
huì kuǎn
  • remittance;remit;remit money;transfer money to;make a remittance
汇款 [huì kuǎn]
  • (1) [remit money]∶把款汇出

  • (2) [remittance;transfer money to]∶寄汇给另外某人或某地的一笔款项

  • 收到一笔汇款

汇款[huì kuǎn]
  1. 许多移民定期给他们的家人汇款。

    Many immigrants regularly remit money to their families .

  2. 我一收到汇款,就给你回了信。

    I wrote back to you as soon as I received the remit money .

  3. 请将填好的表格连同汇款寄回。

    Please return the completed form with your remittance .

  4. 对于大额的支票和汇款单要使用挂号邮寄。

    Use recorded delivery for large cheques or money orders .

  5. 他们安排从美国汇款。

    They arranged to wire the money from the United States

  6. 请附上汇款,支票收款人为泰晤士河谷科技公司。

    Please enclose your remittance , making cheques payable to Thames Valley Technology .

  7. 要求一笔大数额的汇款。

    A remittance of a large sum is required .

  8. 所有订单均须附汇款。

    A remittance must accompany all orders .

  9. 速寄汇款不胜感激。

    A prompt remittance would be appreciated .

  10. 他每月汇款回家。

    He remits home every month .

  11. 在这些国家中,此类汇款有时会占到GDP的20%之多

    Remittances sometimes account for as much as 20 % of GDP .

  12. 汇款前请为您的付款详细运费发票等。

    Please wait for invoice detailing shipping costs before remitting your payment .

  13. 在办理汇款业务前,应准确填写汇款单。

    You should fill in the money order carefully before remitting money .

  14. 能告诉我汇款人的地址么?

    Can l have the address of the remitter ?

  15. 请发汇款人地址给我们,因为传真上看不清楚。

    Please send the remitter address to us since we can not read the fax clearly .

  16. 若你能提供你的银行账号,B可以将钱换成美元汇给你,费用从汇款额中扣除。

    If you could provide your bank account number , B could convert the money to US $ and wire transfer it to you at your expenses .

  17. 它支持各种类型的支付手段、汇款、现金交易(COD)以及信用卡。

    It supports several payment methods , remittances , Cash on Delivery ( COD ), credit cards .

  18. 为今年9月二十国集团匹兹堡峰会撰写的一篇文章保护发展:全球衰退背景下低收入国家面临的挑战(pdf格式)指出,很多脆弱国家倚重商品出口、汇款、外国援助以及紧急和安全援助。

    Many fragile states are heavily dependent on commodity exports , remittances , foreign aid and emergency and security assistance .

  19. 到那时,整个行业的营业额将占全国GDP的十分之一,产值将超过来自1千万菲律宾海外工作者的汇款。

    At that point , the industry would make up nearly a tenth of GDP and be bigger in value than the remittances from the 10m Filipinos working overseas .

  20. 对很多小国来说,汇款在2007年占GDP的很大一块,例如塔吉克斯坦占46%,摩尔多瓦38%,黎巴嫩24%。

    For many small countries they accounted for a large chunk of GDP in2007 , for example in Tajikistan ( 46 % ), Moldova ( 38 % ) and Lebanon ( 24 % ) .

  21. IMF预测,低收入国家今年的表现,将不及3月份时该机构预期的水平,因为贸易、汇款、外资以及援助都低于预期。

    The IMF expects low-income countries to perform worse in 2009 than it expected in March , as trade , remittances , foreign investment and aid have all fallen short of expectations .

  22. 联合国(UN)的一份报告发现,女性移民在决定寄回发展中国家的汇款水平方面,发挥着超出其应有比例的重要作用,但国际决策者们在很大程度上忽视了她们的贡献。

    Women migrants play a disproportionate role in determining the level of remittances sent home to developing countries , a United Nations report has found , but international policy makers have largely ignored their contribution .

  23. IMA中国核实学生付款情况,并汇总后将信息提交至总部,信息内容需包括:学生姓名、USERID、联系方式、邮箱、学校名称及汇款金额和时间;

    After confirm the payment , IMA China will send the names to HQ including the information of student name , USER ID , contact , email address , name of University , paid amount and paid date ;

  24. Ratha说,过去三个月以来,希望获得汇款数据和预测的请求“暴涨”了。

    Ratha says requests for data and projections on remittances have " skyrocketed " in the last three months .

  25. 通过在全球范围内提供近乎免费的比特币兑换渠道,ZipZap有望打造一个与西联国际汇款公司(WesternUnion)和速汇金(Moneygram)抗衡的汇兑系统。

    By providing on - and off-ramps to the global , nearly-free bitcoin network , zipzap would create a remittance system to rival those of Western Union and MoneyGram .

  26. 在若干国家,汇款已经占国内生产总值(GDP)的三分之一了,如塔吉克斯坦(45%)、摩尔多瓦(38%)、汤加(35%)、莱索托(29%)和洪都拉斯(25%)。

    Remittances already make up a large share of GDP in several countries , such as Tajikistan ( 45 % ), Moldova ( 38 % ), Tonga ( 35 % ), Lesotho ( 29 % ) and Honduras ( 25 % ) .

  27. 股票经纪公司ATRKimEngSecurities的首席经济学家卢兹•洛伦佐(LuzLorenzo)表示,其中的部分原因在于,汇款中不仅有当前的收入,还有多年来的积蓄。

    Luz Lorenzo , chief economist at ATR Kim Eng Securities , a regional stock brokerage , said that was partly because remittances consisted not just of current compensation but also savings accumulated over years .

  28. 西联汇款还有专门的零售店,而ZipZap的项目则是通过与现有的零售金融业的服务商合作来开展的。

    It also has dedicated retail outlets , while zipzap projects are operating through partnerships with existing retail financial servicers .

  29. 这些拥护者特别提到了肯尼亚的成功,在这里M-Pesa已成为一种虚拟货币,超过70%的成年人使用,每年的交易数量超过西联汇款(WesternUnion)。

    These champions point especially to successes in Kenya , where M-Pesa has become a virtual currency , used by more than seven in 10 adults , who together make more transactions each year than Western Union , the money transfer service company , sends globally .

  30. 但Ratha说,商品价格的下降和美元的升值提高了汇款的购买力,使移民工人可以减少寄回家的钱而产生同样的影响。

    But Ratha says falling commodity prices and the rising US dollar have increased the purchasing power of remittances , allowing migrant workers to send less home with similar impact .