
chǎn zi
  • shovel;shovel(s);spade(s);scoop;trowel(s);scraper
铲子 [chǎn zǐ]
  • [trowel(s);shovel(s);spade(s)] 由宽铲斗或中间略凹的铲身装上手柄组成的手用工具,用于挖掘或抛掷物料(如土、煤、谷粒)

铲子[chǎn zi]
  1. n.寺产子同:spade我们最好将这棵树移到我们的花园去,请带铲子来好吗?

    We had better move this tree to our garden . Would you please bring the shovel ? stately

  2. 感谢你的公司如果你不感谢每位CAA人员,就如同接过小金人手中的铲子自掘坟墓。

    Thanking Your Agent If you don 't thank everyone at CAA you might as well take that shovel from the hands of the golden statue and start digging your own grave .

  3. 孩子们带上自己的桶和铲子到海滩去了。

    The children took their buckets and spades to the beach .

  4. 孩子们带着桶和铲子到海滩上去了。

    The children took their pails and shovels to the beach .

  5. 他们带着桶和铲子在沙滩上玩。

    They were playing on the beach with their buckets and spades .

  6. 铲子插入了一丛长势旺盛的灌木丛。

    The spade sank into a clump of overgrown bushes .

  7. 女孩们带着铲子和小桶在沙滩上快活地玩耍。

    The girls happily played in the sand and sea with buckets and spades .

  8. 有了攉煤机,再也不用人一铲子一铲子地挖煤了。

    With coal shovel machines ; people don 't have to dig out coal shovel by shovel .

  9. 他们用铲子在积雪中铲出一条路

    They shovelled a path through the snow .

  10. scoopn.铲子;勺steakn.牛排ketchupn.番茄酱纺织品米粉两个巧克力球,放杯子里。

    dry goods rice stick Two scoops in a cup , chocolate .

  11. 牌中的黑桃&铲子是士兵的剑。

    I konw the spades are the swords of a soldier .

  12. 哦,不用了,我用铲子把它砸扁了。

    Oh , no , I smashed it with a shovel .

  13. 让我们找两把铲子挖个洞藏起来吧!

    Let us find two shovels and burrow our way in !

  14. 到我妈妈家去拿一把铲子。

    We 'll get a shovel at my mother 's house .

  15. 谁拿了铲子,马上还回来。

    The one who has taken the shovel , return it now .

  16. 干活!让我看到那些铲子!

    Let 's move ! Let 's see those shovels !

  17. 拿出你的铲子跟剪刀。

    So get out that spade and those pruning shears .

  18. 这把铲子可以代替你丢的镐头吗?

    Will this shovel do for your pick you lost ?

  19. 我想你忘记了怎样正确地用铲子了。

    I believe you have forgotten how to shovel right .

  20. 将馅料铺满一半的蛋饼、用铲子盖上另外一半。

    Sprinkle your filling on just half of the omelet .

  21. 带把铲子,万一积雪太深便可派上用场。

    Bring a shovel in case the snow is deep .

  22. 好了女士放下铲子否则我把你也炒了。

    Jason : Alright lady drop that spatula or you 're scrambled .

  23. 我父亲用一把特别的铲子挖草皮。

    My father used a special spade for digging turf .

  24. 我曾经用小铲子挖过整个白菜地。

    I got a trowel and dug our cabbage patch all up .

  25. 他不舞动铲子,实行装死。

    He did not wave his spade but played dead .

  26. 我要把铲子,她在这里挖掘。

    I need a shovel ; she 's digging here .

  27. 他们用铲子挖了许多洞,但是什么也没找到。

    They used shovels dug many deep holes , but find nothing .

  28. 放个铲子在里面,真有意思。

    That 's an interesting shovel you have in there .

  29. 我看到铲子,就叫它铲子,不用拐弯抹角。

    When I see a spade , I call it a spade .

  30. 第二天我拿著铲子,走到一棵树旁。

    The next day I take my spade and walk to a tree .