
  • 网络logic layer;business Logic Layer;Logical Level;BLL
  1. Web层与后台逻辑层耦合过紧;

    Too tight coupling of web layer and logic layer .

  2. 基于XML的Web逻辑层跟踪数据库的应用

    Application of Web Logic Layer Tracking Database Based on XML

  3. 业务逻辑层推入DataServices组件而不是驻留在BusinessServices层的组件中

    Business logic being pushed into the Data Services components instead of residing within components within the Business Services layer

  4. 该设计模式分为三层,即应用系统的业务逻辑层(Model层)、控制逻辑层(Control层)和显示逻辑层(View层)。

    This mode can be divided into three layers : the Model layer , the Control layer and the View layer of application system .

  5. 该解决方案明确使用三个主要的逻辑层:伙伴(Partner)、公共流程规则(PublicProcessRule)和后端应用程序(BackendApplication)。

    The solution specifically exploits three major logical tiers : Partner , Public Process Rules , and Backend Applications .

  6. 整个体系结构采用C/S结构,分客户应用层、中间逻辑层、后台数据库三层。

    The structure of system adoptclient / service , divided into three layers : client application middle logic back database .

  7. 该模型主要分为五层:Web展现层、表示层、业务逻辑层、数据访问层和数据存储层。

    There are five layers : Web tier , presentation tier , business logic tier , data access layer and data base .

  8. 详细内容如下:首先,搭建异构数据源集成体系架构。本文基于WEBService通信协议,提出的数据集成体系架构由表示层、业务逻辑层和数据源层三层组成,对数据集成流程进行总体设计。

    Details are as follows : Firstly , the paper builds integrated architecture for heterogeneous data sources based on communication protocols of Web Service .

  9. 在逻辑层中,可以将实际的服务实现作为ServiceComponentArchitecture(SCA)组件调用。

    The actual service implementations are invoked as Service Component Architecture ( SCA ) components in the logic layer .

  10. 在应用逻辑层中各功能模块的设计、组织逻辑和对WebServices的调用方法;

    In the Application Logical Layer , how to establish and organize each function module and the method of calling the Web Services ;

  11. NET开发方式的应用表示层、业务逻辑层、数据访问层和数据存储层四层结构。

    NET exploiture method : application expression layer , operation logic layer , data interview layer and data storage layer .

  12. 系统共分为数据层、业务逻辑层、表示逻辑层和Web客户端四个层次。

    The system 's architecture adopts N-Tiers architecture of J2EE and has four tiers : data , business logic , presentation logic and Web client .

  13. 早期的Web应用框架通常为三层结构,即表示层,业务逻辑层和数据层。

    The structure of traditional application web framework was divided into three tiers , they are presentation tier , business logic tier and infrastructure tier .

  14. 行为逻辑层上的SOC低功耗设计

    Energy Efficient SOC Design Techniques at Behavioral and Logical Level

  15. 讨论了MVC的设计模式的优点和在Struts架构的中WEB层在系统中的实现,EJB业务逻辑层的设计和实现;

    The design pattern of MVC ; the application of Struts architecture in web layer ;

  16. 使用Spring管理业务逻辑层,实现与Hibernate、Struts框架的整合。

    Using Spring Management of business logic and Integration of Hibernate , Struts framework .

  17. 举例来说,层次n可能被实例化为表现层、业务逻辑层和持久层之类的面向服务的企业应用12。

    For instance , layer n might be instantiated into the presentation , business-logic , and persistence layers of a service-oriented enterprise application .

  18. 同时对与业务逻辑层密切关联的数据访问层和RFID卡访问层进行了重构。

    Also data access layer and RFID access layer associated with business logic layer are refactored .

  19. 系统在实现上采用三层结构的形式,分为数据访问层、业务逻辑层和Web层,各个层次完成明确的任务。

    This system using 3-tier structure in implementation , it divides data access layer , business logic layer and Web layer , each layer has its specific tasks .

  20. net技术,基于用户表示层、业务逻辑层、数据访问层三层结构的办公自动化系统的设计实现。

    Net technologies and based on three-layer Browse / Server / Database which contains user express layer , business logic layer and data access layer .

  21. 用Struts框架实现业务逻辑层。

    Struts framework to achieve the business logic layer .

  22. NANDFlash坏块管理算法及逻辑层驱动设计

    Algorithm for NAND Flash Bad Block Management and Design for Logical Layer Driver

  23. 通过成功地开发这一系统,构建了三层webapplication,并对业务层细分为数据访问层和业务逻辑层,以类的形式进行封装;

    By develop this system successfully , I set up three-tier Web Application , and subdivide the business layer into data access layer and the business logic layers and seal them by classes ;

  24. 因此,应该避免在业务逻辑层使用对servletAPI或StrutsAPI调用的任何引用。

    Therefore , avoid any reference to servlet API or Struts API calls in the business layer .

  25. 业务逻辑层包括EJB(EnterpriseJavaBeans),EJB运行在服务器上,以便管理业务逻辑。

    The Business Logic layer contains EJBs ( Enterprise Java Beans ) . These execute on the server to manage business logic .

  26. 本系统采用J2EE分层架构,包括表现层、业务逻辑层、和数据模型层。

    The system uses J2EE layered architecture , including the presentation layer , business logic layer , and data model layer .

  27. 该方案在原有两层B/S模式的基础上,增加了业务逻辑层,这样就使得应用程序与服务数据之间能够紧密的联系起来。

    This program based on the original two-tier B / S model , Business Logic Tier is increased , so that makes applications and data services can be linked closely .

  28. 最终设计了一个基于B/S模式的,包括表现层、业务逻辑层和数据访问层清晰的三层结构的WEB应用系统。

    We eventually developed a web applications based on B / S model which has a clear three-tier structure ( including the presentation layer , logic layer and data access layer ) .

  29. 在这个逻辑层上,我们添加了几个来自转换概要文件的UML到JPA模板

    At this logical level , we have added a couple of UML-to-JPA stereotypes from the transformation profile

  30. 这些示例展示了使用XML实现的用户界面层的自适应表示,这类自适应调整也可以是应用程序逻辑层的一部分。

    These examples demonstrate adaptive presentation using XML at the user interface level , and such adaptations can also be part of the logical tier of the application .