
  • 网络data access layer;Data Access Tier;DAL;DAO
  1. 数据访问层执行从数据库(或其他数据服务)获取数据或向数据库发送数据的任务。

    DAL executes the task which receive data from a database ( or other data service ) and send data to a database .

  2. 基于WebServices的可复用数据访问层的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Technology of Reusable Data Access Layer Based on Web Services

  3. 希望使用XML文件来定义数据访问层

    Like to use XML files to define your data access layer

  4. Java™数据访问层的创建,基于最佳实践和“指向-点击”开发方法。

    Java ™ data access layers are created with best practices-based point-and-click development .

  5. 希望通过OptimDevelopmentStudio生成一个简单的数据访问层

    Want a simple data access layer code generated by Optim Development Studio

  6. 该模型主要分为五层:Web展现层、表示层、业务逻辑层、数据访问层和数据存储层。

    There are five layers : Web tier , presentation tier , business logic tier , data access layer and data base .

  7. NET开发方式的应用表示层、业务逻辑层、数据访问层和数据存储层四层结构。

    NET exploiture method : application expression layer , operation logic layer , data interview layer and data storage layer .

  8. SolutionsDesign公司发布了ORMProfiler[1],这是一款旨在帮助提高数据访问层性能的工具。

    Solutions Design has released ORM Profiler , a tool meant to help improve data access layer performance .

  9. 这种模型把Web应用程序划分为三个基本的层次:用户界面层、业务逻辑层和数据访问层。

    This model is the Web application is divided into three basic levels : user interface layer , business logic and data access layer .

  10. 数据访问层还可以作为连接其他系统的集成点,可以成为其他Web服务的客户端。

    The data access layer can also act as an integration point to link with other systems , including being a client of other Web services .

  11. 同时对与业务逻辑层密切关联的数据访问层和RFID卡访问层进行了重构。

    Also data access layer and RFID access layer associated with business logic layer are refactored .

  12. 系统在实现上采用三层结构的形式,分为数据访问层、业务逻辑层和Web层,各个层次完成明确的任务。

    This system using 3-tier structure in implementation , it divides data access layer , business logic layer and Web layer , each layer has its specific tasks .

  13. net技术,基于用户表示层、业务逻辑层、数据访问层三层结构的办公自动化系统的设计实现。

    Net technologies and based on three-layer Browse / Server / Database which contains user express layer , business logic layer and data access layer .

  14. 研究并设计数据访问层,封装API调用,透明为应用层服务。

    Design and implement the data access layer transparent to the application layer by encapsulating details of persistence storage .

  15. 我们在整个应用程序体系结构中利用了SpringFramework,并在数据访问层使用了JavaPersistenceAPI。

    We leverage the Spring Framework throughout the application architecture , and use the Java Persistence API in the data access layer .

  16. Spring框架用于将数据访问层、业务逻辑层和表示层中的各组件结合在一起。

    Spring framework is used to tie together the components in the Data Access Layer , the Business Logic Layer , and the Presentation Layer .

  17. 数据访问层是一系列作为无状态会话bean实现的粗粒度DataAccessObjects(DAO)(参见参考资料)。

    The data access tier is a set of coarse-grained Data Access Objects ( DAOs )( see Resources ) implemented as stateless session beans .

  18. 通过成功地开发这一系统,构建了三层webapplication,并对业务层细分为数据访问层和业务逻辑层,以类的形式进行封装;

    By develop this system successfully , I set up three-tier Web Application , and subdivide the business layer into data access layer and the business logic layers and seal them by classes ;

  19. 数据访问层被设计为一系列粗粒度的DAO。

    The data access tier is designed as a set of coarse-grained DAOs .

  20. 数据访问层主要应用DAO模式,处理持久化问题。

    And data access layer , with typical DAO pattern , manipulates persistence store .

  21. NET的数据访问层设计进行探讨,提出一种多层次的、灵活可靠的设计方案,并结合实际应用介绍方案的实现及应用方式。

    NET-based Data Access Layer design , a multi-tier , flexible and stable scheme is devised , and its implementation and application is introduced in a practical project .

  22. 许多用户都用自己的数据访问层,使用自己的API编写业务逻辑。

    Many users have their own data access layer , with their own APIs , to which the business logic is coded .

  23. 定制开发另外一个很具挑战性的领域是写数据访问层的代码,RationalRapidDeveloper能够也构建所有的幕后的代码。

    Another challenging area of custom development is writing a data access layer , and Rational Rapid Developer creates all of that behind the scenes as well .

  24. 最终设计了一个基于B/S模式的,包括表现层、业务逻辑层和数据访问层清晰的三层结构的WEB应用系统。

    We eventually developed a web applications based on B / S model which has a clear three-tier structure ( including the presentation layer , logic layer and data access layer ) .

  25. 应用定制:在UI、业务逻辑和数据访问层,针对租户的元数据驱动的应用扩展。

    Application customization : metadata driven application for tenant extensions at the UI , business logic and data access layers .

  26. 基于Hibernate的GDSS数据访问层的研究

    Research on GDSS Data Access Layer Based on Hibernate

  27. 通过此方法,可在运行于Broker和其他标准Java环境(如WebSphereApplicationServer)中的应用程序间共享公共数据访问层代码。

    This approach enables common data access layer code to be shared between applications running in the Broker and other standard Java environments , such as WebSphere Application Server .

  28. 典型的J2EE应用程序具有多层结构,包括数据访问层、表示层和业务服务层。

    An typical J2EE application has multi-tiers architecture , namely data access layer , presentation layer , and our focus , business services layer .

  29. 这个类是服务注册中心Repository类的一个具体实现,它为数据访问层提供了基础的接口。

    This is a specific implementation of the Repository class for Service Registry , which provides the primary interface to the data access layer .

  30. 几乎在所有的J2EE项目开发中,数据访问层的设计都是决定项目成败的关键。

    In the development of J2EE projects , the design of data access layer is the key of whether the project can be successfully worked out .