- strangle;hang;garrotte

[strangle] 用绳子缠在人的脖子上使人致死
The Strangle of Soul and the Unbosom of Desire & Analysis of the human nature and spirit of the contemporary Chinese and Japanese novels
Judging by the content of this show , she might garrotte , kick , shoot or whip any antagonist , then make a sanctimonious speech about world peace over their broken and bleeding body .
Blunt force trauma , stabbings , strangulations . Wrongful deaths .
Than the butcher who hanged an innocent man .
Billy Kincaid , the Camden Garrotter , best man I ever knew .
It was the Lu Town , this high ideological enviroment to unite strangling her .
Billy Kincaid , the Camden Garrotter , best man I ever knew.Vast contributions to charity , never disclosed .
Earlier revolutions failed in China because imperialism strangled them , and innumerable revolutionary martyrs died , bitterly lamenting the non-fulfillment of their mission .
Is it love , or a mutual strangulation society ? Martha Beck shows you five ways to get a real grip on the real thing .
In the worldwide history , many events in which political forces gagged news reports demonstrate that journalism is attached to politics , and objective reporting and professionalism journalism are limited .
Objective To reveal the clinical effects of different methods including embryonic bud aspiration , screw with steel wire and mechanical destruction for the reduction of multiple pregnancy through the transvaginal approach .
Yes , every now and again there 'd be some garrotings , but stacking up the lives saved against the garrotings , on balance I 'd say he ... For my wedding .
Even in that strangling feudalism , even in that fire of imperialism , the Chinese people are still the backbone of their own has risen up the ancient Great Wall of China .
Through analyzing the destroyed-type female characters by William Faulkner in detail in this thesis , which reveals us that how southern Puritanism , traditional values and supremacy of men combined to destroy and oppress southern women .
The basic types and ecological behavior of spatial relationship are analysed , such as the concentration and diffusion , the growth and succession , the inheritance and break or meeting emergency , the symbiosis and competition , the autoeciousness and stranglehold / invasion .
He said he would personally lead the Army in a fight against them and hang " persons taken in rebellion ... with less reluctance than ... hanged deserters and spies in Mexico . " He never wavered , but events took an unexpected turn .