
  1. 从教师的人格魅力、古今数学榜样的力量以及数学在经济生活中的作用等三个方面论述了数学教学中的德育渗透问题。

    This paper discusses the pervading of moral education in mathematics teaching through 3 aspects : the teachers ' personality glamour , the force from the ancient and modern good models in the mathematics field and the role that mathematics plays in the economic life .

  2. 该报告还呼吁加强小学初中数学老师的后备力量。

    The report also calls for strengthening the math preparation of elementary and middle school teachers .

  3. 从某种意义上说,在统一以前的自然力量的尝试失败,因为一个标准的四维理论是“太小”干扰到一个数学框架内的一切力量。

    In some sense , previous attempts at unifying the forces of nature failed because a standard four dimensional theory is " too small " to jam all the forces into one mathematical framework .

  4. 数学思想方法是数学的力量所在,重视数学思想方法的教学有助于完善学生的认知结构、有助于学生数学素养的全面提升,有助于学生的终身学习和发展。

    The MTM is where the power of mathematics , attention to the teaching of the MTM could help to improving the cognitive structure of students , could help students to enhance the mathematical literacy , and also could it help the students life-long learning and development .

  5. 19世纪以来,数学的发展逐渐形成瓦解神性化形而上学数学真理的知识力量,一场深刻持久的数学真理观念变革拉开了序幕。

    Since 19 century , there has been accumulated knowledge that breaks up divine metaphysics gradually in mathematics development . Profound and persistent progress has taken place in the notion about mathematical truth .