
  • Zombie;Walking Dead
  1. 包括有Michonne、总督、丧尸Penny。

    We 've been treated to Michonne ( and her pets ) , the Governor , zombie Penny .

  2. 我们将能看到超好看丧尸美剧《形式走肉》的第三季。

    ' The Walking Dead'will be back for a third season of zombie goodness .

  3. 这部《行尸走肉》改编自RobertKirkman、TonyMoore和CharlieAdlard的系列漫画作品,《行尸走肉》说的是一群幸存者在满是丧尸的世界努力活命的故事。

    Based on the comic book series from Robert Kirkman , Tony Moore and Charlie Adlard , ' The Walking Dead ' follows a group of human survivors as they try to stay alive in a zombie-filled world .

  4. 上周,美剧《行尸走肉》中的丧尸们令1050万观众心惊胆战。

    The zombies in The Walking Dead terrified 10.5 million viewers last week .

  5. 我只知一个叫>的游戏有丧尸在人类的战争??!

    I only know a game called > with zombies in human wars !

  6. 烟气氤氲并不代表丧尸的秋日;

    That smoke-air mingling is not the hanging Autumn .

  7. 你们俩简直就是魔鬼军阀,开采着无辜丧尸的灵魂。

    You two are like evil warlords mining the souls of innocent zombies .

  8. 我看起来真的像丧尸。

    I really do look like a zombie .

  9. 这些人让我们觉得丧尸危机随时可能在我们身边爆发。

    They make us feel like a zombie apocalypse could hit us any moment .

  10. 丧尸正式成为新版吸血鬼。

    Zombies are officially the new vampires .

  11. 史蒂夫看起来像一只丧尸。

    Steve looks like a zombie .

  12. 砍釖:砍釖是遇到丧尸时的首选武器。

    Machete : The machete is the premiere weapon of choice when it comes to the undead .

  13. 但《行尸走肉》最棒的一点在于,它讲述的不仅仅是丧尸。

    But the best thing about The Walking Dead is that it isn 't just about zombies .

  14. 总统死掉了,病毒没有治愈方式,而且还有一个恐怖的丧尸宝宝。

    The president is dead , there 's no cure , and there are terrifying baby zombies .

  15. 相关人员应该去哪里,丧尸被清理干净后如何恢复法治。

    Where personnel should go , how to restore the rule of law after the Zombies are taken out .

  16. 万圣节丧尸:纽约植物园展示了一只由巨形南瓜雕刻成的丧尸艺术品。

    Halloweembie : A zombie carved from giant pumpkins is displayed at the New York Botanical Gardens in New York .

  17. 就拿瑞克为例,在丧尸危机爆发之前,他曾是一个维护法律和秩序的人。

    Rick , for example , used to be a man who upheld law and order before the zombie outbreak .

  18. 专家称,美国人之所以喜欢丧尸,是因为它们代表的恰好是美国人此时此刻内心的极度恐惧。

    According to experts , Americans love zombies because they represent whatever happens to be their greatest fear at the time .

  19. 就算是丧尸,画着浓妆在镜头里追来追去还要在95度高温下工作8小时也是很痛苦的。

    Doing a chase scene in heavy makeup and wardrobe in95-degree heat for eight hours can take a toll , even on zombies .

  20. 该影片是迄今为止最经典的一部丧尸电影,它开创了此类电影的流行趋势,这种趋势一直延续到今天。

    This is the best zombie movie made so far and it gave birth to a trend that would last up to this day .

  21. 一名士兵在被带有丧尸病毒的甲虫咬了后,坚强的他幸存下来,变成半个丧尸。

    After he 's bitten by a beetle carrying a zombie virus , a tough soldier survives the infection , becoming only half zombie .

  22. 《行尸走肉》现在是有线电视台众多在播美剧中收视最高的剧集,就像我们丧尸们一样。

    That The Walking Dead is now the most watched drama in the history of basic cable is staggering , just like our zombies .

  23. 尽管绝大部分人(除了其他丧尸以外)会选择远离丧尸,莫恩多的行事风格还是吸引了很多人。

    Although most ( aside from other liches ) choose to leave liches alone . Moandor 's style of acting attracted many to him .

  24. 面对接踵而的丧尸,你唯一活命的机会就是,必须射杀他们。

    And one after another in the face of the Day , you are the only opportunity for survival is to be shot and killed them .

  25. 故事讲述了在丧尸横行的世界中,警长副手瑞克•格里姆斯带领家人和一小群幸存者到达安全地带的故事。

    The story follows deputy sheriff Rick Grimes as he tries to lead his family and a small group of survivors to safety in a zombie-ridden world .

  26. 为避免被丧尸咬伤(咬伤后急会沦为丧尸),活着的人必须躲避他们或者打爆他们的头。

    To avoid being bitten by zombies – which would turn them into zombies – the living have to either hide from them or shoot off their heads .

  27. 在第一季的第一集中,当准备对一个无腿的丧尸扣动扳机时,他说了句“对不起”。

    In the first episode of Season One , when he has to pull the trigger on a legless zombie , he says " I 'm sorry . "

  28. 这身着装让我看起来更像是骷髅骨架,但是说不定丧尸和骷髅其实都是一个东西。

    It all serves to make me look more like a skeleton than a zombie , but maybe the two are , in fact , one and the same .

  29. 作为一名科幻小说作家,他并不看好当下反乌托邦的科幻作品狂潮,而是呼吁更多积极的内容:少一些丧尸和大灾难,多一些有创意的发明与解决方案。

    A sci-fi writer himself , he sees the cynicism of the current dystopian sci-fi rut and calls for a more optimistic approach – fewer zombies and catastrophes , more creative inventions and solutions .

  30. 本届戛纳电影节上映的《丧尸未逝》由备受喜爱的美国独立导演吉姆·贾木许执导,多位明星参演。

    Even the Cannes Film Festival is getting in on the undead action , with beloved US indie director Jim Jarmusch 's star-studded feature The Dead Don 't Die . Bill Murray , Chlo ?