
  • 网络appreciation
  1. 2009年6月前,汇率上升主要是人民币升值造成的。

    Until June 2009 appreciation was largely because of the stronger Yuan .

  2. 这样的调整意味着,核心国家的汇率上升将被抵消。

    Such adjustments imply offsetting appreciation in core countries .

  3. 昨天,英镑对美元的汇率上升了。

    Yesterday the pound strengthened against the dollar .

  4. 国际清算银行(bis)今日警告称,新兴市场经济体可能面临两难局面:要么允许其汇率上升,要么承担通胀明显加剧的风险。

    Emerging market countries could face the dilemma of either letting their exchange rates rise or running the risk of significantly higher inflation , the bank for International Settlements warns today .

  5. 通胀下滑将部分抵消名义汇率上升的影响。

    A nominal rise would be partly offset by lower inflation .

  6. 但是期货合约同时也消防了汇率上升的可能性。

    But a forward contract kills off the upside possibility .

  7. 所有经济部门都受到汇率上升的影响。

    All sectors of the economy suffered from the rise in the exchange rate .

  8. 现在也许是经济增长的前景,而不是产出的差异推动汇率上升。

    Growth prospects , rather than yield differentials , may be driving exchange rates at the moment .

  9. 由于日元兑美元的汇率上升,日本的出口受到影响。

    In Japan , exporters were hurt by a slightly rise in the yen against the dollar .

  10. 欧元兑美元汇率上升了14个基点,升至1欧元兑1.3806美元,从而导致美元指数下滑0.1%。

    The euro is up 14 pips $ 1.3806 , causing the dollar index to slip 0.1 per cent .

  11. 其短期影响是,目的国实际汇率上升,经常账户赤字大幅增长。

    The short-term effect is an appreciation of real exchange rates and soaring current account deficits in destination countries .

  12. 汇率上升引起物价上涨,直接带来购买力的恶化和消费疲软。

    Rising prices caused by increases in exchange rates directly triggered off the deterioration of purchasing power and slumping consumption .

  13. 由于出口下滑,官员们希望阻止汇率上升,以保护本国经济免受更多损害。

    As exports faltered , officials aimed to prevent exchange rates from rising to shield their economies from further pain .

  14. 这些国家不会希望本国货币兑美元汇率上升,因此也不希望美国净出口增加。

    These countries will not be eager to appreciate against the dollar , and so allow for larger US net exports .

  15. 他对中国让其低估的汇率上升所带来的好处轻描淡写,但是后来又称中国无论如何必须这样做。

    He downplays the benefits of China letting its undervalued exchange rate rise while arguing later that it must do so anyway .

  16. 过去一年来,日元兑美元汇率上升近三分之一,而日本出口下降了35%。

    Over the past year , the currency appreciated by almost a third against the dollar ; exports fell by 35 per cent .

  17. 市场对选举结果反应平淡,欧元止住了连续四个交易日的跌势,兑美元汇率上升0.2%。

    Markets reacted calmly to the election result with the euro snapping a four-day losing streak to gain 0.2 per cent against the dollar .

  18. 投票当天,日本货币日元对美元的汇率上升到15年来的新高。

    The voting took place on a day that Japan 's currency , the yen , rose to a fresh 15-year high against the dollar .

  19. 他们以前曾允许人民币逐步升值:从2005年至2008年,人民币兑美元汇率上升了21%。

    They have allowed a gradual appreciation of the renminbi before : its value against the dollar rose by 21 per cent between 2005 and 2008 .

  20. 这应会造成信贷扩张、需求过度、国内价格水平提高及实际汇率上升。

    That should generate a credit expansion , excess demand , a rise in the domestic price level and an appreciation in the real exchange rate .

  21. 许多政府高层官员优先考虑的是,他们担心汇率上升对沿海出口行业的冲击。

    At the top of the list for many senior officials is their fear of the impact of a rising exchange rate on coastal export industries .

  22. 于是欧元汇率上升,由于外国对美国政府债务持有需求的降低,美元利率将会迅速上调。

    As the fall of the foreign demand to hold the US government debts arises , the interest rate of the US dollars soon rises rapidly .

  23. 此外,如果没有官方资本流出进行抵消,私人资本的大量净流入就会导致实际汇率上升。

    Moreover , large net inflows of private capital will lead to an appreciation of the real exchange rates , unless offset by official capital outflows .

  24. 但是根据《经济学人》的计算,自2005年以来,中国与美国的实际汇率上升了近50%。

    But China 's real exchange rate with America has strengthened by almost 50 % since 2005 , according to calculations by The Economist ( see chart ) .

  25. 与此同时,中国继续允许人民币升值&在过去4年里,人民币兑美元汇率上升约20%。

    Meanwhile , China continues to allow the renminbi to appreciate – it has risen by roughly 20 per cent against the dollar in the past four years .

  26. 摩根士丹利报告的结论是,这些变化的影响将包括新兴国家实际利率上升、全球再平衡和新兴国家实际汇率上升。

    The Morgan Stanley paper concludes that the impact of these changes will include higher real interest rates , global rebalancing and higher real exchange rates in emerging countries .

  27. 他表示,欧元贸易加权汇率上升6%的经济紧缩效应,大体上相当于官方利率上调一个百分点。

    A 6 per cent trade-weighted rise in the euro had roughly the same economic tightening effect as a percentage point rise in official interest rates , he said .

  28. 而亚洲其它国家之所以也有吸引力,是因为这些国家的经济正在不断增长,利率较高,市场认为其汇率上升的可能性大于下降的可能性。

    The other Asian countries are attractive because they are growing , their interest rates are relatively high and markets see their exchange rates as more likely to rise than fall .

  29. 他说:如果汇率上升,我们可能失去20%的企业,但我们应当有能力重新为工人安排更好的公司。

    If the exchange rate goes up , we may lose 20 per cent of enterprises but we ought to be able to redistribute workers to better companies , he says .

  30. 央行购入外汇在短期内将引起汇率上升,但在长期内市场参与者理性预期的存在导致央行干预无效。

    Purchasing foreign exchange will cause the exchange rate rises in the short term , but market participants owning rational expectations in the long term and will make this action invalid .