
shù zuì bìng fá
  • concurrent punishment for several crimes;combined punishment for several offenses
数罪并罚 [shù zuì bìng fá]
  • [concurrent punishment for sevaral crimes] 对前犯数罪的犯人并合处罚的法律规定

数罪并罚[shù zuì bìng fá]
  1. 寿险欺诈的行为特征决定其存在数罪并罚问题;

    Its characteristics decide the combined punishment for several offenses .

  2. 该条的(c)(d)部分表述了尽管只有一次并罚但适用第三章D部分(数罪并罚,MultipleCounts)规定的情形。

    Subsections ( c ) and ( d ) address circumstances in which the provisions of Chapter Three , Part D ( Multiple Counts ) are to be applied although there may be only one count of conviction .

  3. 关于刑罚执行完毕之内涵的思考&以累犯与数罪并罚制度的适用为视角

    Thinking About Its Connotation For Criminal Penalty Of Completion Of Enforcement

  4. 数罪并罚原则适用评析

    On the Application of the Principle of Concurrent Punishment of Several Crimes

  5. 数罪并罚中的限制加重原则,具有其自身的公正性根据,并符合功利性要求,因而具有其正当性。

    The limitative aggravation principle is justified for its justice and utilitarian .

  6. 如果对牵连犯都实行数罪并罚,那么牵连犯也就没有存在的余地了。

    If Implicated Offense practices multiple crimes , there would be no Implicated Offender .

  7. 论数罪并罚的司法适用及其制度完善

    Judicial Application of Concurrent Punishment for Several Crimes and the Consummation of the System

  8. 数罪并罚的量化问题研究

    On Quantification of Concurrent Punishment for Several Crimes

  9. 在罪刑设计方面,刑法第198条第2款关于数罪并罚的规定应当删除;

    The 2nd paragraph of article 198 of the criminal law should be deleted ;

  10. 第四节数罪并罚

    Section 4 combined punishment for several crimes

  11. 一人犯数罪的现象随着犯罪的产生而出现,对犯数罪的犯罪人如何进行处罚催生了数罪并罚制度。

    The phenomenon of several crimes committed by one person appeared with booming of crime .

  12. 澳门刑法与大陆刑法数罪并罚制度比较研究

    A Comparison of Combined Punishment of Crimes by the Criminal Law of Macao and the Mainland

  13. 数罪并罚是处理刑罚竞合的重要制度。

    Concurrent punishment for several crimes is an important system to deal with Penalties of competing .

  14. 数罪并罚,他们的罪行最高可判35年监禁,并处125万美元罚金。看起来他们的千手绝技只能留到监狱中来发挥了。

    They face up to35 years in prison as well as a fine of $ 1.25 million .

  15. 论数罪并罚的前提&数罪范围的确定

    A Study on the Premise of Cumulative Punishment - how to Determine the Scope of Plural Crimes

  16. 中英文对照:“如果是涉及其他罪名的话就数罪并罚。”严义明表示。

    " If it is related to other charges on the Combined Punishment . " Yan Ming said .

  17. 数罪并罚的原则包括并科原则、吸收原则和限制加重原则。

    The principle of concurrent punishment for several crimes includes cumulative principle , absorption principle and limitative aggravation principle .

  18. 数罪并罚制度的实践难题及完善对策&来自浙江省金华地区的情况报告

    Practical Difficulty and Perfect Countermeasure of Combined Punishment for Several Crimes & A Report from Jinhua District , Zhejiang Province

  19. 数罪并罚有三个原则,并科原则、吸收原则和限制加重原则,它们在各自的适用范围内具有正当性。

    There are three principles in concurrent punishment for several crimes , including principle of absorption , cumulation and limitative aggravation .

  20. 第三种意见认为本案应数罪并罚,分别构成抢劫罪、绑架罪和盗窃罪。

    The third kind of thought that the case should be several crimes , a robbery , kidnapping respectively and theft .

  21. 数罪并罚是我国刑法适用的基本制度之一,也是当代世界各国刑事法律制度的一项十分重要的内容。

    At present the major problems in practice of combined punishment for several crimess ystem are mainly followed the5 aspects : 1 .

  22. 国家机关工作人员收受贿赂,有滥用职权的行为,同时又构成受贿罪的,应当实行数罪并罚。

    State personnel those accept bribes , have abuses of authority and constitute the crime of bribery should be punished by all the crimes .

  23. 村官职务犯罪越来越复杂,不少是罪错交叉、数罪并罚。

    So the duty-related crimes of village officials would be more and more complex which the double-crossed wrongs and crimes and the cumulative punishment .

  24. 王是重庆前任副市长和公安局长,此次受审因所犯之罪而被数罪并罚。

    Wang , Chongqing 's former vice mayor and police chief , was charged with several crimes and received a combined punishment for all offences .

  25. 数罪并罚的本体论主要包括数罪并罚的概念、特征和地位。

    The ontology of concurrent punishment for plural crimes mainly includes the concept , the characteristic and the status of concurrent punishment for plural crimes .

  26. 或者对检查人员有杀害、伤害等犯罪行为的,依照数罪并罚的规定处罚

    Or the crimes of killing and harming investigating personnel shall be punished in accordance with the stipulations concerning combined punishment for more than one crime

  27. 犯前两款罪又有其他犯罪行为的,依照数罪并罚的规定处罚。

    Whoever commits other crimes in addition to those in the preceding two paragraph is to the punished according to regulations for punishing multiple crimes .

  28. 实现牵连犯处断原则合理性的关键,并不是在数罪并罚与从一重处断之间进行取舍或者折衷,而应当是限制现行牵连犯的概念,将外延限制在只包含一罪的类型的范围之内。

    The key to make the punishment of implicated offense reasonable is to restrict the extension of implicated offense within the scope of single crime .

  29. 交通肇事逃逸行为应独立构成犯罪,并与交通肇事罪实行数罪并罚或按吸收犯处理。

    Escaping behavior after causing a traffic accident crime should be independent and the crime of causing traffic casualties practice or by absorption of commit processing .

  30. 缓刑罪犯在缓刑考验期内又犯罪的,在撤销缓刑数罪并罚后不应当再适用缓刑,而应当判处实际执行的刑罚。对单位判处罚金研究

    New offenders on probation should not be reprieved . A Study on " A Unit Which Commits a Crime shall be Punished with a Fine "