
  • 网络Mathematical psychology;Mathematical Psychics
  1. 数学、心理学和政治学--这些是我所学的课程。

    Mathematics , psychology , and political science & these are my favorite subjects .

  2. 数学学习心理学的现代研究

    The Modern Research of Mathematics Learning Psychology

  3. 我喜欢数学和心理学。

    I liked math and psychology .

  4. 数学与心理学的发展

    Mathematics and The Development of Psychology

  5. 促进初中学生自学数学有效心理学原则

    Some useful psychological principles in improving self learning of mathematics by the primary middle school pupils

  6. 从理论的高度对数学学习心理学的现代研究进行了综合分析,从而集中地指明了决定数学学习心理学发展的三个要素:(1)突出数学学习的特殊性;

    This paper makes a synthesize analysis on the modern research of mathematics learning psychology in theory .

  7. 多元表征的研究逐渐成为数学教育心理学国际研讨组的主题。

    The research on multiple-representations was gradually became the theme of International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education .

  8. 数字加工机制与空间表征的研究一直是数学认知心理学研究的热点。

    The Mechanism of Digital Processing and Representation of Space is a hot-discussed cognitive psychology research in recent years .

  9. 正如新古典经济学对数学和心理学研究范式的吸收并发展壮大一样,经济学只有继续保持对范式的开放性接纳态度,才能与时俱进。

    As the neo-classical economics absorbed the paradigm of mathematics and psychology and therefore achieve improvement and growth , only continue to maintain the accepted attitude to paradigm could economics catch the main trend .

  10. 用和的理论与数学教育心理学相结合,探讨调动学生学习数学教育学课的积极性和提高他们的教学工作能力的理论与实践。

    In association of " Harmony " theory and educational psychology of mathematics , an exploration is made on arousing the initiative of students in studying pedagogy of mathematics and on promoting the level of theory and practice of their teaching ability .

  11. 视空间能力是人类智能结构中的重要组成部分。近年来,在数学学习心理学研究领域内,国内外的学者几乎从未忽视过空间因素在数学学习中的作用。

    Renowned scholars of both home and abroad have never neglected the function of visual-spatial ability , which is an important component of human intellectual structure , in mathematics study and never neglected the value of spatial factors in mathematics study and psychological research in recent years .

  12. 高职数学教学的心理学初探

    A Probe of Psychology in Higher Vocational Mathematics Teaching

  13. 上述问题不解决,就难以建构系统的数学概念认知心理学(乃至数学教育心理学)体系。

    If the situation mentioned above is not solved , it is hard to construct the system of cognition on mathematical concept ( or psychology in mathematical education ) .

  14. 人力资源管理是一门新兴的、涉及组织行为学、经济学、数学、管理心理学和运筹学等多门学科的交叉学科。

    Human resource management is a new cross subject , which involves the knowledge of organizational behaviour , economics , mathematics , psychology , operational research and so on .

  15. GRE为八大研究领域提供专业考试:生物化学、生物、化学、计算机科学、英语文学、数学、物理和心理学。

    The GRE subject tests are offered for eight different fields of study : Biochemistry , Biology , Chemistry , Computer Science , Literature in English , Mathematics , Physics , and Psychology .

  16. 随着时间的推移,模糊已经发展为与数学、逻辑学、心理学及语言学密切相关的学科。

    And as time goes on , fuzziness has developed into a subject relating to mathematics , logics , psychology and linguistics .

  17. 机器翻译是人工智能研究中的一个前沿领域,它涉及到语言学、数学、哲学、心理学、计算机科学、自动控制技术等多个学科的知识。

    As a foreland in the field of artificial intelligence study , machine translation concerns multiple subjects , such as linguistics , mathematics , philosophy , psychology , computer science , and cybernation technology .

  18. 摘要对体育管理科学的学科基础、研究领域、层次结构、面临的挑战与发展重点进行分析和展望,其学科基础是数学、经济学、心理学;学科层次为基础管理、职能管理和战略管理。

    This paper analyzes the basis , research field , structure , challenges and development emphasis of Sports Management Science in china , which is based on mathematics , economics and psychology , with basic management , functional management and strategic management as the contents .

  19. 数学焦虑是国外教育心理学领域关注了近半个世纪的研究课题,而中国数学教育心理学界对此问题的研究还比较少。

    Math anxiety is a problem that has been researched in external educational psychology circle , but that is not the case in China .

  20. 通过分析过程教学与结果教学,从数学观、数学学习心理学、数学教育改革等几个方面,论述了过程教学在数学教学中的重要性,提出数学教学应重视过程与结果的并重和统一。

    The process teaching and the result teaching are analysed . The importance of the process teaching in the mathematical teaching is proved from mathematical concept , learning psychology and the mathematical education reform . Paying attention to the fusion of process and result is pointed out .

  21. 数学概念表征是数学教育心理学的重要研究对象。

    Representations of mathematics is an important object of psychology of mathematics education .

  22. 数学概念的认知问题一直是数学教育心理学关注的课题,取得了大量有意义的研究成果。

    The cognition of mathematical concept has always been concern of mathematics education psychologists , and great achievements have been made in different fields .

  23. 结合现代心理学认知学派的观点,揭示了数学思想方法对构建数学认知结构的心理学意义,并提出了数学思想方法的基本程式和教学策略。

    In the light of the views of Modern Psychological cognitive school , the paper reveals the psychological meaning of maths method of teaching on forming maths cognitive structure as well as proposes the basic formula of maths method of teaching and teaching tactics .

  24. 对数学概念多元表征的突出强调,则是数学学习心理学在当前的发展趋势。

    Attaching great importance to mathematical concept multiple-representations is mathematics learning psychology in the current development trend .

  25. 此外,文中对数学教师提出了几点建议,希望通过教师的努力把数学创造的心理学方法真正运用到数学教育中去。

    In addition , there are some suggestions on mathematics teacher . teachers make effort to use the psychology method of creating mathematics into mathematics education .