
jiǎo jià
  • gallows
绞架 [jiǎo jià]
  • [gallows] 执行绞刑用的架子

绞架[jiǎo jià]
  1. 被他们送上绞架的并不是一个无辜的人。

    They did not send an innocent man to the gallows .

  2. 最后一刻的缓刑令把他从绞架上解救了下来。

    He was saved from the gallows by a lastminute reprieve .

  3. 圆线同心绞架空导线相关技术指标的计算

    Calculation of the Technical Parameters of the Round Wire Concentric-Lay-Stranded Conductors

  4. 那个杀人凶手终于被送上了绞架。

    That murderer danced on a rope at last .

  5. 海盗们时刻生活在危险之中,其中有些人被抓住后送上绞架。

    They live dangerously and some get caught and die by the law .

  6. 罪犯被推上绞架吊死。

    The criminals were hanged on the gibbet .

  7. 我不会在他们的绞架上绞死的。

    I 'll never end on their gallows .

  8. 彼得说,「就像绞架上的小偷那样!

    Like the thief on the gallows .

  9. 他命中注定要上绞架。

    He was born to be hanged .

  10. 绞架在等着他呢。

    He gallows groans for him .

  11. 也许,那是地方官的遗愿西宾斯老夫人那样生性恶毒的巫婆,将要给吊死在绞架上。

    Hibbins , the bitter-tempered widow of the magistrate , was to DIE upon the gallows .

  12. 出自:卡尔·潘兰,连环杀手,在他要上绞架之前这么说。

    Said by : Carl Panzram , serial killer , shortly before he was executed by hanging .

  13. 一样可怕的是,那个头上长角的黑色怪物,独踞于岩石之上,远眺着一大群人围着绞架。

    So was the black horned thing seated aloof on a rock , surveying a distant crowd surrounding a gallows .

  14. 但为了得到解剖用的尸体,他们不得不深更半夜到绞架台或墓地偷尸。

    But in order to get bodies to dissect they had to steal them by night from gallows or graves .

  15. 巧得很,山顶上有个绞架,是很久以前竖在十字路口上的。

    It happened that at the top of a hill a gallows had been set up at a cross-roads long ago .

  16. 在城外面,一架高大的绞架已经竖起来了。它的周围站着许多兵士和成千成万的老百姓。

    Outside the town a large gibbet had been erected , round which stood the soldiers and several thousands of people .

  17. 山顶上刮起了一阵狂风,那腐朽的绞架被风刮倒落下,正好牢牢套在马脖子上。

    There was a gust of wind over the hilltop , and the old gallows fell down right on the horse 's neck .

  18. 如果恐惧的宵禁和失业的绞架使你们俯首帖耳,我警告你们:你们将噤若寒蝉。

    I warn you that you will be quiet & When the curfew of fear and the gibbet of unemployment make you obedient .

  19. 但我们不能冒险让船上再发生一次叛乱,而且将他们带回去送上绞架似乎也不是什么仁慈之举。

    But we could not risk another mutiny ; and to take them home for the gibbet would have been a cruel sort of kindness .

  20. 补路工抬头望着不,是望穿了低矮的天花板,用手指着,好像看见绞架竖立在天空。

    The mender of roads looked through rather than at the low ceiling , and pointed as if he saw the gallows somewhere in the sky .

  21. 啊!我听见的,是夜间寒风的呼啸?抑或是吊死者在绞架上的咽气?

    Ah ! Could what I hear be the yelping of the cold night wind , or the hanged man giving forth a sigh on the gallows fork .

  22. 现在我要救你,但我们必须讲条件—你也得帮高个儿约翰免上绞架。

    Now , I 'll save your life , if I can , but it must be a bargain-you must save Long John from dying under the law .

  23. 官员们无论用什么数学公式计算,也算不出绞架要造多高才能变成水,把那场大火扑灭。

    The altitude of the gallows that would turn to water and quench it , no functionary , by any stretch of mathematics , was able to calculate successfully .

  24. 第二天早晨,他从小窗的铁栏杆里望见许多人涌出城来看他上绞架。

    The second morning , he hope to see the many person to gush the city to see his last gallows in pole from the iron column of the small window .

  25. 我正处在天不怕地不怕的心境中;事实上,我就像有些犯人在绞架底下所表现得那样不顾一切了。

    I was in the condition of mind to be shocked at nothing : in fact , I was as reckless as some malefactors show themselves at the foot of the gallows .

  26. 他们过着艰苦的生活,还要冒上绞架的危险,但他们像斗鸡一样能吃能喝。一次出海归来后,他们口袋里装着的不是几百个铜钱,而是几百英镑。

    They lives rough and they risk swinging , but they eat and drink like fighting cocks , and when a cruise is done , why , it 's hundreds of pounds instead of hundreds of farthings in their pockets .

  27. 第二天早晨,他从小窗的铁栏杆里望见许多人涌出城来看他上绞架。他听到鼓声,看到兵士们开步走。

    In the morning he could see through the iron grating of the little window how the people were hastening out of the town to see him hanged ; he heard the drums beating , and saw the soldiers marching .

  28. 他毫无疑问更乐于同海盗们一起满载金银财宝逍遥法外,而他们寄托在我们这边的希望只是免去上绞架而已。

    He had still a foot in either camp , and there was no doubt he would prefer wealth and freedom with the pirates to a bare escape from hanging , which was the best he had to hope on our side .

  29. 嗨,那里面可够黑暗和闷人啦!人们对他说:“明天你就要上绞架了。”这句话听起来可真不是好玩的,而且他把打火匣也忘掉在旅馆里。

    Oh , how dark and disagreeable it was as he sat there , and the people said to him , " To-morrow you will be hanged . " It was not very pleasant news , and besides , he had left the tinder-box at the inn .