rate realignment
  1. 纽约银行梅隆公司(BankofNewYorkMellon)的西蒙•德里克(SimonDerrick)表示,有关中东地区基金经理本周大举抛售美元的传闻,只是助长了对汇率调整的预期。

    Simon Derrick at Bank of New York Mellon says rumours that Middle Eastern fund managers aggressively sold the dollar this week have only heightened speculation of currency realignment .

  2. 他呼吁20国集团(G20)进行全盘交易(grandbargain),其中盈余国家促进国内需求,辅之以汇率调整和游戏规则(这一条出人意料),以控制资本流入。

    He called for a grand bargain in the Group of 20 leading economies in which the surplus countries boosted domestic demand , together with exchange rate adjustments and , surprisingly , rules of the game to control capital inflows .

  3. 汇率调整本来是抑制通胀的另一个常用工具。

    Exchange-rate moves would offer another obvious tool to damp inflation .

  4. 国际贸易中汇率调整的影响分析

    Analysic of effect of exchange rate adjustment in international trade

  5. 审慎对待汇率调整政策。

    Sixth , adopt a cautious attitude towards exchange rate adjustment policy .

  6. 汇率调整对中国就业的影响&基于理论与经验的研究

    Exchange Rate Adjustment and its Impact on Employment in China

  7. 人民币汇率调整的历史回顾及影响分析

    Adjusting exchange rate of RMB : its past & Influence

  8. 人民币升值压力及其汇率调整

    The high pressure of RMB appreciation & the adjustment of exchange rate

  9. 汇率调整对外向型企业的影响

    The Influence on Export-Oriented Company of Exchange Rate

  10. 但是,自从汇率调整以来,很少有人青睐美元了。

    However , there has been little appreciation against the dollar since the revaluation .

  11. 人民币汇率调整对经济影响的分析&基于社会核算矩阵的分析

    Impacts of Adjustments of Rmb Exchange Rate on the Economy & Analysis Based on Sam

  12. 与此同时,汇率调整必须辅之以根本的结构变革。

    At the same time , fundamental structural change must accompany the exchange rate adjustments .

  13. 单纯从美国的视角看,贸易协定可能也比汇率调整更好。

    From a purely American perspective , a trade deal could be better than currency revaluation .

  14. 当前应增加人民币汇率调整的灵活性,扩大汇率调整幅度。

    Enhancing the flexibility of RMB exchange rate and enlarging the magnitude of exchange rate adjustment ;

  15. 升值,改变一个世界&人民币汇率调整背后

    Yuan-Revaluation is Changing a World

  16. 那时我会辩称,中国坚决阻挠必要汇率调整的行为,已经到了不可忍受的程度。

    I would then argue that China 's determination to thwart needed adjustment in exchange rates had become intolerable .

  17. 由于产品内贸易自身的特点,很难通过汇率调整削减顺差。

    Due to the characteristics of intra-product trade itself , it is hard to reduce surplus through exchange rate adjustment .

  18. 入关后着力健全汇率调整机制,最终统一汇率。

    After the return to GATT we should improve the adjustment exchange rate , and finally unify the exchange rate .

  19. 其结果是,迄今汇率调整主要是在大西洋两岸(欧美)进行,而非全球范围。

    As a result , the adjustment in exchange rates has so far been largely transatlantic , rather than global .

  20. 本文使用一个异质企业的国际贸易模型,分析局部均衡状态下汇率调整对出口产品价格的影响。

    Using a heterogeneous enterprise model of international trade , analyze the impact of exchange rate adjustment on exports prices .

  21. 这个论点却忽略了大幅度的汇率调整对金融稳定的影响。

    The problem with this argument is that it ignores the financial stability issues associated with large exchange rate changes .

  22. 实际上,经过汇率调整,日本股市今年的表现不及美国、英国和欧元区。

    Indeed , this year Japanese shares have underperformed the US , UK and eurozone when adjusted for the currency .

  23. 就竞争力而言,在不能进行汇率调整的情况下,联盟内部财政转移的目标应该是降低生产成本。

    Regarding competitiveness , in the absence of exchange rate adjustments , intra-union transfers should aim to reduce production costs .

  24. 汇率调整的决策应该在对汇率调整的宏观经济效应进行综合分析的基础上进行。

    The adjustment of ex-change rate should be made on the basis of comprehensively analyzing the macroeconomic effectiveness of the adjustment .

  25. 人民币汇率调整对我国机电产品出口作用的分析

    Analysis on the effect on the export of our mechanic and electronic products with the adjustment of the rate of RMB

  26. 上海市场星期一的交易中,人民币攀升到自去年汇率调整以来的最高点。

    Trading in Shanghai began Monday with the yuan at its highest level since last year 's revaluation of the currency .

  27. 美元全面下跌只是必要条件之一,汇率调整的重新分配也很重要。

    An overall decline is only a part of what is required . Also important is some redistribution of the adjustment .

  28. 本文通过理论和实证方法,分析人民币汇率调整对就业的实际影响。

    This paper will analyze the influence of the exchange rate of Renminbi on the employment through theoretical and empirical methods .

  29. 但无法进行汇率调整的国家则面临压力,要找出帮助本国产业的其他方法。

    But countries that were unable to realign their currencies remained under pressure to find alternative ways of helping their domestic industries .

  30. 模型显示,当工人与厂商之间的风险厌恶程度差别越大时,用以抵消纯贸易冲击所进行的汇率调整量将越小。

    With greater difference in risk aversion between workers and firms , the optimal exchange rate should vary little with terms-of-trade shocks .