
sāng zhōng
  • knell;death knell;funeral bell
丧钟 [sāng zhōng]
  • (1) [death knell;funeral bell]

  • (2) 西方风俗,教堂为死亡的教徒举行宗教仪式时敲钟叫敲丧钟

  • (3) 指接近死亡或灭亡

  • 这一决定敲响了敌人的丧钟

丧钟[sāng zhōng]
  1. 丧钟为谁而鸣?

    For whom the funeral bell tolls ?

  2. 马克思创立的经济学说敲响了资产阶级的丧钟,他被视为整个资产阶级的敌人,可是在东方,马克思的经济学说却被视为无产阶级的圣经。

    Marxism brings a funeral bell for capitalist class . Marx was viewed as the enemy of capitalist class , however , Marxism was accepted as the Holy Bible of proletariat in the east .

  3. 那场革命敲响了俄国君主制的丧钟。

    The revolution tolled the death knell for the Russian monarchy .

  4. 税赋的增加为这个企业敲响了丧钟。

    The tax increase sounded the death knell for the business

  5. 教堂丧钟敲响,黑色的旗帜飘动。

    Church bells tolled and black flags fluttered

  6. 日前的谷物价格和牛犊价格实际上已经敲响了用大麦生产牛肉的丧钟。

    The price of cereals and the price of calves at the present moment has virtually sounded the death kneel of barley beef production .

  7. 丧钟敲响,女妖嚎哭;你知道,大限到了

    When bell knells , when banshee wails ; you know , the time is come .

  8. YouTube的全球扩张也给谷歌视频(GoogleVideo)敲响了丧钟。谷歌本身的这块视频共享服务已被更为成功的YouTube取代。

    The international expansion also sounds a death-knell for Google Video , an in-house video-sharing service supplanted by the more successful YouTube .

  9. 本周,美国人钟爱皮卡车和运动型汽车(SUV)时代的丧钟敲响。

    THIS week the death-knell sounded for America 's love affair with pick-up trucks and sport-utility vehicles ( SUVs ) .

  10. 最近,JoeMcKendrick发表了一系列有趣的文章探讨我们是否看到“大企业级(bigenterprisey)”SOA的丧钟。

    Joe McKendrick has a couple of interesting articles recently that look at whether or not we are seeing the death knell for " big enterprisey "( subjective ) SOA .

  11. 不过,如果能够为一种最糟糕的管理学谜米(meme)——领导力经验清单体(Listicle)——敲响丧钟的话,这场乔布斯传记之争也就值得了。

    But the battle of the bios will have been worth it if it sounds the death-knell for the worst of all management memes : the leadership lesson listicle .

  12. 投资银行摩根·斯坦利的施蒂芬·Jen说更高的海运成本甚至可能敲响整个东亚出口贸易模式的丧钟。

    Stephen Jen of Morgan Stanley , an investment bank , says higher shipping costs could even sound the death knell of the entire East Asian export model .

  13. G20代表了世界主要的债务国和债权国,以及最具战略影响力的国家。固定的G20框架将敲响七国集团(G7)的丧钟。

    A permanent G20 structure , representative of the major debtor and creditor countries and the most strategically powerful ones , will sound the death knell of the Group of Seven leading industrialised nations .

  14. 瑞士制药公司诺华(Novartis)上个月为印度制药行业敲响了丧钟,可能只是因为吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸。但这种担忧突显出这个正在兴起的行业所面临的某些挑战。

    The death knell sounded by Novartis over India 's pharmaceuticals industry last week could be sour grapes but the concerns highlight some of the challenges facing the burgeoning sector .

  15. 当他们听见丧钟,为可怜的知更鸟响起。

    When they heard the bell toll For poor Cock Robin .

  16. 听;我现在听到了叮咚的丧钟。

    Hark ! Now I hear them & ding-dong , bell .

  17. 为让美国强大的一切敲响丧钟。

    Toll the funeral bells for everything that made America great .

  18. 丧钟为你和你的朋友敲响的时候。

    The hour will strike for you and your friends .

  19. 他们当着我讲到你,一声声有如丧钟;

    They name thee before me , A knell to mine ear ;

  20. 我们听到汤姆的丧钟的时候都很悲伤。

    We all mourned at the death knell of Tom .

  21. 当送葬者开始摇响我葬礼的丧钟。

    And the undertaker starts to ring my funeral bell .

  22. 不要问丧钟为谁而鸣;

    Never send to know for whom the bells tolls ;

  23. 这是不列颠帝国的丧钟。

    That is the death knell of the British Empire .

  24. 起初,他以为是死亡的丧钟敲响了。

    At first he thought it was a death kneel .

  25. 超级市场的到来敲响了小商店的丧钟。

    The arrival of supermarkets sounded the death knell of small shops .

  26. 《丧钟为谁而鸣》中安塞尔莫的形象

    Anselm 's Character in For Whom the Bell Tolls

  27. 对人类来说,人工智能到底是福音还是丧钟?

    Is artificial intelligence a boon or does it spell doom for humans ?

  28. 有些人视机器为传统技能的丧钟。

    Some workers saw the machines as a death knell for traditional skills .

  29. 那会是一个事业死亡的丧钟。

    That 's the death knell of a business .

  30. 一个沉闷的声音就像正在敲响的丧钟一样传来。

    A deep sound strikes like a rising knell .