
  • 网络cutter suction dredger;CSD
  1. 500m~3/h(整体)绞吸挖泥船优化设计

    Design optimization for the 500m ~ 3 / h cutter suction dredger

  2. 4500m~3/h非自航绞吸挖泥船电力系统设计

    Power system design of 4500m ~ 3 / h non-propulsion cutter suction dredger

  3. 最后,在理论和实际研究的指导下,采用VISUALBASIC程序语言,编制了独立的绞吸挖泥船绞刀切削岩石受力计算软件,为今后进一步的研究和实际应用提供了便利。

    In the end , based on the theoretical and practical research , independent software were programmed using Visual Basic language , which would facilitate further study and practical application in future .

  4. 绞吸挖泥船加装冲水吸泥装置改造

    Renovation of Cutter Suction Dredger by Adding Mud Suction Device

  5. 绞吸挖泥船计算机辅助疏浚决策系统

    Computer-aided Dredging Monitoring and Decision-making System of Cutter Suction Dredger

  6. 绞吸挖泥船新型施工定位方式的探讨及优化

    Discussion and optimization of new-type dredging locating mode for cutter suction dredgers

  7. 绞吸挖泥船综合工况监测系统的研究

    Study on the monitoring system of integrated operating condition of cutter suction dredger

  8. 绞吸挖泥船输泥管路的摩擦阻力损失计算

    Calculation of Friction Resistance Loss for the Slurry Pipeline of Cutter Suction Dredge

  9. 绞吸挖泥船工况监测系统

    Work Condition Monitoring System for Cutter Suction Dredger

  10. 绞吸挖泥船泥泵壳内衬双金属压板的研制及工程应用

    The Preparation of Double Metallic Pressing Board and Its Application to Liner of Dredging Pump Shell

  11. 绞吸挖泥船作为高附加值船舶,此前基本上都依靠进口。

    As a high value-added ships , Cutter Suction Dredger mainly relied on imports in earlier times .

  12. 1750m~3/h绞吸挖泥船液压系统性能比较分析

    Comparison analysis on the performance of hydraulic system for the 1 750 m ~ 3 cutter suction dredge

  13. 绞吸挖泥船是利用绞刀松动泥土,使之与水混合,而后用泥泵将泥浆泵出的挖泥船。

    Cutter-suction dredger looses the soil to mix with the water by cutter , and pumps the mud by dredge pump .

  14. 绞吸挖泥船绞刀片特种耐磨堆焊技术绞吸式挖泥船疏浚作业仿真训练器的研制

    Special surfacing technique for wear resistance and its application to dredge ′ s cutter - piece Development of Cutter Suction Dredge Simulator

  15. 关于绞吸挖泥船吹填大粒径卵石挟砂土质的施工生产率及计算方法的探讨

    Investigation and Discussion of Construction Productivity of Reclamation of Large-diameter Gravel and Sand Soil by Suction Cutter Dredger and Its Calculation Method

  16. 以绞吸挖泥船为应用背景介绍了剖面显示系统的工作原理、实现方法以及系统的组成和功能。

    Introduces a profile display system used on cutter dredger , the system functions , the system structure and how the system works are discussed in detail .

  17. 相比较于传统的驱动方式,变频电力驱动技术是绞吸挖泥船一项新技术,是国内外绞吸挖泥船的发展趋势。

    Compared to conventional drive , variable frequency electric drive technology , which is the trend for domestic and international , is a new technology for Cutter Suction Dredger .

  18. 本文以一艘自航绞吸挖泥船为研究对象,研究以动态响应特性和全船结构质量为目标函数的多目标优化问题。

    Taking a self-propelled cutter suction dredger as the study object , we studied the multi-objective optimization problem of optimizing dynamic response characteristics and the whole-ship structural weight in this paper .

  19. 根据绞吸挖泥船泥泵绞刀的制造、使用和修复性能要求,提出了疏浚工程易损件再制造三原则;

    Based on the technical requirements of manufacture , application and repair of the pump shell and cutter piece of the cutterhead pipeline dredge , put forward are the re-manufacture three principles on easily damaged workpieces of dredge engineering .

  20. 结合绞吸挖泥船泥泵壳修复方法,介绍了泵壳内衬高合金耐磨铸铁镶块固定所用双金属压板的作用及其组成,叙述了双金属压板的浸润焊制造方法的特点及其工艺过程。

    Combining the repairing method and application requirements of dredging pump shell , the paper introduces constitutions and functions of the double metallic pressing board used in securing high alloy cast iron liner , and explains the brazing process and manufacturing characteristics .

  21. 绞吸/斗轮式挖泥船挖泥剖面监视器和吃水装载监视器系统

    Dredged profile monitor system and draft and loading monitor system for cutter suction and wheel dredgers