
jiǎo shā
  • strangle;hang;garrotte
绞杀 [jiǎo shā]
  • [strangle] 用绳子缠在人的脖子上使人致死

绞杀[jiǎo shā]
  1. 灵魂的绞杀与欲望的宣泄&中日当代小说的人性与精神分析

    The Strangle of Soul and the Unbosom of Desire & Analysis of the human nature and spirit of the contemporary Chinese and Japanese novels

  2. 从本场演唱会的内容判断,麦当娜可能会绞杀、脚踢、射杀或者鞭打任何与她作对的人,然后假装虔诚地站在他们破碎流血的身体上发表一番关于世界和平的演说。

    Judging by the content of this show , she might garrotte , kick , shoot or whip any antagonist , then make a sanctimonious speech about world peace over their broken and bleeding body .

  3. 钝器外伤致死,刺杀,绞杀。

    Blunt force trauma , stabbings , strangulations . Wrongful deaths .

  4. 而不是绞杀无辜百姓的屠夫。

    Than the butcher who hanged an innocent man .

  5. 比利·金凯德,坎登绞杀狂,我所知最好的人。

    Billy Kincaid , the Camden Garrotter , best man I ever knew .

  6. 是鲁镇这个高度思想化的环境联合绞杀了祥林嫂。

    It was the Lu Town , this high ideological enviroment to unite strangling her .

  7. 比利·金凯德就是卡姆登绞杀者是我所知道最好的人,斥巨资支持慈善事业却从不公开

    Billy Kincaid , the Camden Garrotter , best man I ever knew.Vast contributions to charity , never disclosed .

  8. 历来中国革命的失败,都是被帝国主义绞杀的,无数革命的先烈,为此而抱终天之恨。

    Earlier revolutions failed in China because imperialism strangled them , and innumerable revolutionary martyrs died , bitterly lamenting the non-fulfillment of their mission .

  9. 是爱,还是相互绞杀?玛莎。贝克来告诉你五种真正去获得真爱的方式。

    Is it love , or a mutual strangulation society ? Martha Beck shows you five ways to get a real grip on the real thing .

  10. 在中外历史长河中,屡屡发生的政治绞杀新闻事件不断向人们警示新闻对政治的依附性以及客观报道、新闻专业主义的有条件性。

    In the worldwide history , many events in which political forces gagged news reports demonstrate that journalism is attached to politics , and objective reporting and professionalism journalism are limited .

  11. 目的研究在经阴道多胎妊娠减胎术中包括机械破坏、钢丝绞杀和抽吸胚芽三种不同的操作方法对手术治疗效果的影响。

    Objective To reveal the clinical effects of different methods including embryonic bud aspiration , screw with steel wire and mechanical destruction for the reduction of multiple pregnancy through the transvaginal approach .

  12. 偶尔会绞杀些人,但他救的比杀的人多多了,权衡起来算是……我的婚礼。

    Yes , every now and again there 'd be some garrotings , but stacking up the lives saved against the garrotings , on balance I 'd say he ... For my wedding .

  13. 即使在那封建主义的绞杀下,即使在那帝国主义的炮火中,中国人依然用自己的脊梁挺起了中华古老的长城。

    Even in that strangling feudalism , even in that fire of imperialism , the Chinese people are still the backbone of their own has risen up the ancient Great Wall of China .

  14. 本文通过对威廉·福克纳代表作中的毁灭式女性形象的分析和讨论,揭示了美国南方社会的清教主义,传统文化以及大男子主义对南方女性残酷的联合绞杀和毁灭。

    Through analyzing the destroyed-type female characters by William Faulkner in detail in this thesis , which reveals us that how southern Puritanism , traditional values and supremacy of men combined to destroy and oppress southern women .

  15. 分析了集聚与扩散、增长与演替、遗传与突变(应激)、共生与竞争、寄生(绞杀)与袭夺等城镇群体空间关系的行为方式。

    The basic types and ecological behavior of spatial relationship are analysed , such as the concentration and diffusion , the growth and succession , the inheritance and break or meeting emergency , the symbiosis and competition , the autoeciousness and stranglehold / invasion .

  16. 他说他会亲自带领军队攻打他们,还要绞杀“叛兵……以比绞杀墨西哥逃兵和间谍……更不容懈怠的精神。”对此,他从未动摇过,然而事情又发生了意想不到的变化。

    He said he would personally lead the Army in a fight against them and hang " persons taken in rebellion ... with less reluctance than ... hanged deserters and spies in Mexico . " He never wavered , but events took an unexpected turn .